Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1349

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mnnxa ciii Fourdn Aagistant Poctenocter General-Con. Pm? Franklin, Pa., P¤s¤— appropriation for miscellaneous, first and deficiency appropriation for public buildsecond clog ofiegg _____ _ ,_,, , ,_,___ 303 __,,,,________, _ _____ , __________ 561 for canceling machmes; rental and pur- Franklintngbnn., chase . I .. , . 3 03 deficiency appropriation for public buildfor mail elf; éegguipments, depart-· » 304 I .. ,., 561 men , as ...,,. . . . , n. rintia Church, for labor, mai1—bag mpm shop .. 304 payniignt §l‘Cdurt of Clgims findings to 986 for {nail loclgs Bgud keys, etc.; labor, Frunklmhoietzn., Methodist Episcopal Church oc -repau· op .. . . 304 for sgr route transportation, except in 304 of Cong of to 986 .: tn, erm. {as-ioruary tic: , for mrs.; deliyery: . 1;% Frpgggnentioi Cdn? of Claims gndings to 986 pay o carriers increased . . ... in, erm. mbyzenaw , for travel and miscellaneous expenses. . 304 Frggxment of Caiurt of Claims Endings to 986 Fourth Clasgdilcnl bglvo {goat). ed l1?t,ChTe3n., Saint Paul’s Episcopal , cu g, e ., carn ur 4 _ us- - ._ - .. 304, 336 payment of Cburt of Claims findings to 986 time of delivery of, may be fixed by Post· .F$y1ternalBerte_ficn21lSooiet€eo, etc., master General .. , . . . 304, 336 income tax not levied on, paying life, etc., . Fourth Classfoatmaswrs, benefits to members 172 appropriation for examinations, etc., by Fraudulent Entry of Imports, F Civil Service Commidon- . . ‘.. 466 factgy attempted . 183 wt ye , ¤ ·, payment qi Court gif Claims findings to ad- 993 deiicigricy appropriation for ;.. 227 mimsirawr .. .,.. . Frazer, wer .

 Bluig,   payment of’Court of Claims findings to heirs

brxggeau ¢;;11ze’<Piac1omSuwanee ZR.ive.r,e,t 953 ... . ,. 968 7 a uml I ! on free list .. ... . 155 condemged cannon granted to . 1205 Fm: and $ac_Iruhum of the Micsow-i, Kam., Frozvkr, Plymouth, jr., _ _ _. appmprigtiop for fulfilling treaty with; 8 paymelng; of Coélirt of Claims findings to 966 sc 00 -.., ..,.. . .. . 7 Frazaer, ymou sr., Fox Hilg Va., Methodist Episcopal Church, payment of Court og Claims findings to ad- 967 outh, _ ministrator 0 .. .I ... payuieutcf Courtd findings to 990 Frederick County, Va., Mount Zum United Fox Hall, Va., Hehodut _Protestant Church, Brethren Churdr, _ _ Fpayzment ;i_C0urt of Claims Endings to 990 Frpaymentlg Cgurt of Claimghiinglmgs to 990 ox wer, ms., edencl:‘ , ., re.sbyterw·n’ ur , project forimproving, tobe reexamined, etc. 1055 Frpaymeng gi! Court of Claims findings to 975 Fdu ty’o§, spectacles, etc ., 122 deiicieircy appropriation for public build- 561 Tam 8, ui 17'Lg, Hlg duty on iron or steel ...,.. . .. 123 Fredericksburg, Va., Bagtist Church, _ France, payment o Court of laims Engirckgs to 991 appropriation for ambassador to . . . 442, 1116 Fredericksburg, Va., Ohristym Ch _ , for secretgry of embassy Frpayminlt of Ce;/prt oz; Claims findings to 991 n secre . 4 edmc' s ur, a., asor»icLodge fg; llilfd secretartivq ... 443 payment of Court of Claimslindilugs to 991 presented with steam launch "Louiso “Frederickalrury, Va., Presbyterian Church, used in building Panama Canal . . . 709 payment 0 Court of Claims findings to 991 a fuopriation for expenses . 709 Fredcrickaburg, Va., Saint George': pwcopal Franz ord .A3"887I·Gl, Phtladelphea, Pa., Church, _ _ appropriation for sewer ... . ... 29 payment of Court of Claims findings to- . 991 or oading shop, etc ... . 628 Fredericksburg, Va., Samt Mary’: Catholzc for magazine and fire protection . 628 Church, _ _ for extending storehouses, etc ..., 628 payment of Court of findings to. . , . 991 for press shop buildi ; boiler plant .,,.. 841 Fredericksburg, Va., Shiloh (Old Site Baptist for tin shop; lumbernslxed . . . 841 Churdl, _ _ Frankfort, Ind., payment of Court of Claims findings to 991 appropriation for public building .. 8 Fredericktoum, Mo., F , Mad., condemned cannon granted to Grand Army pre 'nary examination, etc., of harbor, to post .. 1201 k bg madmiifblii '`'`````` ````'`````` 1060 Fr·i*ca»I{gt’: 191:; 152 F l' ounty, ., o rdmesei? land entrymen in, allowed extension Freedmen’s1fospitaland fisylum, D. C., V oféimie fax; iinal proofs ..,.,,_,_ 234 appropriation for salaries and expenses. ,%;.51 gh Frank , ar m ., _ , payriignt of Court of Claims findings to heirs 976 ger repair, <_gc:£éd . . .f 651 f , , _,,,,.,,___,_...,,, or 1-gjm urging m , rum Fmnklin? La, District revenues, for excess patients 651 appropri;/_ti<ix; for public building . . 8 Fr for carfolcif igdigent patients .. 545, 919 F kl' , . . , eeman, n . _ _ Idzgncizncy appropriation for public build- payment oi of Claims iindmgs to adjng __,___,__,______,____,,,..., , , , , 561 mimstratrix of . 964