Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1013

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mom:. 1955 lingo Oreck, S. O., Pls Hints endluq Ojess-Cqstinued. Pan proprhtionf rrnprovemm' td . ... M8 ’ forben Colo . 761 Hgidobm Forget, Idaho and Utd, ·1 §hi§ .. $4, 761 appmEs`:onforma1nteumce,etc.,of.. 284,840 NerwY0r , .Y 385,1 lung , _ _ » deileiency appropriation for Philadelphln, ““ '3;."3rT"" ‘°'%""rZ,* r. ¤11"1L..¤..,°°"‘“"‘°°..¤...,“’°”“* ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 3}} en , upenn etc., unsgr, t¤rme miner coiner, and meltsrsand reins, pcdtlous mf .. _ ... . 4 97 d .. 334 aura potsnhmy, Emvoys - utres evo u sup:mte¤d’ ents. 384 . ,.¤.,.¤.·.."*”“"..°§‘.,."‘ es m """'° °°"°"¥’°' an 1o$··~»·¢·»_·._ mw `I '`°`` _ `T ``'``°`` Mun ww, ‘ ii '````'````"``'` approprintmnjur public building. Z. . ._ . 422 mnsion increased 1226 budge authorized ecrcn Hmimppx River. 1012 Ifnrya, _ _ limit of coet increased, public building". 867 labels stating false curative or therapeutic may bridge Mininippr gliver, Nineteenth eiect of articles declared .. 411 Avenue to Tenth Avenue ... 57 Xisbmndad, dr:. Grass Saab Waelkmgton Avenue to Thirty-seventh 57 ypublieationoltnsmo o!d¢:lers¤lling,etc... 835 venue ... ubnmded Iibod, Drugs, preliminary examination to be made of 826 appuopéztis for expensespxeventing nleéu M4 am I -·~~ . -·z····]·[·i··:·:··: F H ‘· E ······· :··m··:I··,§,;¢;·¤ ···· I • 0 giver, Nineteenlthlivenue to Tags: wg restriction gn paying snlsriee from appro: m V•¤¤¤ ..-... . pnatron or .,.. Plymouth A to Eighth Avenue;- 57, 669 1£sdememors (uz Grimes and Misdemennnn). %hird_ Avenuxsolshnévenpe .,. £h58, 669 squad, 1296 ashmgto Thirty en Avena;. . .Y?ff .. evo pq.,

SoiR&.tw7·;mdc°;rd Sault Sainte lppmpntlgm hazrmprorvement of ... N5, 8M

' limo River, goiumsil and deiciency nppmpriation for support, etc., my gunties, N. Dek 681 _ of Z ... . ._ ... _ 938 Saint Croix River, Wis. and Minn . 14 Iliuwna Foreign (su Diplomatic and Consu- ‘ Yellgiwsltsgrs River, McKenzie County, 680 M_ _ _ S€YV1¢¤)- . . . .. unmppw. _ · ‘ ," U. S. S., mo t fllepreeentnt ... . 13 l§is'p;.;?rlt‘i0n for repairs . 347 ::sI;•rvn1t1;;`>•j:°<il `célgplctaw Indérgxalsnds, to 189 I nssota, mss , eonlirm ... irrppropriation for completing field notes of Norlfung District, surveye in ..,.,.,,,.,,,__ _ ______, , 451 eounues constituting; dwisrom .. 59, 118 apportionment of Representatives ... _. 13 Delta. division created .. . . 118 Superigrggntionnl Forest, boundariesmodr 1762 teznls; Aberzieen gg, mmowza creme Z..`.ZZZIIZfZIZf. Z.Zf.ZfZZ.. soj us Wy, I · I Ri B ·d- 0m¢®0l¥lBTk. . , ml , , , ,..,.,,.., . ..,., , , , , , , . . , “‘“’ X21? . ??? ..., `T‘?T...? L 74 r..¢..;,,,¤ nw, _ """""°"‘· "(““°§‘“' F‘*'“.2 " V. { 284 no """°‘1’.Z°J£§’." {Eid "2`2‘°f»‘.'°" '2Z3°°¤.",§ a proprmuon or mam nance, e ., o .. , _ _ _ "£7l7I%¢|I “U. B. 8,, Girardeau, M0., ngnmst floods rn 73 ` iiqnf , ,,,,,,__ _ ______,, 905 for rotecting egninst impending hood,

 fleveee on, and tributary rivers . 85

nsion increased . ... . . . . 1391 lor improvement oljrom Head ol Pages Riser Coins, to mouth o! Ohm Rrver . . . . . 218.817 ep ropriztion for recoi.¤s.$e of . 431 building levees deemed extraordinary degciency e propriation or recoinnge of. . 915 emergency work ... . . 218, 811 Jtimrizy Dmpgyw, House of Repmenunzivu, eurveys to beadwstereor Z . . 218. 811 epprogintnon for ... 367, 745 www appropnntwn for repeus of 218 MZ'$?.°&e¤;¤13$ké;m0¤ mma w ,,,.,.,.. mg @5;; gu terms of court at .--·····--··-----...-· comme - ‘ Assay Odiors also Directo { courses ek: . ... 218, 811 mm algae Hint), (W { 0 revetting, etc., rightbsnk n•srHe1en•, appmrrrintivn fw Di¤•¢¤»¤•¤i¤¤.et(·;=i;;y379» 757 Ari, ----··--.-.·- ·.·--- 3 1; -in-,·,, pgng, rsparring levses on Arkansas vw- - . or . if gg, examinniiont etc., of lands sublectu: New Orleans, Ls ... , runsvnc p,,,,c,·,°¤ 3;] ,,,,... . ,,.,.. 883, 762 Beton Bo In ... 218 grae, Idaho.: ... . 383, 762 betw•¤rB;E:’and Memphis, Tam. 218 ch,,y,¤,,,N_g ______,, , ,,,,,___,,... 384 e¤rninati¤nof,tob•msdeh¤mCai>l$· pad g_ pg ,,,,,.., . 384, 762 Girardeou. Mc., to Rock Island, 178 ¤,,,··;~,?°,-in -—-···-··--~-——------ we .,.-········*····a·.::;r·.¥·.z·:······.- ·····-·- eu: hike vari, iiii1i1§.'.°.l1ZlZZlZZZ su m Guarde•u,lo.,andBoekIslsnd‘?§t su