Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/504

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1522 EXTRADITION TREATY—SALVADOR. Ann. 18, 1911. Z2 ‘l?}Q'°J;.‘?.“£f TZ.? "’“.{.m"°'.¥21‘ ""‘t.}¤..°‘°'h.»%"“.m..t.°“°°{.¥.?’.¤.ree».’ ’° '°Z; Nevertheleestherighteof athird HZ tercero con respecto 6 los party to the articles objetos mencionados. aforesaid be duly rupectcd. ¤'¤¤'**•¤¤·*'•¤•¤· The stipulations of this Treaty Les estipulaciones de este Tn- T °° “"*'¥E.“}ZL? '°¤».;‘}1.».@i“°'?tZ V5 ‘ ’°"J;Z§"*` erever sn o e men ue sxeither of the arties tuedo, cualquiers or m the occupgncy and under de artes_ Contretantes 6 en the_ control of emther of them, goeesnén 6 bajo el control de una during such occupancy or control. siéoltn: ella, durante tsl pose- ’·°¤°’•*”°¤ 'ti f th ummd Las demandas la amtrega ¤sRe?·°%1$e:1?s:e¤;Yrjp¤¢ie: emu nf ee me préfugos $*1: jusuei. s. made ythe respective diplomatic herén por los tivos agentes agentsof the Contracting Parties. diplomitieos de E Psrtes Gon- In the eventof the absence ofsuch trstantes. En el evento de ester Agents from the country _0l'_lliB onmentesdelpeisé do sn asiento sest 0£° 1’!1I§18ll.t, reguxmégon gl; agentes, puede is deggnnds may e y supenor n- me por Funenonuies ususuler officers. lanes S ' ¥’=•**·¤¤·•¤·¤¤•¤ _It shell be competent for such Los lrligarrlzsrsntmtes Di lombtillgdomstrc or suferior Consular cos 6I•`uncio¤srios Oonsugrres Suphttgerstosslgen obtainaugmi periores sertn competentes para orprehmlnarywerren o pedu·' yobtenerunaordende errestfrthperso hose amsto ventivo lltflll rendger gdsozfg ti wlluzpyglogstlh: sone extrsdicign se pidgr; 'u essn msgis rsteso two uego mqg5¢° lihsvemments shall respectively dos de los de? refing axon- and s:;lt:l1;>rnt’y,fI:1pot1(: Siitanaerate, tendréu fault 6 issue s wm-rent for the sgfrehen- mento, <l?eqeu:g> orden Jgelnurlns 3“§r“é£3‘.2 £?‘?.§;“¤$.”§'Ee »;m"$§fE 3.i’4'2“°?’§??°e°d“ ’°”°‘”2;¤°&'; _ _ , e ue

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