Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1282

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XXXVI INDEX. Camo, Pm- Californ*ia—C0nti11ucd. P=m¤· on {me list, grade ,,,, , ..,.,. 156 deiicicncy appropriation for support, etc., fiber, leaves, and shells ... . 156 Indians in .. 332, 1157 Cache National Forest, Utah and Idaho, for incideutals, Indian service ... . . . 332 appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of. _426, 1096 for naval training station .. . 1156, 1160 exchange of lands in, authorized with for surveyor general 1157 Joseph Hodges . 377 contribution bkl etc., for bridge across Cachowr, Armnatic, Colorado `vcr at Topock, Ariz., rc~ stamp tax on ... . . 763 . . ... 588 Caeti, etc., _ _ grant 0 lands, etc., iu, for Sam Francisco appropriation for investigating, as food for water supply ..,.,..,,,. 242 stock --- · ··..- 422 Imperial County, to, in lieu of lands re- Caddo County, Okla., _ conveyed . . 372 grant ol lands to Board of County Commm- granted right of way for State highway moneys of, for fauground and park _ a.cross Baird iish hatchery . . 511 purposes ...-.·...---···--- 704 jur1sd1ction over part of military reserve.- p$·Y111§1}t, GUC -·--·-----··~------·-··---- 704 tion ceded to, while used for Panama- Cadets, Mqhtgry Academy, Zl’aci6c Qxpositiou .,.,,,,,..,,_____ _ 783 sppropmmm fox; pag -.-.· 3§6, 1128 Yfosexxpte Nauoua.1 Pm-k, lands added mn 345 succemors _ cd yemt Caldorma_C'oast,f h course fimsh , un appo mnmen appropriation or croc , etc., · wer

 Fo\11’t06‘l1th CBDBUB ----·--·-- 1128 radio station mfg}? .. ll? .   . 407, 946

Cadillac, _ _ _ Cal·g)"m*raiaDébrz2s Commission, mppmmn for public bnulding . 5, 610, 823 ap mpriatiou for expenses ... 38, 637, 848 C Wm. _ CGl'|;})0I'7I·’iG National Forrest, Cal., on list .---·· · ··...··--- · ···-- 156 up ropriation for maintenance, etc., oi. 426, 1096 Cagem, Ualyporma Northam Judicial Distnlzt, uty on ...-·-·-·---· - ---- U5 additional judge allowed for . 580 compounds of - . .-···-- 115 C’Gl'I_Y01'II/id Soufllcrn Judicial Distnht, Cain, Jeremiah, . . additional judge allowed for. .; .. 580 payment of Court of Claims findmgS to -.-· 981 Calla Bulb: or Camus, Cave, Egypt, duty on . ... 133 appropnatwu for agent and 00l|8\!l $¤¤¤¤\l Calmml, 2.13 ... . . . ... . . . . 443, 1117 duty ou, __,,,.,,,,,,... , ,,,___,,_______ 115 Cajepui Or}, Calumet, Mich., on imo hat ··.-- . -·-·-··-- 160 deficiency appropriation for public build- Cakcs, _ ing . . - . 560 duty: 011, C0!1{€Ct-\0!l6TY ·~··-·...----· - -·-· 132 Calumet Rwer, Calammc, part of old channel of, Cook County, Ill., C cluty on .. . ..-.- - ---·--- 130 I Zlyandomid as naviggrlge wateé ..,__, 816 a cium, Ca , ou , dum,-md glloys .. . . .----·· 128 vary [law Pa paper my on pst, acetate of, brown or gray -·-.. 156 pa ent of Court of Claims findings to 990 chloride of, crpdc ... . .. 156 Cumzrtrige, Md., carbide and pu-gw, ,,,,,,.,... . ...· 156 deficiency appropriation for public build· Calcium Oymuzmed, ing . . 560 C%¤_£reaIl}st..; . ...-.. 158 Cambridge, Qhio,f bu bun _ 6 610 acmm artm, a ropmmon orpu c ding , C %gtyl?¤I$ra`;2e ````° `````````````° ° ```` 114 Cwggem Mc" { bh bm] 6 10 Bog awe, , a roria.t1ou0ru'c 'dmg' . ,6,.. deficiency appropriation for public build- C¢rrI;ge·n,PS. C., P ix? .,,,, , .,.. . · ··-·--·- 560 appropriation for public building ,,.. 6, 610 Caldwell, aww: E-, , _ Cmrwl’s Hair, payment of Court of Claims Endmgs *0 ·--- 964 duty on, advanced beyond washed or Calender Plate Finished Pppv, scoured, not specially provided for. 142 duty on . · ·----·..···--... 145 press cloth .. . .. 142 Calgndayg, . · 1'0 _ _ _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ duty ou, lithoguphxcauy printed . 145 on free ° .,,___ 164 Calhoun, James ., _ _ included as wool in Tariff Act 143 payment of Court of Olmms Endmgs 110 Bd- Cameos, minisuuhor of . . ... 982 duty on, cut but not set .. .. .. 149 Calhom Ck?€:m’ c cmw 6ndmgs` w aa Caéwm 11 mgm hi (1 11 a onto ourto - ut onpo p c,an urtstereoi, P ym ministrator of .. . .. 968 Y not specially providedp for .,.,, 151 Calhoun, Tenn., Shiloh Prgsbyterian Churdt, Camzrzm, Tex., payment of Court of Claims findings t0-- . . 985 appro riation for public building 610 Cahfomzh, Cammagr, Mary R., appropriation for examination of selected payment of Court of Claims Endings to lieu lands .,. . ... . .. 46 heirs of ... 968 for support, etc., of Indians in . 86, 589 Camomile, for purchase of land, etc., for homeless duty on, oil .. . .. 117 Indians in ... 589 Cam p, Adam, for naval training station .. .. . . 396, 932 payment of Court of Claims findings to heirs for surveyor general, clerks, etc . 493, 1034 of .. - ...,.. 968