Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1208

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INDEX. olix Publie_UtQlitie• Commiziona D. 0.—·Co;rtd.b- Pla- Prilgieru-ions, Garvermnmz, of be Plas reparrsnrmproyernerr , an cbangeso u ‘ dregiug mailing to , lic lrc utrl1t;1utobemadeonord¥r,r·oi W5 dist:ributiont;»ll:»edoneatG}r"vlbern— commission.; ... , ,. tPrin 0Hi‘ ... 414 www of €0¤\m!¤\0¤_ vcpled in Comms- oquilgrgrgnt, etchrlrior, tombe transferred. . 414 sinners of the Drstnct .. 995 employment of persons in departments additional and superadded wers ... 995 for to como ,,,__________________ __ 414 • W. Q

 on prueut Gommmrorrers and salaries to lapse .. 415

_ then successors., . Z 995 exceptions, department orders, etc .. 415 ospruzatron of communi, tenure, quo- documentsfor·Senators, Members, etc. 415 _ rum, etc . SE ... g documants and folding roomsoltlre l¤v¤¤¤s¤¤<>¤¤. mlui ·-···...-... t ouses ... 415 no commissioner to interested in any Publieatigrg, Periodical, ogcublx utility .. :.. 996 additional, admitted as second class mail e become vacan on becoming matter .,...,.,,,,, , _,,.,,_, 5m so interested . . . 996 sworn statements of names ot editors, puboath required of all officas and em· lishers, stockholders, etc., ot, to be ppg} , .. Q gleed semrannually with Posuuaster 553 approprra or expenses ... neral . . . . . ; . dep¤srtotallmoney•recer°vedtro tin circulation fdail ewspe . 554 etc.,halftocreditofDistric;'}...f?: 996 l’0£®liI;)D8!t£}l6 Ex? . 554 all duties, etc., can of the de of mail privileges for noncom- 554 t con ° . 996 ... municipality continued in full force 996 paid matter, etc., to bemarked as lawful ordinances, municipal regulations, advertnegnents KM etc. continued ... 996 penalty for violations ... au lawful —· ofcomrnhirmsuperiorto P‘ubtc€lyinAn¢¤h·u¢Clr•sa, municipal reguhtims, etc. . ... 996 depositions to be taken in public . 791 boards_o(d1rectorao¢public utilities Publi-i¢y¢oConb·ibrd€on•forEl•e¢ion•aj I-¤¤1*¢d -·---·-·..-·...-...-... 996 Senator! or Representatives, - all charters, etc., now in force continued former Act amended . . ;... 25 excegt as modrhed or changed statement to be tiled with Clerk of the _ here y . . .. 996 House of Representatives; before mcpnsrsterrt provisions of, repealed ,,,,, , 996 election. ..,,,, , ,.,. . . 25 pending actions, etc., not affected 996 after election; details .. 26 right to alter, etc., reserved ... 996 private personal expenses excepted 26 Pub rc Utglma, D._C'; (see alao Public Utili- "candidate;" meaning of term ... Z. . 26 ,m.{"‘” °?§'&Z’..’5‘f“* D" °"’ or '°’ ’.Zt",'2?,Z°¤i‘£'§; '“{.$°'2§ *35.13*} number o¥_member·s·oi-board`oi-dirgtlrrs election, etc I ... Z . ... 26 _ restricted . 996 for Senator, statement required ol_ emholding stock, etc., of other public utility penses by, prrorto primary electrons, corporation without expres author- etc .. _ . 27 _ ity from Oongres unlawful .. :. . 1006 statement required ol, after primary selling its stock, etc., to other corporation · electrogf convention, etc., .: 21 {mnt (bngremronal authority uu- 1008 smtegzngdgwgnggaggzlgmztment, 28 meme{Q""&ZZZ.'.`.ZZZZIZIIZZZZZIZC me mné, ¢¢.,1» ’:»u.r¤e¤. .. -11ZZZ 28 jurisdictions! court toddi;£v`e cor. Err Zeng; g>‘r}r§d?:r; to contribute to 28 poration or ct ec ron rs a ure ... to ofcharter E 1006 maycontribut(:ag;»ro£o§colbcommittees 28 requrrecorporation dispose restnctaononcon u us · Repre- _ holdin! ... . .. ltl)6 · sentatives; Ssnston .. ¥ I. ... 28 quantity of interest to bedrown ... 1006 details in statunents by .. , .. 26 meanuig ot ‘forergn" and “local" as med mm contnbutrons tsotelectron of legrslmrre by 29 erexn..,. .. persom a ... .. independ of hsectiond lr statsmt uired,il bsequentla e.§§‘.?%.c£'3°.¤ rm _ ,.;3u.”r2°.sre,..¤‘£;¤.e. L. it nottobeaflecteolbydecirrrnastoarry verr.ticat.ronofltat»¤n•¤ts£ledbycarrdiothers 1006 dates. Un ·-..·· 29 Public lhlfnre, elect OQ State laws . . _ . 29 mqumsswnemmsmmeseetoruam- vmtuemctsqswmenumedbyundr-

 arrdxgrwuol 416   .. :.._...é;- 30

commum .. P¤¤¤¢ I • Public Works, ty required, snhcient . 90 eight hours a day_restricti>¤ for laborem Pueblo Info-gra, E Herz, _ andmechanmson . : 726 appropnatroulrrrvvaecgalattorney . .528 Publwatrom Dmsum, Department of Agro gatmqton Wawug, ngllqrc, _ appmpahou for improvement of; cable "’£'§’§§?£.’»“¤p°»-“' ""'“’ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ %· 323 agar .4*‘2°!‘a§‘°.¤...r ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ as awt ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘“ iorrent . ZZ`.`.`IIZZZZZZZZZZZ2e1fsso rmrwsyco ... vs