Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/1254

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INDEX. my Wrgerrgags, Inland-Qontinue& be 0 of Pls Weights Gflutgeclglfillilftl, Inlernational (bm- Pur- 7 m 0 7 hom Luke Er-is to Lekeliichigsn . . . 228 spprlppristion for expenses of munber. .. 410, 787 gnke Srgle;-r:;5nPM1g¤r§»g'1 ... 2% Werg , jleasurea gfnd Markets, D. C., Supercontinustionof nsesofooinmissigon; a. tion for imistsnts etc. 143 Lockport, Ill., to mouth of the Illi— Weggrnlgargonal Fo;·es¢,_Idaho,, ’ 941 _ nom . 1  : 828 apixrognntion for mgnntensnce, etc., of.. 286, 842 umimnr system of clssrhcstron for freight We on prmgs_L¢mdmg, Mo., _ _ on, to be •d0pted ... 223 bridge authorized across Rivera. 15, 1015 W collsunzpi ton mileage 223 time exttended for bridging Mrsouri River ¢\¢k¢9•m· -. · 8 .-.·-. .. 101 spgréopriation for improvement of harbor. 217, 817 Welles, Capt. Brion! Ii, 4 W aubvléc building . 426 deficiency appropriation for credit in no. a , rs., coun 920 sp ropristion for public building .. 426 Wenoho National Forest Wash. and Orsg. Wnxrhm Band of Chinook Indians, Oreg., appropriation for mniirtemnce, etc., oft- 286, 842 sppropristion forpsgentto ... 535 Wenatchee National Forest, Wash., scceptggco to in (ull for all de- 535 wappmprisgrioainh for maintenance, etc., of., 286, 842 msn matdneey ., nodpeymgsnlt it no living member or 535 condemggl capngrggzngted to ... 511 escen t .. ‘, . constru n 0 uildug’ suthor-ined ulloyspce {gr gttorneys . . . g W st. . .13. . . ... 873 recerp to given .. essaveskeing ver, e., Waynespom, qa., _ _ preliminary examination ol, to be msde acquiring site for public building st, su- at South Thomaston ... 223 W thongied .,... . . 877 West Galvestgn lioy §'harmel, 2 aynesboro ¢. appro rm ron or mr vemen .. 14, 813 construction ol public building authorized West Bay, Tg? W at; sgdiurm tosite 873 sppmpdstrggilfor improvemlent of wateraynesburg, a., way rams iver ndges' . .. 214 acquiring site and erecting public building West Indks, _ ' W a1rg.h3rized .. . . . 876 appropriation for Weather Service exuynesrr . ., nscs m. .. .- ... . .. 271, 829 construction of public building authorized West Pong; Gfa., W h gt . . .. 872 acquiring sraand public building A er ureau, nt, au onz . 873 gl m riation for salaries . ‘70, 829 West Point, Miss., gr gre], lights, repoirs, ctc  » . 829 appropriation for public building .. . . 426 forcontingcntexpcnscs in Washing! . 829 West Point, N. K (scc Military Academy). for general expenses .. . . . . ., 829 West Point, Vq., _ _ _ cooperationw11.hotherb\rro¤rrs,et<·. . 271. 829 ucqumnrg site for public building at, for salaries of station oflioisls, etc ,. 271, 829 authorized . . . 879 forsupplicsand materials. .. . . 271, 830 Heel River, (form., _ forinstruments, n pnmtus, etc . 271,830 appropriation for unprovement. of, New for rent, repair opbuildiugs etc., outside lluyen 202 of Was ington ... 27I,830 West Wrgmm, _ for traveling expenses ... . . 271, 830 apportionment of Representatives. . 1 . 14 for telephoning, telegrsphing,etc .. 271, 830 bridges authorised errors Tn}? Fork, Big grmaintenonceofbureaulines ... 27]. w %and y Rrwér, between entucky or 85 r-investigations, rua, tc ,,,,, 271, " inimrn .. . . . . 1 forprinting o .. 272.830 West Virgigla Northern Jwiicrkrl Dislrkt, for t;•·&k<;lbser;)·ntories outside of District 830 courrticglmknggntuing . Ilm ll .. -.. .; S, ·iL\' ll . . .. ... transfer of field unployees to Depart.- Martinsburg. .. . . 76 ment service; travel allowances, .. . 830 Parkersburg .. . 76 for printing and binding ... 482 Phiggpi .. 76 dehciency gpproprintion for gcucrnl ex- Wh ing; rooms ... _ .: ... _ .. 76 W f(;•;In•?, ,_,, , .,,,,,.,..,,,_,. ,. ,- 822,625 Wat Soutgem Judicial District, 76 earlier , ., coun res co_ ng . ... . .. . sppropriatiogicr public buildings 426 teririsligrlgxson; rooms . .. W bber, F. N., “ ° -···-····—-··----—-·--·--—--— fleticiency appropriation for servicuv .. 015 ··~-···· · ··--···~·~·····~·-- W¢¤'¢Mv¢'· W W- W ° "*F'°’”’*"‘”° in r$’:£:$r“§l.`.Zf.`.ZZZZZZZfZZ[§ZZZQZZZZZI we . C°'"g"°“* . . f wid Wesldrester Creek, Ai Y', d°5m°m'Y *Pl”°Pn"t’°”· °' my °° °'*` 931 appropriation: for improvement of ... . $04 W d ·~······ ·· ········•••· · ······‘···· examination of, to be made . 224, 822 y ter , . -, duty on --··--- $1 --·· · ·-----·- g Wgpprgrilrinticn for prrgiccvbrrildirrg . . - . 426 recrproon HEY IH ¤f|¤dS - . ..---·--·· esl venue N W., . ., Weight; and Heasvzes, Inter-nahbnal Bureau. land for extending end 724 ‘ _ ening . nppmyzlsrion for mums! contribution. 79. 691 approprmuou for expenses . 724