Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/198

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1212 six*1·Y-SECOND CONGRESS. sm 11. cs. no. mz. uwuanydn Th nam fLe S d ,lte {C0 E,E'ht°ethRegiment gan ilgrg lfiiluntewgsr Ilngadtkyrang lpayi; penslginlat the rate of 0 ars ermont m euo t at eisnowreeei ° . wmnmcaea Thye name ol) W1Hiam Catt, late of Compan B, Ninezuiginth Regiment Indiana Volnmteer Infautiy, and pay hiin a pensign at the rate of thirty-six dollars per month m lieu of that he_1s now ¤•mr¢N·¤•v¤¤¤¤- ofge name xg Lawton, Igggw of 0. Lawltsn, te mpany , ven egiment teer , and pay her a pension at the rate of tweiity dollarsopgii month ligi “°°" °fl`!li·t1?aPz:1m?(iI'lbr:r°:¥mg· late of Co F On h and "°”"· e e o erren, m , e un seventy-ninth Regiment _Ohio Volunteer and pay him a pension at_the rate of thu·ty per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ¤¤·¤•n-r•¤¤. Th {Sam e1E.P 1,1at {Oo G,Thirte•¤thRe€‘· ment°<i<:1i)sin Volunteer gllllilg omduphyn a pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars r month iii lieu of that he is now reeeivin . mgarwln 11. Hum- R The na;n;_ of 1;_arvLinVH?°Hat;n;rHtI<:1f, late of C¢&mpani£;Eighty-nintii egimen ew or o un an an pemi the rate of thirty dqllarswr mouth in of theihe is neitw reeeiirlin:

  • "'””°'* V-””'°"· The name of ddison . Wilsorvlate of Colyiany K, One hundred

and twentgetthh B»6%l:D€?t dolunteer mtg, anegmplaygiiali a pgnsiona era o y—six permon in' o at -’*'°•l'·’°***'- 1’iZ"Z.`Zm¤ oglisnes N. Burket, late of Compgly F, Eighth ment ;I‘ennesseeuVolunteer Cavalry} and gpg _ a pension at _ mm M. rat;hontl11rty}l·<;§E£_r¤iontl111:1 euof themnowrepeivrng. New §.O:?'%gIl]II>t€6]' H vcrA’m·]m] of Coglpmy G' S°°°°d B°g‘m°m rate of thirty dollars cugonth in“l‘ien:li>fii:)liZthli:?liEi1)¢‘ii]vswmomn qvmhgo ,,;"‘;*°{&m_m_ The name of Mary Ei;-biiison, former widow of Richard Robinson; }2£i.‘$ 2?£Z“’i.$?’.S°'p.°'*T,l'.*l*E]?1$*§ R@‘Z"21mi?1°iB.Y.°1“““°' il` ra o w ve , $"‘m",;‘,§,?‘_,Q,,"‘°’;""" The,name of William Annie, late of Company C, gewnfilielgigent Z5i•lntt;1eil% Volpuprteer Ctgvalig, Kay a pension at the rate of mon m eu t mw; ‘ ,,,,_ "· °‘“°' The name of Charles W. Calloway, latemoriogompany Twelfth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rateof thirtydollarspermonth inlieuofthatheia nowreoei ` “"’°°" ""“’“'· The name of Gideon Morisette, late of Company C First Bazihllgon ggvexgh £§1;tme15t1l.Tnited Statezhlnfalntry, and pay a pension at ra o 0 ' · · · ¤~··.¤·.»·¤-. m.m..,rl0.. f$'1—%3.‘Ia3‘¤r‘Z§‘§£,E“.§§*i?‘§r’;2¥;'11.,.’”°*m"“‘,¤; Illnliltfg States Cgvaliz, and $yhim a pension at the rate of thirty o per mont in f t h mcs'; ° " mi"' """ _ The name of Willia11$`l[?>ran, latg is IC?i1panyvI•`1:I$ne hundred and

  t Igew York Infantg, and pay him a mnsion at

,, ° Y·¤¤ permon inlieuoltbat. isnow receiving. · ’°'”""“‘ “°“"· 'lhename ofBen'an1in Zellner,lateofoom yG Qnyhimand and piggy-seventh liegunent Pennsylvania Voliisteerllnfantriz and pugt he i8aup;e:m1on_ ;he rate of forty dollars per month in u of mea:. nyu. name ofJaeob R.·St0v l te fC0 R,gg°% In Volunteer Infantrgk zidlipay himmgngligniiorlili-lsilzththe rate oi ch, ¤_ D,,k,,,_ wm dvllars per mon in lieu of that he is now on., vlii?li:.irCl1¤ihIi'D°:1lia$n’1°t1i1Y1iC°p¤¤nmPmy ”* S°°°“" ".°f'”‘°°‘ . H .*7- * ' dollars permo11thml1euofthl:t{1eis1i‘owne‘;ixvi‘1igih°r·t° thm,