Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1322

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luvi mnmx. Dbirgfccting Smale, D._ C., _ Pun Dmnbt Ju{1gt•—Continued. _ _ Pma propriation for maintaining .. 540, 914 designation authorized in second cu·c1ut of , Dig, from another circuit for temporary duty on, cork ... . . _ . . . 147 service.: .. 2 . . Z 203 on free list, glass, rough-cut, for optical one tohe aplppmted for each dgstrict. . 580 instruments ... 157 add1tiona _ in districts . 580 Dispatch Agents, three additional in New York southern appropriation for, at London, New York, district .. z. . ._ . : . , .. 581 kd gan Francisco, and New Orleans. . 445, 1118 to serxée in two districts, m designated 581 , Dtszil 'ls, tates . ... duty 0ll:£lC0l1lp0\1I1dB, etc., containing slcc- H5 re?£EnI<;eai;11 . ¤Z:1?¤su`·"`§`{>}&§&h&}B}IZZZZZIZZZZIZZ 117 mee: of cozumzlm, ml ````````` ( Distil pam' , . appropriation or gen expenses ° , etc., of rectified . 1017 from Treasury, half from District 8¤“8“:§ . b e reculier allowed 1017 _ revenues). . : .. I . 517, 894 Distilzd Spirits Wines, and Other Beverages, Joint Congressional committee created Schedule H, {Darin ot 1913 ... 135 to report on proportionate share of Distributzkm of Public Documents, expenses . _ ... _ .. 894 appropriation for expenses of . 70 for expenses of committee; time for re- ”""·*=,,,,;,;*,;;m#,,,,;;,,”,*;;“,·‘,,,€‘?,;t:, 2,,,.,,...°·"’* ____ 5,, sr4%;;;;.;e.;sv.;;,2¤se;.:;:::::::;·7;17,331 - _ _ 654, 367 lor veterinary diiyisipn 517, 895 P*>"¤,,,°,¤*-*° °‘°*"“ °°‘*“‘¤ ”· "“;;“§,, ,6, ¤3££&°"°“"‘“.s..g ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 23*332

   ’ 54 for plurnbins inspection <1ivisi¤¤iZ.ZZZZ swf 896

{or fees, District of golumbigg B 52254, 867 {3; °**’¢» ¢;$é2)g1:;¤'1¢l¤ B¤1ld1¤8 ·~····· °‘ ‘,,,,.,,°g“l“',, (?“&¤ucra1__,_il:P°m __________ Y 5.,, 052 007 ior pseosn-m board . ..1 . III 5181895 for specmlmamou ... s4,ss4,sc7 for ¤¤§¤¤¤ -·---·-·--·----··-·- 518, 896 d2or_1awbookstor_..:..} . &..-,..-;07,}0g fg;::dnm,.“m °° ········-·-····-·-• e of m • . ••••••••••••¤•••••• _ for assigergiimio special cdses ,... 227,1150 co0¤§i;»·el’s office gg, gg Dzgld B¥°g;*;gi(’?é$$;'i;i“’ com of O __ _ _ _ _ 518, 895 for coroner’s office .. 519; 896 , E?l'0K:?’l· ‘°*°°°“°“°°"“ °"P¥’u°°~ °‘°··· 518·8°5 ig: iiIilit]$1is?:i?1mnif}i¤s1i1?ii{?}lZZZZZZ gig 3% Dutnct Cqurpf . for reconstructing wharveg, ,_,,,., , .,.. I 519 =m>¤>1>¤¤¤·z¤ fer wdsss --··-·-- . ---···· 5001047 for superintendent ot weights, mmm, CBS! IB which BPPGQIB and WTR! of $1TOT and marketB__··•_·_·_•···__·-·_ 519,8% NY b° mkeu duect l·° S“P'°m° for engineer commimionefs oiliee . 519, 897 C°“¥’* f¥°¤!· · ; · · : ················ 804 for municipal architect's office 520, 897 commerce court ]111'lBdlCl7l0D transferred to. 219 lm, public nnllti“» commission 520 89., d~l¤P“l°d Y" Tkk }“’“'“!"° cum l·° be forspecialamessmentoffice 520; 897 . d°°%d°d byi m ‘d'°“’°I*Y ···· :· - · : · · 712 for street-cleaning division. .. 520, 897 dums °f» lll 9 °f b°“d' °f “l’“"":‘°“ forboard of examiners steam engineers 520 898 ¤f¤¤¤w¤v ¤·¤g¤·>>·¤¤·’ ¤¤¤1¤<>*¢¤¤·· 106 as automobile 1m¤1’ sed sos tinal decisions of, su ject to review by cir- ° fm. lnnnmncn (le °' " 520’ 808 .__ e_;_=;,g,_¢»»·¤··g¤»¤»¤·¤- ·-·----------- gp; le,my0.»..¤E22Y‘if...;::::;:::::; szofses iurisdiction of, in income tax provisions. . 179 or l0mnlI?$’__ _ g_ hung employment °g20 898 t05NVe¤:mW0;:c&0m of lnliltult Act. . . . ggg for fine pnlnlic lib;§ `Iinrk ’ ~····~·¤ ··r whe ¤·»¤· See ¤»¤¤·, ··<»¤ s. t»¤"ti‘.$,4.;z‘e;;,t;.;;1:;;:.‘.;:;::::: 22}; 3% ¤·u°W°d m d°gm“8” ‘° PNPWY by motor vehicles, number allowed 522,899 °°mm°¤ umm ‘m1°°" V*lu° ¤‘ regulation of use of vehicles, etc. . - 522, 899 . Weds $3,000 --···· :···: ·········•· 278 restrictiononuseofhorses, etc .. 522, 899 ¤¤¤¤¤ fer dsmsscs f¤>¤· ¤¤¤¤¤·>¤¤.¤f ¤¤¢i- psymsserorsrsissumscs forbidden 522 ooo trust laws may be brought m .. 731 specified residence wlcnlmnnn nl_ ’ three-fold damages recoyers le . 731 lcwed ___________________________ 522, 000 to enforce ccmplllapce w¤th_ snbposms ot 0,, ,,,,,,2,g,, __________________________ 522’9(x) . F°d?¤1 ° C°"“m“*°“ ~······· 722 purchase of street car tickets authorto issue ynts of msudamus to cllotrzpel com- ized; limit ______________________ 522, 900 Pl¥‘“!§§ Amhegdm ° C°m’ 722 Smeg rgilways to Eraéisport free, police 900 v '·•··• • ···••• •*•••• 811 GIDGDOD u ..,.. ,. District Jqdqea, for collecting personal taiyxes . . . 523, 900 appropriation for. . -_ ... : . : . . . . 507, 1047 for ludicial expenses __,______,,__ _ _ _ 523, 9()0 or expenses, outside officral ruidence. . 55, for coroner’s, etc., expenses .. 523, 900 _ _ _ _ 654, 867 for advertising ··-... 523,900 addxtxoeil, autluirized for Georgia south- 959 2; enforcing gatme and fish laws .. 523, 900 c .·. surv e . dangerous tc,, for lfennsllvaniaeasteendistrict 283 buildhigs ,..3 ’ 523, 900 authorized or South Carolina eastern and for tablets to mark historical places. . - 523, 901 western districts, respectively .. 961 for copies of wills, etc., to assessor; iile nswappomtmentiorwesterndistnct 961 casesftmregisterofwills .. 523, 901