Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1092

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2034: INDEX. Planz Indur Bureau, lzurhunt A 1’•••· PleaaunBoat• ele., P cultgx-·(bn1inu . _ of foreign built; not uaed trade, admitted weapp for dry-land farming expen-1577 886 registry, not exempt 562 for p , P ,0HwZ . beet product: for aetmlarid lands 277 mem ... _ . 1170 {3 ¤t1id_y_of moi land: ... 277, 838 P pnegmgoma, eee., Amana], ‘1§.T'.i‘.‘7.”¤. ..t...°‘i.T.,n.,..'*”" “‘ °°.,m»'*”‘°° """°"¤§.‘7‘.¥.‘°..‘I.,‘§’..£'§."°.'.i$‘»‘2"¤i.,."’”"’ °‘m m ture ... ; 211,sse pw., ```'`` for ’ ee¤ga' fruit uctio , dai d Ganadhn. ‘ ,.. 8 1;:nt_,etcd¥¥. . . {1 $77,830 re`g{>r‘:>ncaldu:YinCuudacn . 7

'rqxpenmenta1g;¥rd‘;dem_andgmndt=;.§277.830 Pluanaelf f°1;wug,Cal., cw at 285 su

mveaugaung u , appmpna n maintenance, . ·. , Ego'; truck cmpe; pgltzo and sugar; as Pl:mbi1•gI'i¢¢wu, · work .. . .. u Canadian ., .. 5 form-ni,A§•o¤, Va Z .. 277,886 rec?r(:».caIdutyin0andao¤ . ... 8 for and plant introduction, Phmgng D._ 0:, expenmenp, etc . . 886 appropriation diviaicn ol. . . . . 140 for Ldginiauatxve gg; g Pluamier, Fonmhus D., 1314 cr purchase dmtribu nnoniucneaeed .. ..

 deid eeeda lor dk- 837 Pgsme, Ennnl., ws

u . _ ..., 1 déorrent . .. 297,850 P ., uu iency appruprhuon genera! ex- , c penaea. .. . 022,936 Pgzwlllad Noqhb (inertia, Ian., for seeds, etc., distribution. .. 022,wG may reconstruct bridge acres Weymouth

 etc. .6 .. 66  g P BacI:dRiver, Hingham  . 61

or hnicalmveagig one, e lpwudn, ., ior cotton-hell wee investigation . . .’. 036 acquiring site for public building at, Pkg; pathological investigation .. WI P authorised. . ._ . ... 877 appropriation L enforcement of . 853 improvement ol harbor. . H! imporufor experimental purpoeueper- part of building ite authe- P .-·-·-·...-..····--··-··-.· 854 ined to Baptist Church.? 117 d 6 pmpna¤en’ for maintenance, repaln, P¤::?pr?:&dutyiu(!enadao¤ . ... 7 ·p eee., M ic 'I m ••••¤»••••••• apiuopriatioujor inveatigating disease of.. 885 Pnaunaeie 1\¤l•‘;:e., ` orperavenungapreadofdnseaeeeamouag, sa appropriation °n;ail h¥. BMJ! regulation; tobgevenz qaread ol dlseeaee 315 gwdopeaation d equipneat, ui ramen `'``'` `` Z ZZZZZZ rwooo!T$’tywhenimp¤r¤ed!rom(hnada, m _ crude . . . .. 10 pna na iorpublic bulllluaw P•!• recnprocall exem from u (hnadg men . . ... Phu cruda .. . 11 Pocatello, mh bbc b 4a IJ . • • • • •• •• m requirement torhand mlier, nelzpplicable P:¤u¢u¤ National xx, Luo and Und, . etc .. ,841 $$15 '“"’ %£,-...$‘E‘i?f an p.:£..,,..,"‘°"“°‘°“.; ""'““” . #-°‘ ’“ re•¤·ictioncn handnl1er, by {N dugywétlmdiqmhgg _______,__ __ __,_ { B! !*.• .. · M when"- mownl?:uT'\ho{·)i.aed for hand roller. . _ . . . 4M my m °n° Phu, }Ydlv¤n, dugy on Canadian .. . . . 6 P nc;_e?ed...S . . . . 1B5 mc1pmca1_duty;‘n·C•uadae¤ . . ·.. U

 ·... { ... 1147 appru]{ria6o1;fori1;;lgov¤qgt¢,,,,., 15,Q

Phu Nqsqmz Pg}, 0l;lg_, prehminaryexannnation ot, to he ¤ab... U5

 for maintenance etc- . . 4ll P°.f*'*§¤‘99‘z£.¢§

§ qgbr¤:tm,11kgam¤qng sn gllhoultl Ari .. . ... . UG pgd“,‘g,,,Fm_ H"' `-``-’ `i. Prnayhridge {tile 1liver,‘Lepa¤t¤,Ark... 58 Ppenmn . 144 °"“· #*9* I ua r .· ·· Po•1•¢Ara•¤, (hl. lr: M. J ¤ ° ° ' , ° » I d p¤l¤m¤ary•°x;»m1natimot, tohenndeht ¤ ‘ hiilii ······-···-··.-··-···. . . 822 g,g~A,.”_?&.-I. °°°`°° " `°``°°` Pm: Ci. ¤¤¤pn•u¤ ¤a¤, anna . me Dhuiesigvamu. *•° dl 1¤:,¤61 •Ir°in|n•¤vanaa•ell¤hor¤|

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