Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/545

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NATURAIJZATION O0NVEN'l'ION—NICARAGUA. Jmu: 17, 1911. 1563 Suppkvrnadav &n·ven9ion between t}aeUn£ted Slafeeand.N°•eamgua J¤ne1'l\n1. eretending the tsmefor emcfumge of of the Nahuulabation ""*“" 6b•aoe•at•o»ofDecanber7 1908. 8sg·nedatIa•aag¤¢a,June 17 1911·

 admaed 2 the   15, 1911;  by dla

}5·er•devrt,January9 1918• b%1V•av·ag·ua,Jlao·cl•98, 1912· mhieateone easclaanged atjanagua, In 98, 1912; proclaimed, Hay 10, 1912. Br mn Pnnemmrr or rn Uinemn Suns or Axmuca. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a ary Convention between the United States ¤•¤¤¤¤-¤¤¤v¤¤» o{ the public of Nicaragua extending the time mxT:¤N*•. within wlnchinay be the ratification: of the Naturali- **“·M¤°· nation Convention between e two countries signed at Manages, December 7, 1908, was concluded and signed by theirrespective Plempotentianes at Manngua on the seventeenth day of June, one thousand nme hundred and eleven, the ogid of which Supplementary Conventionl. being in the English Spanish language, is word for word as fo own: _ Goneevwidnaobre Naéuralieacionenln N§carag•u1yleeEetado• Uniden de América. El Presidente de los Estadqs The President of the United ¤¤•¤¤¤¤¤¢Pw¤¤ Umdos de América y el Prem- States of America and the Presidente de la Repniblica de dent of thedliepublic of Nicaragua conmdermdo convemen ragua, consi ering 1 expedient prolongar el uperiodo en 8;:;, to pmlong$IhIe°period in which, segtinelsrtic oVIIdela - byarticle _ theNaturaliaavencién de Naturalizsciéniirmadp tion Ognvention by the por los respectivos pleigpotenci- rspectave plempotentxanes of the aries de los Estados nidos dy United States and Nicaragua at Nicaragua en Managua el 7 e Manages. on December 7, 1908, 4¢•·v- 1¤¤· Diciem re de 1908, se veriiicara the of theratiiications el can°e de las ratiiicaciones de of the san Convention shall be dicha bonvencibn, han nombrado efected, have for that purpose con ese objeto sus respectivos appointed their respective p eniplenipotenciarios, 5. saber: potentiarnu, namely: El Presidente de los Estados The President of United ¤•¤¢v¤•¤¤¤¤~· Unidos de América, L Elliott States‘ofAm6r1cs, Elliott North- Northeott Enviado Extraordi— cott, Envoy and nario y Plenipotenciario P empotentxary of the de los Estadoe Unidos de Amer- United States of America; and ·— W5} _ ;_ ElYPresidente de la Reptiblica The President of the Republic de Nicar?ua, I Tomas Martinez, of Nicaragua, 'IfomAs' Martinez, Ministro e Relaciones Exteriores Minister for Foreign Afane of the de la Reptiblica de Nicaragua, Re&x;lbl1c of N icarsgua, _ Quimes, habiéndose comuni- o, after having commumcadosusrespectivos plenos pode- cated to the other their

1;, sncontrados eetes en. buena y respectnvefullpowexs, which were