Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/687

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1694 PBOCLAMATIONS, 1911. resentedsuchnumberthereofas ma benecessary to carry iilzselfoedl the provisions of this Proclamatioxlz and the a phcations for registration contained in the envelopes so shall, when correctinform andexecutiombenumheredsenallymtheorderm which they are selected, with number ons, and the numbers thusassigne;lshallBxan contmlthemderinwhiehthepemom namedthereinmaymakeentryafterthelandsshall becomesubyect to entry. - _ ¤•¤•• •• ¤°•'*“ 5. Alistof thesuccessfula licants, sho thenumberassngned nih-°° toeachof them,willbecomiiiicuo1nlyp0s`;lel1lgmdf¤imhhedtoffic press for publication as a matter of news, and a wpa notice will be prom tlymailedtoeachpersontowhomanum nsassigned. _ P=¤¤¤¤¤¤•¢•PP“· 6. at 9 o’clock a. m. on May 1 1912 and continuing °°°°°°i°°°' thereafter on such dates as may be Bxed by the Secretary of the Interior, ns numbers assigned to them under this proclamationw&°Ib?permi todesignateandeiiterthetractsthsydesireas follows: ¤·¤·¤¤•¤»•¤!· When a persons name is called, he must at once select the tract he ` dedrestoentcrandwillbeallowedfifteenda followingdateofseleotion to complete entry_at the props local diice. that periodofifileaida ,hemustBlehishomestead:pplicationatthe per local land og-ce, accompanying the-same wi the usual Bling ilelgs and commimions and in =ad 'tion thereto one-fifth of the appraised value of thetract selected To saveéeggense incident to an additional trip to thelandandtoreturnto thel landomee, hemay,_ following his selection, execute his homestead Qplication for the tract selected within theproper land district and same in the _ P•r¤•¤¤ local land omce, where it will be held awdting thepayment of the and commissionsand one-fifth of the appraised v ue of the land. In that event, the psyment must be made within the fifteen days follows ing the date of ‘ ection. Payments can be madeonly in cash or by mfilice money orders made pazable to the receiver of the props landomce. Thesepaymen maybemadeinpuson, through the mails or any other means of agency dedred, but the plicant assumes all responsibi(lztmy m the matter. He must see that?he yi ments reach the local ee within the fifteen days allowed, and wma gshpeacggs in gay wl1u·e·lthe ppplicatil¢;nil;°as been Bled in eoc cewi oupaymen as cram rovi r,theaphca-' tig; will stand rejected without liirther on the part of thi; local o cers. ¤··=¤¤¤·¤ ·*•¢·· ‘ In ease of declara statements, allowable unda this opening the same course mayubleypursued, except that the Bling fees must bi paid within the fifteen days followingidate of selection, the party having six months Bling within w ch to complete entry. Soldids or sailors or their widows or minor orphan children, making homestead P•r·-M ent;-of these lands must makgpayents of fees and commissions and pure asemoneyasisreqmred o srentrymen. Allpersonsmakia omestead entry of these landsmust four-fifths the purchase money in Bve equal These payments will become due at the end of two, three, four, live and six years after the date of snug; unless the entry is commuted. If commutation roo! ll made, all _ ermpud installments must be paid at that time. Ilany entryman fails to make any payment when it becomes due all his former payments will be forfeited and his entry will be canceled. ¤••·¤¤- ggpzlrsoxiocmtsélectarpomthmmemdmpumtmnthmom ca on en or e more one · • gf blghdt fuk d _` denlaratorystatement in his . anyperson to esignatetbetracthedesirqweiitu n dateangnedto him fnrthatpurpcae, orihhavingmademchdeldignthait