Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/351

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1366 SIXTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 42. 1913. <>¤¤ The £JhnBel1lte {Com ITwelfthRegiment J uu- Wiscons!1anm\?ol)nnt4i)er Infantry; and pay at the rate of SZW month in lieu of that e 1s_now receiving. _ · ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤•· name of Elizabeth Lile, widow of Lewis Lila, late of Company C, Tenth Regiment. Kansas Volunteer Infantry and pay her a pensionattherateof$20pea·monthml1euoftl1•tehe1sn0w receiving. _ °·°*¢¤"·°°¤’*•'· ThenameofGeo lM.Co ,lateofC0mpamesFand First Regiment Verm0ntr%olimteelijn(Z:iiva1ry, pay him a_pen1:ion at · th£te0f$30}>er lieu eftzhaagdmmnowumcewingkt _ ¤l»°a°.¤a1im1!i•°a’:Y leee andadlggarident chililrenuof H B. Hendershott late °°"“" Second Regiment United States h.i·fillsi·y, and major, (United totes Army, retired,.and payeachofsaadduldrenapeximnnattherate of $12 permonth. _ . _ }§°,,'3,’§L‘}“,}_‘§,‘°,2,"._"‘* The name of Damel H. Grove, late of Company H, Sixty-fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteer pay a pension at the M‘°" Li ¤'§..£°i.*“§¤Z%`~“i*·`“i£%:id~.§Zi.z“".:*%¤.·r¤“**° so n m en 0 un Cavalry, and payherapplleiisioxi •ttherateof$20p¢n¤ihthinlieu cmum I mb of that she is now recexvmg. _ _ na. 1 Thefnacxgie of Car(o}lm§iE. Packard, mm glackzé to l· R¤8¤¤¤¤l¤» » ..

t,   Island Volunteer Infantry andppfg  

_ at erateof$20parmonthml1euofthatsl1e1sn¤wreee1vang. _. ¤········-· °·°··*°· mms ernenjnnanc, Smithxlats oscempmya, onemmarea and fifth Regiment P lvania olnmteer Infantry and pay him apension at thentem;»';sg36perm0nthinlieuoftl1athe_isnqw °'°"" ’*· °"‘“"* Thveuiigaime of R. Griflith, late second lieutenant B, 'hvo hundred an eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer

 pay ham a_pe¤sion,•.t_the rats of $24 per month jg

eu o ua now receavmg. ~ "°“’ '"'**"· The name of Rolly Wright, late of Bette A, First Regiment Wet V'u·gmia Volunteer Light any pay him a pmsion at theratsof$30 permonthinlieu of theisnowreceiving. °"*"°"·“’¤“”· The name of Charles J. Higgins, late of Company C, First Regiment Maine Volunteer Caveg, and Eighty-iirst Company, Second Battalion, Veteran Reserve rps, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving, ’°"’“ ““*"‘ The name of Joseph Letzkus, late of Company G, First ent Vgegc Virginia \g>1lunt§.ex· and pay hun a pension at e rate o r mon in n e is w U"` H' mm"' The Kms of Israel H. (Bhillips, hwg? Company , Ninety-seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infanky and pay him • pension at the wml wmni rateof$30permonthmlieuoftliatheisnowreceiving. · E ntgug of Jotheo E. VYo0d§rra•r;l, late captain Company F teen Rmnen nnecticut tear Inf ‘ ’ e pensugogn at rate of $40 per mozlltlh in lieuu:>lrytha·;1‘lig)|ig’nh;I: f:$°°i»is• A. mm The naine of Jose hine A. Davis, forma widow of JameeH, . . Sackett, late of Company { Ninth Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, I I L andpayhu·afpensionattherate0f$12¥>er1nontl1. o¤¤c.c¤unm. ;I1`hg!1|.§:teh0 O§l'|1Bfc. ,l.I$90 CompanyD,()¤ghu¤dmd an 6l§1t1 Bngmhntoluo , HDKOGI Infan , and ‘ Kmmmwn sion•.ttherate0f$24 mo¤thi¤lieuofttl1latyheisli1i>,ivh1{ The nameoi·H%§lh , late ofiCompany F, Seventh rate of $30 per month in lieu of th-aytlhznis 5% receiting. ul