Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1455

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INDEX. mix Preeélznt of the United States-Continued. PIN- President of the United 8uuea—Continued. P•s•. authorized to appoint delegates to. Ninth may grant leave of absence to Engineer Qongres World’s Purity Fedora- Co officer for temporary service tion  : .. :.. 782 inlgnhina .. 772 del%tes to World's Purity Federation 239 two cégiceas Hf the Navy for Brazil Naval D@. ... . .--...a•..···· ar u--.-----------····-··· members of Federal Reserve Bond . 260 may promotg aegd retire H. R. Drake as qualilicamons and tenure .. . .. 260 master signal electrician with full governor and vice governor to be desig- pay, etc - ... . . 514 11800d @0111 ---—------··--·-··---·- 260 may provide method for opening to entry members of Federal Trade Commission. . 718 lands restored from national forests, authorized call Naval Militia to repel 284 etc . . .. . .. 113 mvasion, etc ... mmm ‘ ‘ Figs; ‘ gcnm authorized to detail Army officers for Pan- my Jameet¥•%el;BteavalryLx::;1tired- t 512 ama-Pacific Exposition . . .. 1065 my suspend citgzemhf requlément fo;. lieutenant Frederick Mears, Army, fo1' watch e$ce15 otp ships in foreign railroads in Alaska 772 tmdc- conditions __________________ ggg authorized to invite Central and South cmd;] ¤u}vcyB inspection om of fm., American Govemments to a confer- g;gu.1,,,j1t ships admigiod tg Ammi. _ence of American financiers. . . t 1121 can registry; condition, ____________ 699 f°“"g Govsggm mu? °°. 772 salary tc; present, excluded from income 168 International Congre¤onEducation.. 1222 to d . '`'' . ‘‘‘‘ 1m¤···*=······* °¤¤¤~··¤¤H¤m¤E¤¤· ,,5 °“G‘i“$1m.m .,x‘i§¤,*$€°‘L1““¤¥,;..§,i?°,;; cation .. . .. . . . Intemational Dry-Farming Congress. . 775 N5J?:£fék}z:*é?:66 •··· :1;); ····· Stfsupomx ________ _______ 773 coal ageas in lllgska, reserved from membersof I terpar1iamentaryUnionto F F ·········· . ················· 742 ,,1,..%,,.,3, conference .. no ¤··;,=;·gmgg;1¤¤¤¤ ··¤d¤· =v¤¤·**¤·1 ,,2 authorized to locigte, cogngtruct, and operate 805 ade$m tau? I. ml C0 ori · °'``````'``` f c0h0 . ... ... . 110 ““‘“‘°'§,?.?’ '·?3`£$¤?°1$°e%%‘»°·°1T§?'$=`£’»t?¥ ,92 P°"‘:;?;m?,,,‘°-.¤,‘““°i3?r1i.’?f;“'»0u,i“’; e . . . · · · b citizens ... . 1193 "°“§”.tl§.f’t§’¤““°rnu“‘i»”§£s. °‘J..“."’..‘i‘. .*3*3 im wo ?··¤·¤·= gym we ge ··~ authorized to present gold medals to C his ° °“ °“““ Senores Domicio da Gama, Romulo _ m Y ° °{°n°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··•·· 779 S_ Nam), and Edugrdg Suarez, fgr to detail from execut1ve_departments_tyvo generous services as mediators in the ¤1¤mb§1'Q 01 N $110001 EXP0¤`1t10¤ controversy with Mexico ... 1228 c°mm¥¤°¤ -··-·-···---- _ --··--·-·· 6 68 authorized to restore within two years 0¤¤_ 1116111061 to be ¤PP01¤l·€d 110111 officers retired under Navy personnel 01V*l me --···~---··--·--········ ; · · 668 act, 1899 toactive list .. 939 to have prepared yearly aniount_ of un- Constantino ldarrast Perkins, colonel on ports and exports of articles m tarti active list Marine Corps . . . . . 039 _ schedules ... : .. : ... 201 authorized to use construction, etc., funds, estimate of domestic production and for formal opening of Panama Canal. 330 consumption thereo ... . . . . 201 appoiigiment of persons in military and 330 wcommumcémon to Congres. . 1 .. . 201 service .. issue or ers gove opium, e ., adldiidonal salary allowed . 1 . . 330 special taxm yous .. . 787 land or naval forces to enforce neutrality proclamation requestmghobservance of and prevent shipment of supplies to second Sunday in y as Mother’s 1 vessels b§lligersréts.;M_ .. 1226 Day .. . ...····. 770 b tt eohi " ’ an ‘ ississippi," w ‘ 5 · G0 1,, Hemgm. 3 map; be wai gy. c¤¤<1i¢i¤¤¤ ·-------- 415 ¤°uiii»¤0;l`€:atyv:gr?;::;¤:g for ams; details authorized for rotecting person of, of desc;-ting Seamen, etc ,,_________ _ _ 1134 . =·¤<1Pr¢¤i<1¤¤¤~·¤l’¤¢¤· ·. ····· 23·622·836 to open by proclamation lands in aban- •>1¤¤¤r;;l>gu;e:s¤1;1t; fg; ggpeggxg tg: doned sm Ifsamibome Military ~=»<»=<=<i wi ~-·--—-»:»---·» . —----- ss e,.,,.,,.,,.*‘°°£,,'““°£$:,,1§£‘§;.,.;‘;;.;;gl;;,;.;.;.; 3*** °"‘I’l°?ém°l';e(g ?'mu'21efl°'°°° m M°m°° by* Tm act, wm necessity therefor ceases, my 3 °%¤i Jdslizsph i;»s.;e‘,‘··-‘ ;..,. . g . .· ¤¤= —-·-------—------·-»·—-—------- 712 ww .. _ .,.,____ 1 135 volunteer force to be ?ised, etc.; hg, Joseph L. Donovan, capltain of infantry. 375 me of W"- W en lm Y John W. Hyatt, second 'eutsnant, Army 511 , C°¤€'°$°& ···-· . -·--- — ----··-···----· 34 7 may designate retired Engineer Corps 185\1€_qf P100 108111111, @15 -·-·-----·-... 347 officer to New Jersey and New York P1'°“m°“° f°" °’g“}“““g» °“` ····--·--·-· 347 · - officerstobea mted by . 348 Harbor Commission 775 . . may direct clearance be withheld from _ P°1?°'¤¤ 9118* °» $¤18m¤°¤t· etc -····· 348 vessel believed to be jing sup- President of the igenate, plies, etc., to vessel ofclgl-lhgerent. . 1226 to appoint thirteen Senators to attend cele- Federal Trade Commission to investigate bration of restoration of Congrem mum-us; viomjom ____,,,,,,,,..., 721 Hall. Philadelphia . 239