Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1372

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cxxvi INDEX. Brdwkm Department-Continued. P¤8•- { Indian Depmjtment—Continued, _ _ _ Poseappropnation for per cap)1ta payment to appropriation for Modoc Pornturrrgtron Seminoles, from tri al funds; delin· proj_ect, Klamath Reservation, reg.; quenttaxes ...,...,,..,,,, 95 available until expended. 98 for equahzing allotments of enrolled for E. L. Chalcraft ... . . 98 Creek Indians, Okla. . , ,.. 599 for school, Carlisle, Pa . - . 98, 602 payment oi expenses . 599 for school, Flandreau, S. Dak .. 98, 602 amounts due restricted Indians ... 599 Pierre, S. Dak ... 1 .. 98, 602 restrictions on fees to attorneys, etc. . . 599 for costs of attorneys, certam allotment mplneys exempt from liens for prior 599 _ f ... 98 ebts . orsc oo, apr ity . _ .. , for expenses, sale of unallotted lands, for fulfilling treaties with Sioux of diEeretc., Five Civilized Tribes, Okla 599 ent tribes . . . 98, 602 segregated coal and asphalt lands in- for schools. .. 99, 603 eluded ,.,.,...,,., 599 for subsistence, etc., Yankton Sioux, collection of rents . - ... 96, 600 S. Dal: . : . 99, 603 specific authority required for expend- for asylum for msane Indians, Canton, ing moneys from tribal fimds; ex- S. Dak . z .. _  :.. 99, 603 ceptions.-.:., , 600 payment from Pine Ridge Indians transfer of existing cemetery tracts 96 tribal fund approved ... 99 for expenseegsg, sales of lands, etc., from 96 for gpagh at0p, C. Clark, and 99 roc .,,,., ter osier, n ers .. eniiollments authorized in Five Civil- for Frank Philbrick ... . . . . 99 ized Tribes 600 for Eugene H. Baldwin ... 99 William C. Adams substituted on roll. . 780 for investigating need, etc., of hgghway, for pslyment from tribal funds in lieu of Standing Rock Reservation, . Dak. 603 b otments of lands; basis of distri- 600 for suppprt, eipctghof Confederated Bandsgg 603 ution . .. 0 tes . ... , dixdxslition of amounts for restricted 600 for nance, etc., detached Indiansi 603 'ans . . . .. 00, allowancestoattomeystobededucted; 600 for tdfor Indians, Shivwitz 100 recerpts req .. c oo . . for fulElling treaties with Choctaws 96, 600 for cash Upayment to Confederated Bands withholding annuities due Osage In- of tes._ .. 100 dran minors not attending so ool. . 96 for distribution of principal fimds of Conpayment for street improvements, etc., federated Bands ... 603 plpugting trilbal property, from tribal 96 to gavgp Spring; Bgnd Colorado. . 603 n s· con ition. . to in etc. an sin ta ... 603 lands of, Choctaws and Chickasaws for 97 for distributing apfcumulated interest for sanatorium promoti se -su port . 603 R. S. Kariho, alienation restrictions re rt of aIlFexpen£tures .. . ...,, 604 removed,. 61 . Elm El iid 97 for _éreatyU;£h Confedei-ated contracts wi ians as to an so tes, . . ,.,. 604 funds, etc., restricted .. 97 for extendin etc. irrigatin systems, apgrovplalpf drainagra assnxments on 97 gsi]:-ls o{hll'nc<{;_11pah_§rt&hUintah, and ottees, aut onz .. 'te 'ver tes -. 604 for paying amounts assessed; reimburse- for bridge,’Myton, Utah, on ment . , ... 97 intah eservation ...,.,,.,,,,,, 604 approval of rights of way, etc 97 for swport, etc., D’Wamish, etc., tribes, general authonty of Secretary of the ash .,.,,_, , ,.,,,,__,,,,_, 100,604 Interim- ... 97 Makah Indians Wash 100, 604 for hoggtal, Choctaw and Chickasaw Qui-nai-elt and Quil·leh-ute Indians, In ns, fromtribalfunds- . 601 Wash . . 100, 604 for special session of Creek Nation coun- Yakima Agency Indians, Wash . 100, 604 ci]; conditions ... . 601 Colville and Puyallup Agencies, for per capita to enrolled Ghickasaws and Wash . . 100, 604 fggrokeoes, gem tribal moneys; 601 for treaty with Spokanes, ' 'tatn ns, e . - . . ... . - 100, 604 unauthorized contracts for_services to for ` tion, lands of Yalrimas Wash. . 100 secure enrollments void; pumsh- for School, Tacoma, Wash. . 100, 605 ment for collections, etc., from 601 fee sim le to John Robinson. 605 use of interest on tribal deposits for forfumisliing additional watertolndians expenses of per capita payments .,,, 601 of Yakima Reservation ...,, . ..,... 604 for oil and gasinspectors,_rest:rrcted lands installments to be paid into reclama- 0f Five Civilrzed Tribes ... 602 tion fund, ___________ _ _________ _ _ _ 604 for monument to Green McCurtain from plans for distributing water, etc., to be Choctaw tribal funds. , - 97 submitted ____ _ __________ _ ___,____ 605 for support, etc., of Indians, Klamath forirrigation, lands of Yakimas, Wash". 605 Ag¢¤¢Y, Omg --------·-·-····----· 97, 602 for services enrolling certain minor- Cas- WarniSpr1.ngs Agency, Oreg .. . - . 97, 602 _ pads allottees ... . 2 . ._ . 100 Umatilla Agency, Oreg . 97, 602 jomt COI1g¥GBS10Il8l-C0m.m1SS10H on tufor School, S em, - -_ ------·-- 98, 602 bercqlogns somvmumiu N ew Mexico, for s§p3rt, egg! tif Argpans of Grandegg 602 and irrigation for Yakima Reservan ean ez nc1es,Oreg..- tio ; ..- for maintenance, Modoc Pointjrrigation ’ advagceld tldu: :thorized; ap- 100 pro]ect, Klamathlteservatron, Oreg. 602 proval of vouchers . 238