Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/227

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204 SI.XTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1912.

  • '•°*¤•·* ¤'*• Im vmg' Hackensack River New Jerse , in accordance with

IU` the rldgvrt submitted in House Document Six hundred Eng forty-three, Sixty-first Cougres, second session, Efty thousand o ars. · Ian or r._ Im v1ng' Mantua(}r·eek,NewJrse:Contin' im vement "" an cc and filrliomaintenanqe, three thousandadollais. _ Pm Katana sin r. twlmgrotiigig Maugzclgulisiver, New Jersey: Contmmng improvement, . en usan . ”¤*¤*= ly •¤¤ Im ving Newark Ba and Pasaic River New Jersey, in accord- 1,-`° mr it J` ance the report subrliitted in House Dochment Numbered Seven giidredd aliggusleven, ·S1xty-sec0nd Congress, second semen, five usan . , Pane Im PassaicR'er,NewJersey:Formaintenance fimmm I I £ ;euath!: Moirtclair and Greenwood Lake Railroad gridge, usan 0 . · Nllfccoon cue:. vixppgoving Raccoox; (lisa}; New .§rsey: Continuing improvement ‘ ‘ maintenance, our usaud ollars. _ s·1e¤mm,s..v. Salem River, New Jersey: For maintenance, five thousan o . - ¤s;¤».s¤»y mm. River, New Jersey: For maintenance, ten · · usan 0 . i rqssmm, s. 1. Im ving Toms River, New Jersey: For maintenance, one thousand ldloollars - ¤¥;¤¤¤¤¤¤:¤ <>¤·¤¢. Creek, Naw Jersey: For maintenance, dx ‘ t 0 . _ ¤•¤• River- Im VID;. Dela are R'ver at Trenton, New Jerse , in accordanee` T"°:"n""l’ withptlige retport szbmittzd in House Document Ilumbered Eight ’ hundred an lih.ll't(g·Dl118, Sixty·ii.rst Congess, second session, and subject to the con `tions recommended by the Chief of Engineers on two of said document, tif? thousand dollars. _“{¤¤·¤¤¤v¤•¤*¤• paidiproving Delaware River, ennsiylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware: Co improvement and or maintenance from Allegheny gvenue, phia, to the sea, one million three hundred thousand ¤=*v¤¤ ¤·**¤· Wl- olmproving Leipsic River, Delaware, in accordance with the report submigted iriiklgtoiése Document Nlumbered Fig hundred aciinddsgvipiy- f , ixt - 0 , secon `o . · n otluzppropxiation hldgeratdlore madeicldi Ilhe imjprldxirilxipvgnt if Iixeipsl: River, or so much thereof as may be required, piay be expended for "{g,*•¤,u_ wut, making cut-offs numbered one and five: Provided, That the land ew. uired for making said cut—oii's, or easements therein, shall be furgsqhed free of cost to the United States, and the United States shall ge releasei fiilom all claims for damages arising from the proposed iversi n 0 the stream. upumm, oe. gmpiegling I}fipsicDIgi:ver, Degwarleé gccolrdancxd with report su t m ouse ument d d f rt — sevx Sixty-second Congress, seconldmsesgon, dlid gnon thdgonditidrn specified report, nineteen thousand six huudlied dollars. una nmmel. Improving Little River, Delaware, in accordance with the report submitted m House Document Numbered Six hundred and twenty- six, Sixty-second Cougrem, second session, and upon the condition specified sand report, fourteen thousand dollars. wummem. na. Improving harbor at Wilmington, Delaware, in accordance with the §pert_eubx§itted m Hsu;) Document Ntpmbered three hundred and ty-nme, -seoon Ilg1'B8S, , t h d d d fifty thousaddtdollars, of which andilglsuso zizizllillis rl1va?y`blhnnddess:1i·y °"‘¢**¢P**°‘· may be used for purchase or construction of a dredging plant to be used m connection with the work of im rovin and maintaining the_harb0r at Delaware, andp at 051er places in the eK"""" engineerzdmjtrgct, with quartersat Wilmington: Provided, That l if.rnthe0p1mon0ftheSecretaryofYVar,dredges0fas11itablechar-