Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/615

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592 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Srss. II. Ch. 391. 1912. aamsgrades and datesasthatnowheldby_th¤n,and,fortl1e puigse ofiillingvacancies tbeimahallcrunshtanteornehst, onwhrch e ¤1¤¤svw¤·¤¤¤¤· shall bearrsng;e:i‘ torank._ Solornguaniyeoificexirehald remainonsaid anivaeancyoccnnmrgtheremshall £l.lB(l,1fPOB· aib1e,fromam¢mg omcermbyaelactxosufihevacarrcyoecnnsma gradeabovethatofcolonel,and,1fthevacancyoe¤usmagi·adenot above thatofeolonel,hythepsomctwgxofanoi’1ie¢u··rvhowouldlrave bementitledtoprwanohmnto vacancy1f {,'_"§•:._,,,,,_tionofdepar1¤1xmtaherebyp hadneves·oc¤1rred.Pv·ov•ded, ¤¤u.¤¤. '1‘hstonaudafterthsiirstdayofJan¤aryéimnetsesrhnineiredandsevnteen, anyvacancam occurrmgamcggo · 0¤rpswittlrbr;ankahobv§e$atpfwl may,mthe have Mm., h ”~s¤·ved l%mdetai1insaidccrpsfornot fo¤1ryeus: Provided ee eau: ¤l¤•¤· farther, _ jnottoexceedsixofficersholdmgeommnsmmnswiththerank et captain m the Quartermaster Corps an who have lost m relative rank through irregularities of promouon and the operation of separate manned within the three departments hereby consolidated, may, m ‘"°°'°'“ Rheem °‘ °‘§ P'rZ°“%‘;‘£¤“° °“.}.?f¤°°J.$‘.i.3“"““"‘.`E‘r°" *"’ "’°"£§.Z tion as w van major m •L°i‘:n_.H-i°?¤:I.’ and anycmeerwho to gadeimdertbe termed tbk proviso_shall be an addiuonalolioerofaaidgradebutonlyuntrlavacancy oocurforhim 0lltl16lI8t¢0§£BdB&id§‘Id888;ll81'8lft9l'l.l1I11l’»B(!t; andnoomcsr shall bedetailedtoiillmyvacanypnthehstofma]orsof theQuar-_ °“""_“m urmaster Corps until situ- all authorized by the suggests me py Eloviso shallhavebeenalnorbed. The officemnow R m own as poshigrterrnastersergeants and post commissary sergeants " shall hereafter lmcwn as quarter-master sergeants; the Army pay- master’s clerksshall bekriownmpayelerks, and each of said noncom· 1,,,,,,,,,; mm, missioned oicers and pay clerks shall continue to have the pay, •¤¤¤¤| · I allowances, rights and privileges now allowed him by law: Provided jisrlIm·,Thatnod'etailsto£Hvacan¢:i¢sin thegradeofcol0ne1h1the Quartermaster Corps shall be made until the number of officexs of that grade shall have been reduced by three, and thereafter the numberof m¤_u¤mbm__k_ officers_m grade shall not exceed twelve; and no details to fill vacaucia m the grade of heutenantrcolonel in the Quartermaster Corps shall be made until the number of officers of that {grade shall have been reduced by three, and thereafter the number 0 officers of that . grade shall not exceed eighteen; and no details to fill vacancies in the

  • '•*°"· grade of ma'or in the Quartermemter Corps shall be made until the

number of cheers of that grade shall have been reduced by nine, and G. the number of officers m_said grade shall not exceed fort - "‘“"‘ eight; and no details to fill vacancies in the grade of captain in tlie Quartermaeter Omg shall be made until after the number of 0iHce1s z;:*;22er:2;:*;:'iid studs *‘:·m¤;:.*.·:¤°· td *.%:;,2***:: ***6 me asuueueamun. es no exc oneun an · ¤¤<=•¤ whenever the segaration of a line officer of any grade and arrdivrgintliii Quartermaster orps shall create therein a vaoanc that, under the terms of th:£rov1so, can not be filled by detail such separation shall ex-ate to _ 1t reduction of one in the total number of o ers of said e and arm H1 the line of the Army as soon as such Pnmmmu M reduction can be made without degnving any officer of his commission: dm, by ,,1,,,,.., fa-ourdedfudhu, That whenever e Secretary of Wu- ghgl] decide that $·(§;,"F,,5"‘,”‘l‘,";,,{°" it 18 ¤¤<>¤¤¤¤¤’,Y md Pfectlceble, regimeutal, battalion and squadron auartermutera and commissaries shall be uired to perform an · ques that junior officers of the Quai termast:i•qCorps may properly bg gqmred to pggannisand rgmentgleaind battalion quartermaster and mm¤ary_ _ ean requzr to perform an duties that nonecm¤¤¤nonedotHcersorpayclerksof theQnu·ternir¤terCorpsmay