Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1249

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INDEX. 1ii Agricultural Experiment Stations Oyiu, De P•••¢ Agricultural wizationa-4-Continued. P¤£•= pgftgrvmf of Agrgculiure, · not cmnruzlggs illegal combinations in re-

  • P?'°P'**¤°¤f°T¤l¤¤¤¤ ·..-. 437 smintoi mae ..._ 731

or general egpeusesz State allotment;. . 437 Agricultural Products i for coogenuve agricultural extenswn notes secured bi? allowed rediscount privi- 'W°{ ; -···· ; -··--- · ··--·-·--···-··- 47 leges by eden.] reserve banks .,_,_ 263 for admmpmuve egqgenses . I . . ’ 487 mstunsy; amount permitted.; . 264 free mm] tmuspagnon of cooperative Agriculture: Products and Promhiom, maitter; condmona, etc 438 Schedule G, Tariff of1913 132 for statnons, Aladm, Hawaii, Porto Rico, Agricultural Products, Home Unc cj] wd Gum ---·---·-··-··---·-----· 438 appropriation for investigating utility md extension work in Hawaii . 438 economy of, for food, clothing etc- . 1109 for report.: 0:,1 iar];nei·¤’ institutes and Agnbulzwal Report, ' ‘ agflcutu scoop 438 s `tionfor" mdmdmg"'. gm ;m;=m¤¤ invomgaupm . 438 4,,5;*3*5 samzitming b W"' 881 °!’ ¤'¤$¤·¢¤0¤ mV¢5¤E¤lF\0¤¤ --··--···-··· 438 appropria. ‘ u for reports , ...,,. fordraanageinvoatigatious .. . .. 438 Statistics (s¤;°€Jcro;nEsdmzn;:8’ 1109 !¤¤‘ mm ------- ; -·-·--·-·---~--·· _ -----· 437 Bureau, Deparunent or Ag:i¤¤1mm).l Agnculturgl Woqk, §'0op¢r¤¢•w¢, Agr1bult·ure, IppI.'0‘p¤Bf.\01'1 fOr ldm1D1Bt!8tiV0 GX- 'gppmpgigtign for iuvggjjgggjng gpplicgfjnu M..§’.f’.;'Zi°'p;ga;.;;.z‘tz‘ei4tz; ·······‘ ‘°’·}}‘£ A - ,.‘:£,°‘*°'“*“""° ················· *2* 1**** . gncul o ua Department o m11ua.1_report oi, to be printed; dislzibu- f( _ mn . . . 1110 Agnhdtwe, Internatakrruzl Immun aj; msuguraved between State colleges and appmpiimmm quota, qw. . . ,,,,, 448, ug; Agncultgnl Department . _ .. 3 72 resolutions to he presented by American States no designate college to receave sp· delegates for adoption b e  ; 779 pmpnzuons 373 Aide to Namyatiorn (m am Nm ¤¤¤¤S€m€¥{¢ work, ¢¢Q-, of Bureau, Department of Commerce), ment ccntmued pending estab - ¤p?ro§;i»1;io¤ for ,,,,,,,,,._,_,_ 658,870 ment ..·...-·· 373 or pot Tcmpkinaville, N. Y., carpap . instruction to be given persons out of col- tm- shop ,,.,,,,,,_,,___,_____,,__ _ _ 651 leges, in agriculture and home eco- for Kami Inlénd, Hawaii, - 657 nomics ,. : . Z. . ._ 378 » for egtsblinhiug, etc., A1ash...;¤ 657 by gtegd domommuom, publmmons, 373 for @1;, etc., entrances to Cape God 657 manner of work to be agreed upon .. 373 deiicioncy approénrietiou for, Atchafulnya appmpriation for annual payment to States . 373 Entrance hmmel, La ,. 224 legislative assent reqmred:  :. . 373 for light vemel, Southwest Pass Enacceylmmce of governor pnor to acuou trance, Ls 224 of egislnture ... . ... 373 for Nsvame Inland, W. I., light station. . 224 for additional sum; yearly incrwsc; 373 for Ag? Eaabor, Ohio 224 maximum . . ... or si 'stric epot site, etc . 224 plans for work to be approved . 373 for Cleveland, Ohio, signal station .. 224 proportional allotment of amouutq 373 for Lorain, Ohio, light and log-eign;} contribution by State, etc., esseuuel. . 373 station etc_ . . . 224 method of payment to States; detailed for Ashland, W1s.,_addit:ioml ... 224 statements required 374 for Menisuque Lpch Z .. 224 funds mimpplied, enc., to be replaced . 374 for Cope Saint imma, Alaska, light and fog application of moneys restricted to pur- signal ... . . . Z . . . 224 poses in Act, ...,... 374 for Pugeg Sound, etc., Wash., addmom limit for printing ... _ 374 and nmggoveuieuts .. . ... _ . . 225 annual report from colleges of opemuoma, for Oolum m Rnver, Oreg., Warnor receipts, etc .. : . 374 Rock L{§ht Station 225 certificate from secretary of Agriculture as for Ocouto, 18 225 m Sums entitled ,..,. _ . 374 for Point Arena Ligllst Sution, Cel .. 225 if wiéhheld, facts to be reporbed to Prem- 374 for Ifoewari Bay, I. J., beacon light; 225 ent .,.., . . . . . IDB? ¢h8¤¤6 ..· gppggl fg congress ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., . . . . 374 establishment, etc., of, authorized 926 money vo be returned to Treasury if Brat diqtrict; Island, Saint Croix (`jqngyegg does not act ... . . . . 374 R1Ycf,_M€., ght ... : . . 926 annual detailed report by Secretary of second distract; Woods Hole, Mas., 1.m- Agriculture to CODKYQG . 374 _ grovjements ... : ... 926 Agricultural Implements, thud nsmcv Hudeon_ Rxver, N. Y .. 926 on {mg 118; ____,_,,,,,,,,.. , .,,.., 152 Ssndy_Hqol:, N. J., unproyements . 926 Agricultural Interests, fourth district; Delaware Rnver, Pa., and gg hgve rc resentative ou Federal res€l’VB _ Del; .. : ... _ . 926 hang board of directors ... . . 255 mxth district; Samt Johns Rnver, Fla ..,,. 926 Agnhdtural Orgamlzatimw (mc also Antitrust seventh dismct; Florgdg Reefs; ... 926 Act, 1914), eighth district; MISIHIPPI Rxver, below antitrust laws not construed to forbid, ju- New OIIBSDB, IA . : . 926 stituted for mutual help, and hsving small tender and barge {or, authorized. . 926 no capital stock, or conducted for 73 tenth gist;-ict;lCs<;An::xieaut, Ohio, light and 926 mit . 1 og—si on .. membgm not restmined from legitimate Toledo Hzqhor, Ohio. . 926 Objects thereof ,,,,... . . . 731 eleventh district; Detroit River, Mich .,,_ 927