Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/461

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00NsUnn 00NvnN·:r10N-swnnnu. Jm 1, mo. 1479 Gmvgntion the States and rights, ·'¤¤•*·¤m fa 0 7 • I IQIG , 1910; advised bgythe Senate, June G1'.! 1910; ';.‘—ft"·2f;.~%»‘*;1€"“$“,¤,,.v.,,..· "‘”"";:;K., ;J%$*‘°‘.,,.,..'”’J»1€;;“Z’“‘* . I 18) 1911; 1larch£0, 1911. M _1 Br rn or un Uiuun Smrns or Ammo;. A PBOCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America ,,°,g”g,'}‘_*,{,*g•,°'¤“°¤ and the Kigfdom of Sweden defining the rights privile?s, and Pmmble nnmumtiea consular oicers was concluded andmgned thdr respective at Washingn on the first da ot .é\:1e,og;l`thm1sandn$hundred aids theoriginalofwhiah ven,bemg'in Enghsh`an‘w'languages' rd for as follows: , é dm _ The President of the United Presidonten i Amerikas F6} °”'**"°”'¢?°"'¤· Statesthof His Maj- %nta Staterf gch _Han1§vh%a.j¢§tat es eKmgowenbeing onungen ve , mxtitually ofddeiining the Sgmeniam éailxggztt bdstg ' ts, ri' es,an immunities rat1gl1e' · `v11eg1' och y congxlar cgmcers of the two fbrmaner, som horlantillkoxianlma de countries, and deeming it exped1- bdda landemas konsulattjansteent to conclude a consular con- man, hafva fumnit for odt att vention for that purpose, have hai-om afsluta etf fbngzsl ooh accordingly named as their Plem· hafva for sadant andamll sina tantianes: fullmik utsett: p°'I'he President of the United Presidsnoten i Amerikas For- *""“P°*¤°•*¤ States of America, Philander C. enta Stater: Philander C. Knox, Knox, Secretag of State of the Amerikas Fbrenta Staters Stats- United States America; and sekreterare His Majesty the E? of Swe- Hans Majestat Konuuien af den, Herman Ludvig abian do Sverige: Herman Ludvig abiau Lagemrantzi Envoy Extraop Lagercrantz, Doss Envové exdinary and terPlemp0tentr trmordinaire och Ministre p énipoar%v?; _ _ tentiaireiW , • o, after ving commum- hvilka, cfterat ameddelat cated to each other their respe9— hvarandra sins fullmakter, som tive full sowers, found to be m befnmnits i god och behorig form, good an proper form, have ofverenskommit om foljande agreedupon the ollowing articles: .arI:i1;lar: Anucu. I. Anrxxn. I. Eachcft.he·HighCon¢:acting Enhv afdeh ford;-age-¤¤¤•¤¤¤ ¤¤··¤ P&r·t;¤sagreest0recévnfromthe •tt”°°°°b°` nsuls-general, consuls, mottaga en an s

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