Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/546

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1564 NATURALIZATION 00NVENTION—N'ICARAGUA.. Jmm 17, 1911. debida_ forma, conyenido found tobeingood and due form, en el siguxente artxculo adicional haveagreed to thefollowing addiy reformatono quese consnderara tnonal and amendatotiiy article to cogno parte de dicha Conven- bet§kenasapart of esaid Gon- Cl n: ven 10112 Axnouw Umoo. Sou Annou. ¤¤¤=f·>r¤¤¤¤•¤¢• Lasres tiv tifieacinmes The ti tiii tions f m*¤—·*····· ·=· 4., nn., P3°$.v2’;t-·.‘e ...,6 an. th. .n4'”&°;°v;r§2i°‘§ .¤.‘£¤ t. .2; en ashmgtem en changed at ashmgton llauagua tan pronto como sea Managua assoon aspossiblteradd posnhie { dentro de dos anus 6 within two years from December me ""£.‘I&°.¥{‘°”‘.‘i‘$’“"r.,.,,,.,.,'°"°%°‘ "}2‘?·-e. wh { tt. ,.,.,.e ¤¤· e ocu os os an ereo . plenipoteueiarios han fisrmado la five plenipotentiaries have signed presente Convencion Suplemen- the present Supplementary and terra y Refornratona, por du- Amendatory Conventionin dupli- @1 ;“¤2°£.¥.“‘°..¤Ae“““ ‘?f.¥“...i f‘*°...,..‘£g2.*‘°.*3.‘&"‘7r‘L "“"£...,..""""‘.m, . , os ‘ - aiiixed their seals. Hechaenlhnzfuaeldin-· _Don tlianagu this siete de Junio, en _ ano de Nag- teenth·d:y of June` in thxx tro Senor de mil novecrentos of our Lord one thousand nine once. hundred and eleven. Touls Mamma E1.uo·rr NOB’l'H00’l'1' Eurorrr Noamoorr Toads Mnrmu [san.] [un.,] ¤•'-‘”°*“°¤· And whereas th sa'd S lem tarv Oo tio h been d mired on an P2re,‘...,¤“8.’L m$..‘&e.em {KK, 3m}’`£{’. Z`F"£.°r§§h2'$€°2`h3° "‘§°?.E¥ { °£‘§"°‘a°€‘ Ei? °"°°"`”""" "" usau e un an w e• "°°"”""”°· Now therefore, be it known that I, William goward Taft President ot) the United States of America have caused the said Supplementary Convention to be madetgubhc, to the end that the same rlnxytge ohservedgnd iulflled wi good faith by the United States e citizens ereo . thI n%Iwht;1;¢g;a L8hatw;)ebhe;·i<;j¤~;n€i;o set my hand and caused e o e m e _ Done at the City of Washington this te th d f M th year of our Lord one thousand nihe huhydrgd add twelve? [emu,.] and of the Inde dence of the United States of America h drednu y t e one hun and thirt -sixth. By this President: W Wn H Tu-I- Uxrmorox mso! Acting Secretary of Slate.