Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1486

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ocx] mnnx. Secretary o{’ the Newy-—Continued. Page- Secretary of War-Continued. P¤&¤· to estab ish anchorage grounds for vessels designated on commission for memorial attending Panama Canal celebration building to Women of the Civil at San Francisco Bay, Cal .. 394 War ,.,,,,..,,,,,_,,,,,,___, 233, 325 to loan iiags, etc., for Grand Army Encamp- on Gen. George Gordon Meade Memoment, Washington, D. C 1223 rial ...,,,_ _ __.,,_,_____,,,,,_____ 1222 to report on building four warships of best 2 duties, m§1r:1meng at Fpgt McHenry, Md., t 6, etc . 95 to ncis cott e , etc ..,.._ 568 aeropiapnes, dirigibles, balloons, and sub- may loan teipts, etc., gr Coirifederate Vetermarines ... 952 ans eunion, runswick, Gs, ,,,__, 237 to select naval officer for committee to re- saddles and bridlesto Knights of Pythian, port on naval armor plant .. 414 for national encampment .. 776 Secretary of President of the United States, sanitary equipment to American Red appropriauon for .. 464, 1007 Cross .. 771 Secretary of the Senate, to accept lands for permanent Army maappropnation for, assistant, clerks, etc. . . 454, 997 neuvering camps, etc., in Tennessee Secretary of the Treasury, or Alabama .,.,,,,,,______,,______ _ 359 appropriation for, Assistants, clerks, etc. 467, 1009 establish and maintain ranges, etc .. 360 for divisions in office of .. 467, 1009 to appoint commission on adv-isabi1i1;y gf for section of surgtly bonds ... 467, 1009 aviation training station, etc., at Sm for refnmding pe ties on account of fail- Diego Ca.], , or elsewhere __,,,______ 1064 ure toma eincome taxretums, 1913 1225 to approve location, etc., of Lgt of way detailed list_of all imported articles to be ’ through Fort Wingate `tary Resestabhshed by, for statistical pur- ervation, N. Mex .. 726 poses; contents ... _ . 183 to determine whether public quarters me duties as rnemclger of Reserve Bank Orgam- · available for Army officers or enzauon mmittee .. 251 hsted' men ..,.,,,,.,__ 1069 of, under War Risk Insurance Act .. 711 to direct expenditure of appropriation for made ex officno member of Federal Reserve . poreservation, etc., o river and har- Board- -: .,... 260 r improvements .. : . . 725, 1049 to act _ .. Z . . 260 to establish anchorage grounds m navigable prohib1t1<;)n against connection with vvaters, etc-E;é 1053 mem er . 260 to gamso' n <¤·d1sp' la at nien to offices for Board . . . . . . 261 Station, D. C ... ¥ . 778 gene powers not impaired by Act 261 to loan flags, etc., for Grand Army Encampmay suspend limit on isueof national bank ment, Washington, D, C, _ ,_,_______ 1223 notes secured by other than United hospital tents, Grand Army Encamp· States bonds ... 683 ment ..,... , .,,,,_,,_________ _ 1224 to determine, etc., whether countries free to permit right of way adjoining national from contagious cattle diseases . 195 cemetery, Nashville, Tenn . . . . . 777 to make regulation for extending medical, to return original ordinance of secession to etc., aid to deep-sea vewels Louisiana . 777 by revenue cutters, etc . 387 to submit complete plans, et,c,, io; bmgcks to prevent entry of goods made by con- and quarters, Canal Zone and Havict labor . 195 waii .. . 74 to prescribe regulations for exportation of to use of allotment for improving East opium, cocaine, etc., toforergn coun- 277 ver, egtc., NewR Yprk Harbor, to mes .. remove oenties ee ...,__,_,, 1224 free entry of exhibits, San Diego, Cal., Securities, Federal, State, etc., Exposition. . . .. _ .. 4 interest on, excluded from income tax . 168 free entry of breeding ... , . . 153 Securities, Negotiable, of horses, etc., temporarily croming on free list, steel engraved forms for. - 162 _ frontier .. , . 153 plates, etc., for engraving .. 162 unportauon of opium ... 276 Securities, Railway, stamp tax on sales of cotton at ex- . appropriation for securing information conchanges, etc., for future delivery. . . 697 cerning issues of .,_...,. 627, 840 to require degosit, etc., from Panama-Cali- deficiency appropriation for securing infomia xposition Company to cover _ _ formation concerning issues of .. 212 BXPQDBOB of jI.W8fdB, 600 .. . .- 3 Scmmttes, United (gee algo Umtgd to sell poruorlrlogmte for post office at Gas- States Securities), toma, . . . . 729 ap priationfordnsth 've for. 21 622 835 Secretary of War, _ _ growitnem, destruction cfg? .. 21: 622 appropriation for, Amstant, assistant and for custody of dies, rolls, and plates. 21,622,835 chief clerk, clerks, etc .. 479, 1021 for refunding two per cent bonds ... 835 for xnlplnlument Horse Shoe Battle Ground, deficiency appropriation for distinctive ... 311 a er . 314 for for Government exhibit in Seebolt, yoiijn H, Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., un- payment of Court of Claims findings to der authority, etc., of - 667 adminisnetor of ..,.,,,,.,__,_, 97] for representatives, 66 Seed f D e . a ding xposmon . . 7 on or ent of Agrr'cul·t,m·e f¤1' ¤f §alem, lgas., fire sufferers, or Botanic garden .,._,, , ,._,__,, , 161 lm B! d1l’9<3t1`011 0 . , ... 681 Seedli see Stocks Cutting; or Sggdlgg _ authorized to grant use of Fort McHenry Seeds,ngs( ’ ’ ) gounds to Baltimore, Md., for pub appropriation for testing commercial, ¢ park --. . ... 382 adult:-mma, ew ,,.,,,..,,_, 422, 1092