Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1333

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INDEX. lmvu E¢chinga—(§<>ul;inued. P•$•- Eurman, Emma F., P¤¢•- on free list., for the United States or Li- payment of C0\]1’$0fC]8ilDB findings to 968 _ bmy oi Congress .. 155 Emuem, pnnted more than twenty years 155 decrees in antitrust cases prima facie, Ethers, _ against defendants in suits by other duty on gceuc ,,,..,,,,. . 116 ...,. , ,... . ...,.,_,,,,.. 731 ¤·¤¤y1m¤’iw ··-----.--...·...-· . --. 116 conseugabeiore testimony taken not incqmgaundgl et,c,, containing alcohol 115 cl 3:1 ,,,,,, , ,,..,...,.,.,_,,,,,. 731 Gihy dlhfldé, . .. H6 not applicable to cages where {rmt, no}: specmllyfrovided for . 117 testimony not c0nc1 ed and judg- ¤¤1= speqml y prvvi ed for --..------ 116 ment rendered prior theme. ... 731 ¤11Jph111'1¢ --.--.-...--..--. 116 no one excused from giving, before Federal ’ Edmologyl 4mcnban, _ _ Trade Commimion on pound of perappropnauon for continuing researches _ sonal incriminstion ... . 723 11}- - ; --·-·.··. : . . : ...·...····- 26, 625, 838 lmmunity from prosecution allowed ,,,. 723 for prmting and bmding reports, Bureau m exemption im- ‘ _,______ _ ____ 723 of .·.. 69, 672, 881 Ewing Institute P Ed1ylAwtate, payment of Cimrt of Claims findings to 970 duty on . - .. 116 Ewing, Joseph, Eufaula, 414;., _ _ _ payment of Court of Claims Endings to 983 a rugnapon forgmbhc building ... 8 Ewing, Sallie Il. E., Eu.££a grwggs, Ar ., _ _ _ payment of Coun of Claims Endings in 988 upgzoprmuon for public bunlding . - 611, 824 Examinations of Member and Reserve Banks, Eure Z Utah, _ _ requirements under Federal Reserve Act. . 271 deficiency approprmtzion for public build- pnmishment for loans, etc., toeumineraby

 . 561 banks ... . ...,, 272

Em-ape, Wur_m, _ _ examiners receiving loans, etc . 272 appropriation for relief, pmtecuon, and unauthorized disclosures by examiners fortransportation of American citizens hidden ,_,,,,, , ,_,,,,_,______ , ____ 272 gowing out of . 776 punishment for ,..,.,,,,,.. 273 repagment, etc .. z .. : Z 776 Examining Surgeo·na{or Perwiona, for re `ei, etc., of Americau cntmms zppmpnations for ees, etc . 387, 817 growing out qi, md expenses con- e ciency appmzriation for fees 230,232 nected thertezwith ... Excelsior Sprhng? 0.ghc bm] re yment,e . apmprktziunor u `dmg` . 8,61 824 usgaiaf Army and Navy officers, vessels, Eugangea, etc., P 4 1, supplies, etc .. . 776 stamp tax on sales, etc., at . . 760 charter of vessels, etc ... . ... 776 punishment for failure to affix stamps, for assistance to representatives of for- etc ..,,.,..,,, 760 eign Governments growing out of. 778, 1138 sues, etc., in course of transportation for disbursements by Secretary of State- . 778 delivery, exempt . ,,,_,_.. 769 use of repayments 1. . z . . . 778 tax on cotton futures at ... 693 Emil reimbursements to be pmd mto Eu1LseBocrd, D. C'., the Treasury . . 778 deficiency apprgpristion for salaries. 213, 518, 896 report of repayments, etc., to be mqde. 778 pagrment employees under old chai-tern; foralign sgiips tt; cmrry Amerg oerd, authorized .. 213 811 Om tv 9 mmcm Excnke Tax on Corporatwh see Corpom 'on Cross for nurses, supplies, etc . . . 777 Tax) ( ti European _Hqst·ilit·:ks, _ Exdu Taxes, “PP’°P¥“m°” fw ”·?“°"“°° °° ’°P'°°°“t“' on contracts for sales of cotton for future tive of forex? Governments, etc., deliwry at exchanges, ew 693

 out 0 .. 778, 1138 ’ ' ° '

prevention 0 shipping supglies fc; bel- E“du’°:°‘;‘;“vi H6 1$€i1*f§}i°.X$ii?l?.if.Y??. YY1. T). Yf}. 1226 <>¤ gw ¤~¤*».(g;·¤d¤¤» v¤s¤¤·b1¤· Mt ¤x><¤>i¤1¤v Evan; County, Ga., _ . ' PTOVI {OI ...·.. . . .; . 157 attached to eastern division of southern E¢¤¢m}m, ¢¢¢·, Vessels, _ _ juaacm mmm scc <i¢6¤¤¤<=y ¤1>1>rs>1>r¤~¤<>¤ fw 1>r¤v<==¤¤¤z Evans, George W ’ overctowding of 573, 1043 deficiency appropriation for credit in ac- Exewtive Departments, etc., D. C., counts . 321, 1146 appro muon forcare,etc.z0fgx·0unds- 34, 634, 846 for credit in accounts, reconstruction, or _` ctive mail mupment for .. 304 etc., Pension Office Building ... 571 for mampennnce of ciency ratings of Evans, William T., { 217 _ classifizl empl;>:yee‘s...i)§;éi . _465, 1007 deficieuc a. propriatiem or surveying mvesugzg on, e ., y _ ·S€IV1_¢€ Evanston, fil.? _ _ _ Commimicn upon admgn1smuve appropriation for public bxulding 8 needs of personnel of service m . 465 Ez·¢m.wi le, Ind., _ for testing miscellaneous materials for. . 1044 up mprxation for public building .., . 824 annual statemenj: of biuldmgs rented for, to gn- rent ,,. 824 give detmls of ares, mines, service, Everett, Wash., _ _ _ _ etc _. ._ .. _ . _.. 3 appropriation for public building 824 details {rom, etc., to CIV!.] SGIVICG Commiscondgmped cannon granted to . .. 1211 sion forbidden ... . . 465, 10(Y1 Evergreen Seedlings, Com eroua, economic changes 111 fuels to be recom- Ou {mg list, not ly provided for 162 mended to . 858