Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1028

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1010 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. sm. III. ou. 141. 1915. three of class three, five of class two, eight of class one, six at $1,000 each; messenger; two assistant mexengers; in all, $64,930. _ si°1{1{>v¤1¤¢¤¤¤*¤D¤vi- Division_ o _ Appointments: Chief o division, $3,000; assistant chief of d1v1s1o11, $2,250; executive clerk, $2,000; clerks—one of class four, four of class three, four of class two, two of class one, two at $1,000 each, one $900; messenger; assistant messenger; in all, $27,910. .¤¤=~¢r B¤¤<*¤ Bw- Section of Surety Bonds: Chief of section $2 000; clerks—two of mm class one, one $1,000; assistant messenger; all, $6,120. vmm M<>¤¤r¤ Di- Division_ of Public Mongrs: Chief of division $3,000; assistant ' chief of division, $2,500; erks—five of class fiour, four of class three, four of class two, one of class one, one $1,000; messenger;

 messenger; in all $30,260. _ _ _ _ _

D,1v¤;·a,•9;¤¤d¤¤¤¤¤¤v Division of and Cmrency: Cluef of divnsion, $3,500; assistant chief of division, $2 700; custodian of paper, $2,250; bond and interest clerk, $2,000; clerks——six of class our, five of class three, five of class two, five of class one, one $1,000, four at $900 each (one trans:g.rr(id from _R%ter’§ giigze); 1a;szorterto;&nds,h$$t(:'(‘:';]Sfexpe;·(;; coun erks—e n a eac wo a eac er1· from Treasurer’s ggice), fifteen at $720 each (three transferred from Treasurer’ s Office); messenger; three assistant messengers; eleven laborers; machine operator, $840; in all, $87,350. uorringigmdsu- Division and Stationery: Chief of division, $2,500· my ass1stant chief of division, $2,000; clerks-four of class four, three of

l§ og 1cl4•}.)s•s two, thlrlee of class one, {Lie; $1,000, one

· g in · ess ers- assis messe ertwo laborers meshenger boy, $360; in :lln?$32,520. · ug ’ véig and F¤·¤• Di- Division of Mail and Files: Superintendent of mail, $2,500; registry clerk, $1,800; distributing clerk, $1,400; clerks—one of class two, one of class one, one $1,000; mail messenger, $1,200; two assistant messengers; messenger boy, $360· all, $12,300. _ _ _ vggyl -*·z¤¤¤ D4- Division of gpecial Agents: Assistant chnef of (l1V1810D., $2,400; clerks—one of ass three, one of class two, four of class one, two at Di b $900 each; messenger; in all, $12,8402 _ M S ¤"*¤¢ °‘°"¤· Office of disbursing clerk: D1sburs1ng clerk, $3,000; deputy dis. bursing clerk, $2,750; clerks—three of c ass four, two of class three, three of class two, two of class one; messenger; in all, $21,790. u§g}§g’g,’;*f*¤ ·'*'°‘“· Orrrcm o1¤·Surnnv1s1Ne Ancnrrnor: Supervising Architect, $5,000; Aw. r- 830- executive officer, $3,250; tecbmcal omcer, $3 000; drafting divisionsuper1ntendent_$3,000, assistant superintendent $2,750; mechanical engmeering divisiongsuperintendent $2,750, assistant superintendent $2,400, structural division-—supermtendent _$2,750,_ass1stant super- 1ntendent_ $2,400; supe11ntendents—;—computing d.lV1810}1 $2,750, repairs division $2,400 accounts division $2,500, maintenance d1- visxon $2 500· files and records division—chief $2,500 assistant chief $2,250; head, draftsman, $2,500; administrative clerks——eight at $2,000 each; techmcal c1erks——four at $1,800 each; clerks—nine of class four, additional to one of class four as bookkeeper $100, four at $1,700 each, fourteen of class three, six at $1,500 each, thirteen of class two, eight at $1,300 each, twenty-one of class one, four at $1,100 each, seven at $1,000 each, three at $300 each, two at $840 each; sssszzsresisz azaaadzztczing M im *W°:£·;P’1; , e ; oreman, va ,s e c shop, $1,100; five messengers; two assistant messeragers; hiaelsisencger boys—·—three at $480 each, two at $360 each; skille laborers·—four at $1,000 each, seven at $960 each, one $900, one $840; laborersone $660, one $600; in all, $220,800. °°”P°’°“•"•°°’¤¤*~ Qrmcn or Comrmonnmz or nm Tnnasmzrz Comptroller, $6,000; assistant comtptroller, $4,500; chief clerk, $2,500; 51ief law clerk, $2,500; law erks revising accounts and briefing opinions--one