Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/195

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172 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 182. 1912.

  • L·g_i¤¤ ** PY Hereafter patients may be admitted to Freedmen’s Hospital for

°° care and treatment on the painent of such reasonable charges there- ”•°°"°°°*P°* for aswt(l1e ary¢pf them terior shall prgscribe. ¢.llFmoney so ll ' to to the 't s lgioosecitalfto be undaer the girly ` n of th: Secretaryeuof the lnterior‘f(¢;;·csli1bsi(.§tence, fuel audi hgh t, cltoathing, beddiplg, forage, medm 'ne, surgaeals 'es, s instrumen aus, - furniture, liind othfali abso telyuiigcuarlyrgieigema incideritmtg the management of the hospital. A report as to e expenditure thereof N to be made annually to Congress._ _ _ p ,,,°‘}$,‘{,‘,'{‘,,{_ ”""' Fg: thedcare treatxienpucif patiggts, under tf flontract to ° os i or omen an Yi11‘§·i gsilummlbf this Boaiid ofugxarities, iiot to exceed twenty thousand 0Fb:srepairs to Columbia Hospital, dollars. kfgsre-covenng awnings on mam budding, two hundred and fifty s¤in1ii°‘¤;?°°’h "' For the preparation of plans, estimates, and speciications for a modern fireproof hospital or buildings for the treatment of diseases peculiar towomen and a ym§in asy um, inaccordancewith the provisions of the Act approved une tenth, eighteen hundred '°’· "’·’·"°· and seventy-two (Seventem _ Statutes, page three_ hundred and ‘.-'.§§Z;.$.‘i.."° °'°°'2"¤i..‘§l‘.¤£.L° TE b5l3““"ig t°H¤¤p¤th°gii1t°dwS°°t°°"t$ presen o e um Il or omen an Lymg` -inAsyl ,iiv th usandd Ilan; °““""'¤“*‘“"· tolizr the ent oféiidigepf Ipat§§:ts, underfa contract madewn e dren’s os t y Boardo Charities, t to exceed fourwe th usand dolgxs. ¤g,°f'•°¤"'“° K"' u°For the care and trgatgent of indigent patients, under a_contract to be made with the National Homeopathic Hospital Association by the Board of Charities, not to exceed eight thousand dollars. _{"°°’¤°°¥ ”‘*"" For emergency care and treatment o , and free dispensary service Qi? “é.‘”g€53l ‘i$‘£°"‘° "“d"’3 ‘Is°”“°°“ °' ?°°"‘&¤“‘¤I" E “`§.‘}2.T"i e n pensary an mergen ospi e Charities, fifteen thousand dollars. cy y 0 s..l°i’.i"4.`}'}Y’°°°°°‘°°' Toward the construction of a new building for the Central Diapensary and Emergpncy Hoe ital, to be erected on the site recently _ purchased by said ospital, éty thousand dollars. _ _ °"“°'"' "’°°'"’ Flor emergency care and treatment of, and free dnspensary service to, indigent atients under a contract or agieement to be made mth aha Eastern by the Board of arities, eleven thousand o ars. ¤¤gl”°° M I°°°"' wlgzrlzhil tryeéatment of igdigexpt pitgmmbpndgl sho0§;);·:$ em eashmgton omeorcuraes te _ of Charities, Eve thousand d llars. ’ .•$°§l'°.,S°Jf' Um"` For care and treatment of (indigent patients under a cont;-not to be made th%hGeorge1tc:i% Umversity Hospital by the Board of Chan , our thousand dollars. ‘ u¤?$Zi'Za°¤WdZ-h;ii°¤’ii?° For care and treatment of indigent atients under a contract to be made with the George WashingtonpUniversity Hospital by the N Bw Borgig of Charitiesli four thougand ollaiés. _ . _ ancUmsrs_ osrrran: perinte t, thousand hth - igisru dred dollaxs;_res1dent Iph °ci:n, fouruhiilindsetdo and eightglgdollaxins; one_ phamiacnst agd c erémoing superiintlendent of nugseis, and one engmeer,a seven un an wen dollars ; t , br hundred dollars; one matron, one chief 00Qk,£:)81fo adiiistsnigdsniiéiiieeil one laundryman, and seven graduate nurses, at six hundred ollars each; assistant cook, three hundred and sixty dollars; two assistant cooks, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; assistant engineer four hundred and eighty dollars; elevator conductor, three hundred