Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1403

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INDEX. clvu MMM Chew Swllmgs, Pm Maw Dgpqewmz, Amy-ctmuuuea. vm Mzluty onziéggi . 133 appm·op(i;1tion for Superintendent Nurse r v .. . .. , , I Mp·;¥ment_of Court of Claims Endings to 984 for numrgngéfemsb) .. 2552, lm e, Mag. Gen. George G0rd¢m,_ for hospi matwns . 358, 1069 commission irtleated tnvsrelect site mil grect for veterinarians . ... 358, 1069 memo to, in ton . . . . 1222 for repaus' etc. Hot S rmgs` Ark. has- ` memoriql to be furnished y Pennsyl- prtal .’ . ’ ... . ,. . .: 1079 · vsma .. 1222 for supplies, etc -. . . 367, 10*79 de21g:,(eg;c., to tye approved by Fine 1222 for preventing, etc., epidemic dismmmggn ________ _____ _____ ggggg_ __ _______ _____ ,____ _ _____ 368,1080 Meal, for em ees, nurses etc ... 368 1080 duty °¤ 0*** -··--···--··---··--~·--···--· 132 for Hoglggringg Hosplta], Ark 368: 1080 Onna; saletgf supp Img Nahnml Red Crm, ww 1 ····· ···· ··•- -·•·- ·•-·—• 9 ., HD1 ..,..-...-., Mears,_Leku¢. Fuderick, for pgymgpepamms 4],,,,,;, 50, hospital deta.n.led_ior serqice in construction, etc., of care of Canal Zone garrison .. . . 1080 xmlrpuds m Alaska .. 772 for museum; library ,_,,_ , _,____,__ 368, mw Meat Inspgctgorn, _ _ for Field Service and Correspondence appropriation for additional expenses. . 420, 1091 School for medical 06cem . . 1063 qxtguded to reindeer , 420 for grtifigigl limbs ,,,_____,_,_,__, 38, 637, 849 deiicxeucy apgmpriation for 332, 578 for appliances for disabled soldiers. 38, 637, 849 Meath, Patrick ., for trusses ... . 38, 638, 849 Mpagment of Court of Claims findings to 984 §0r ggolginggnce Hoalpitigl, C . 38, 638, 39 GG , or e HOBPI . 9 duty on extracts of, not specially provided for con lisesses wards, ifor ,,... ... . .. d E and ld Hospxtals- . . . 38 vemson, an 0 er game ····.·.- · ···--· e ciem:y_e. pmprhtibn or su 6fc.. 380 on free list, fresh . . . Z ·... 159 for h0sp1ta‘l care, Canal Zonepgsrrisonsn. 1144 prepared or preserved, not specially pro- credit in accounts allowed for supplies isvrded for ... . ..-... 159 sued to Hood sufferers, etc., 1913 216 none adrnitted entry unless yholesoine, etc. 159 details of medical impectoxs; restriction - . . 351 compliance with meat mspection and officer appointed ma or nenl in, to bepure food laws after entry .. 159 come had oi tlw ggpsrtunent . , . 1191 Mediiaestrtactionx etc., ref;)x’s'ei';1_a¤};mii(n?i0u. . . 159 limit of tour oi during his incummca Equt I or 1,c 14,1 tngs, bene suspen .. 1.].91 appropriation ¥,h0isting,etc. 16, 616, 830 when y ted from active list, rank of de cneucy appropriation for ... 229, begs to be brigadier general .. . 1191 Medals 333,577, 1155, 1159 personnel m pe attached to volunteer or- 348 . mzatmns. . . for Panams·Ps»cific Exposition aqvsxds to settlenggnt of accounts between, and be prepgrea at iuladeiphm Mm; 794 1 t:;he;£:mau;;cg1cs.. { . .d. . ._ . i mso amen,e .. voun r e wen etmleda on freepligt, bestowed as prizes, etc .. . . 159 hospitals? ... 351 to be presented to officers and crew_ of Medwal Department, Navy (au Bureau of ‘ Kroonland " for services to buming Medicine and Surgery, Navy). steamer “Volturn0"-: ... . . . 769 Medakal Museum and Library, Army, Medal.: ojé0€Ion&rhrJ;aw, Manne Corps, and appropriation for preserving specimengség 1080 xt , etc preparation of, authorized for awarding to Medicinal Compounds, Pre thru, ctc., , officers. . . 931 duty on, containing alcogglll .. 115 Meder, Mary, in packages, capsules, etc ..,.. . ... 115 appmrsoment of damages to propertir) of, not ially provided {or. . 114 change of grade, mon Station, . C. 685 Medkimsfgiemmtwm, 25 rT<épriati0¤ fo1‘ 3-Ward, GW ----·-----··-- 686 drawback allowed on domestic alcohol ll In , Oreg., _ _ _ used in manufacture of, . 200 aggipropriatxon for public building. I . . 11, 612, 826 Medwbinal Soaps, M tion of Railway Emplqyw’ Dufnmcqs diity tm. ,.. 119 (see liosrd ofMed1¤tion and Conci11— Medi;-me Bw Nggioml Fgrut, Wygq { 427 1097 ation . s. ro riation or maintenance, etc., 0 . , Medical Ctaritiesi D. C'., 545 919 Mqzytging, Adultaafgal, etc., aa pmpnatum or ... , appropristion r er. uses reventing pfor Gallinger Hospital for municipal pur- P?. psale, etc., of, . . . t . . 431, 1102 goses, Plans ... . ---..----.. 545 Meduymu for Przvmh Cornocplwn, ctc., Medrkal ollcpc of Alubamq, Hobilq, Alu., importation of, forbldden; seizure, etc 194 payment 0 Court of Clauns Hndurgs to 964 llediternrrwtm Fruit Fly, Mediwl Cb’NgT¢¤8, Pan Am!"w¤’¤, appropriation for investigations of . 423, 1104 delegates mvitzd to attend, at San Fran- Meersehaum, cisco, $331-- . - · - ; ·, ---··---·--- 1127 dm on crude ... 152 appr0pri2.tion for enmrtaxmng ... 1127 Me , Medical Deparmwnt, Army, _ duty on -·--·-·---···-·· · --··--··---··-- 131 appropriation for Hospital Corps, enhsted free of duty after Mg 1, 1916 . 131 msn; lcmgevitv ,. . .. 355,1066 Jlclletle County, S. D ., for pay of officers; 'longevity ... . 356, 1068 time extended for payments by settlers on for acting dental surgeons and contract lands of Rosebud Reservagurgeons ,,,,...,... 356, 1068 non in ,.,,,,.. 383