Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/920

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1862 7 INDEX. District of Columbia-Continued. Psa- District of CalumWr?C·ontinued. Parcapproprietion for exhibit, Congren on Hy~ rates for lighting streets, etc . ‘ . 181 { giene Fnd Demography im 165 payment oi dues exqgcogggg pg|;1·Q¤g _____, ____ _ ,963 Pgnggg mggugggg mgm gg for probatiozyomcers, etc .. 166, 963 oGcials of United States or District for yuvenile court . - ... 166, 963 forbidden unlen specifically approfgrpqlicgc°un,__,__,_________,_______ 167,963 pygwdfgr _____ __ ____ __ ______ ;____ ]_8{ {gg ynuuicipgl c°ug·¢,,_____,,,-. ,,_,,_ 161, 963 pmhibi§°¤gpj¤g§g¥pg¤ditugggi¤gg.

 yri“______________________   @ 9f  u0u.   to

for interest and sinking fund .. 168, 964 Drsmct government . : .: . . . 184 fggcmggggngy fund,,__,,_,,,,,, ,___ ,_ & mug(;(gQ-(0 hq gquu? dgvgdgd bond requirement for eupplies pur- between United Statesnn 184 chased 159 tqnslercfappanu1s,etc.,iromSu - for support of convicts out of the Dia- , intendent of Capitol, etc., to om mct , ... 168, 964 oqces ot the District authorised., . . 184 forcourthouaeem yees: 168,954 8w'l¢810|I.0|lIK1£Il0¥¢l18|¥Q.l.9 iorcourtota bunlding .. 168,954 ... : 974 for expenses, supreme court. ; . ... . 168, 954 pub ntnhtmgcounmiionpmvinons. 974 {or Board ot Chanuee 1 1w, 965 excuse ngulatnons 997 for reformitories and correctional insti- persoml tax exemption on household tutions. Z ._ ... 10, 965 efiects of officials who are temporary for medical chnntiea. Z ... 171, 955 residents. . 1006 for Tuberculosis Hospital . 172, 957 !£l(110IlQ on merger of public utility for care of children, Qc .. 173, 957 cnrporatnons. . . 1wG for temporary hung, etc . 174, $3 applvpliation iorat in charge of conior supgort, etc., of insane. t .. 175, OQ damnation p ’ .. 404, 781 reim ureementfwdeddencymuncf unfloyment of other counsels forbidinsane, fixed .. . QQ en . 404, 781 lorreliefof thepoor ... 175,959 irtnlariegcurrrtotappalsghalffrum (or ot_p•nper• . :. . . - 175, QQ District revenues. ... 411, 789 Iorwo ouse,s¤Janesandsxpe¤ses.. 175,959 iutnlaries, mpremecnnrtqighalfbrnn purchase of adjacent land, 969 District revenues. ... 412, 789 lor militia expenses. . .. . . 176, 975 bt Park- . L . 437 lorrctundoierronecuscollectinns ... 975 hb o!indigentn1dien,•tArlin‘- for mihtaa expenses. . 176, 975 ton, etc . . 440 tor extension of watermains .. 176, 975 P!¢W1&Q lar burials in Ooniederate refund to Treasury from yater rev- section., .. 440 enues of halI of spprogrratrons for kl and are ol public watermams,Co¤gress •n;ht•,etc. 177 b_ ° andgronnds .. 448 essesnents to be credited to water r•¤·nctionaonlagoo|n•,•p••dwayI,•\c., revenues , . 177 in Potomac Park t . . 448 for reclamation oi Anacostia River Flag hr Beaton Park ... . 443 esac . z .. 77,975 fof¥¤¤tro»P\{k...;; ... 448 conemnauen, ., onboth_ . nobuildingan etc. un1•••x- sides or Anacostia River 971 lgzeaiy author-mi .. I .. 444 tor Rock Creek Drive and Lovsn’ Lane. 177 for den ta1 .. . . 448 for condemnira land, etc., Rock Creek iu! Gardeld ,. . . . . 448 Drive to ontrose Park; bum Db- ht Nadonal Training for Boys, tm·t revenues . . .. 177 building .. L .. . 462 new highway me 178 iurfees, United Staten district mm-noy.. 465 for condemningu d, etc., for Fort Davis fd! Kstional Training School tu Boys, and Fort pont Parks 178 maintenance .. . ,..,.. 468 nopartotcoetolstreetextenaimns i¤rexpenses,meetingsc1SocialInsur~ hereafterto be borne by United anoeCongre• , 477 States 178 fcr purchase of relormatory site in Vircostofl.and,etc,,t.¢>beass¤edasben- gmiaforhrmypurponshnmguseof efits; proporuon for parkway; and amount ... . ... 589 puke. 178 for maintaining public uder, inaugural new parks added to park aystun undar ceremoniea, 1913 ,.. , .. .. 1021 fm (mae! of . . . 179 d£r_p¤blic eonvenienooaations, 1022 con emnatwn sma1lparkare•aout· caencyappmpnt unvgiliq side city limits; condemnatim, lmabus lemorhl .. . ... 49 etc .. , .. . . 971 for coroner‘s dice ..,.,.. 5U, 916 plan to be submitted for development, for surveyor': dlice . ... 598 etcwfpsrksandplaygrounds .. im i<a·¤pens¤•c¤mn¤·‘•c5c• . 598 fb! Water department. . . .. 179, 971 fc! Idvertiirrg, etc ,,,.,,., . . 5M, 916 employment of temporary drnitsmen, lersdvertisirg taxes in arrears . 598 etc.,onsewere,_streets,etc .. 131,972 formutortaga .. . ... BU gaborers, mecharézs, etc. .. ig g 8*: gh:. ..., gg ones, Wagon, - .. ..-. , new . . water deparunent temporary an- for .. . . 599, 916 players, hborua, etc 181,979 kr depu-uaent ...,.. 599, 917 ¤apl¤y¤s•t¤b;lpaid!r¤n¤i•¤•lla» i¤r1ndutria1H¤ai•8cho¤:li¤r0ol¤r•d neon truatrfu depodta 181, 978 Children. . . .. SI, 917 nnut¤hequiition•im¤mTrea••¤y.. 181,974 h·Waixingt¤dLsylurnandJail...· . 60