Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/48

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1062 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 110. 1912. Wi11i•¤1|¤¤1w- The name of William Mulloy, late of Company H, Eighth Rm MinnesotaVl teerInf dpa_hima on_at iiiotgfof twenty-foniiudollars pglriugdrrtlh in hen of thetm he xs now I'8C81VlI.\g. _ . The fPhili W` ,1te fCom anyA,Onehundx·edand www *****1 P.:¤i·’zy*a·J*·.i.2:·£·*~·* ..*2*.:m-:.·H::‘.r:z.:··i·. sz pension a _ ra 0 thirty 0 per mm- ¤¤¤¤•r¤¤¤|- mghleccrlnaggg Mirusa Rutherford, widow of Carrick Rutherford, late second lieutenant Company F, Regiment Tennesseg Volunteer Infantry, and my her a pension at_the rate of twenty ollars per month m l1eu of t she ls_n0w receivig. FH _ th M·¤¤•¤ ¤¤W¢¤· The name of Abraham Nerldlifh, late of ompiaiply D, _ ty-mn Regiment Indiana Volunteer antry, and paym _ a pension at the rate of forty do month in 11eu of that is now recexvmlgls "‘”" ‘ “`“"`°'° TM “°m1‘i¤§’.§ 1Sa¤“.i‘{¥i“btZ';;'6“ 2£_$°“‘3°“°§ EL`? gzmael Reg? the 0 un av , an _ _ at Site of thirt dollars ger month in lieu of thath: is now receiving. new naman. The name of Alhert R. ustnn, late second lieutenant Companiiui 'hventy-seventh Regiment__0h10 Volunteer Infantry, and pay Lpensxon at the_rate of twenty-fougdollars per month m lieu of that HOW I'9081 . . a ,_ . ..5 _ z, · ' tates a , an a W‘·m U*“`L:·;,a·m° @m“ ·'· “·*%··=*:l.,‘·2:.:*t·= *····*:r· mrs; ®.h];ie1; the rate twenttty-fonui· dollars per ngnth lieu t isnwrecerk . _ ..,` _ _ °*•"•""""’*"‘· The nam: of Stewart Burright, late of,Com y G, Fourteenth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry and a hymns pension at the rate of thirty dollars r month in lieu oftliat he is now

  • ·°*°‘*°' "· Y"‘· gh; name at ZV6h¥o% late of (gwénpany I, (gne hixlnid-red

an 0 n Regunen o o teer an an a a pgnsion at the rate of twenty-four dlgllars per mougth in hguyof that is now

  • ¤¤•·-*···¤ The i ¤11iamJ e1llateofC C,Onehundred

and t. hth Regimerllv Illinois Volnngglegrmfnlmtq and pay him a pension at of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of , ee *‘*=?s,.2°“¤°"rs*·mge C 1., ,. H,. E F e. •¤>••*· · name 0 amea . oo te 0 m 0 -six Regiment Massachusetts Volunteei· Infantry, anldngzy Pgension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is new reoenv . ·*°•P** "· *¤'-*•· Theuhgame of Joseph W. Eystra, late captain Company G, Second l$e$;1ty•n1t loyal Volunteer Caylalryiiand a_pension at the rata 0 •·SII08»1S l'I!l0I1lZ1l160 OWYOOBI-• .

    • ¤•·¤ *·¤¤¢· The name of J. King, laf; of Com zu]; I), One hvulggrged

and therty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Etfantry, and pay him auxpgnhzqn at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of is new recex . “"*' ‘*· ‘"'°* The name of Wirte, late of Compan F, Fourth Regment

 Yolggeer Infantry, and   gint    

o un Sharpahoo an a a pension at thirty-sixdollu·spermonthtiTx·li¤uo},tLtheianownceiving.r· ”"""*°·‘*"· ThenameofHannahG. sndewofAl€_emenH. ,lateof Com any G, Fourth Regiment lihode Island ohmteer Infan and pay erapensienatthenteofsixteendollarapermonthin ’ of K "ln . name o w . ¤·¤·¤m······» th°·1i·:h°°°°i'neeev%s¤aea,»»sae eesemnr s.¤:e.·a,1•e• majorF'n·stB@nmntRhodeIslarndVolunteerIiglxt pgyiherapenanonattherateoftwentydolnspanmnthin of she is now receiving.