Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1494

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eexlviii INDEX. Smokergw Artahlcs, P¤8•- Soda-Continued. _ Pavduty ou, not specially provided for ... 152 on free list, arsemate of .. 162 §"‘°""`;’ ""‘“’""‘“ °"‘“""· t%‘;.eg‘s"e;.;at ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ {S? m 1/It , -. .. p t for, by seamen ... 1167 cyanidetégt S yma e . cu 10 D1 e .. Tgppropriatibn for public . . . 14, 614, 823 gitrate 02 . 163 1im't fcostinc , u 'c ding' at., 5 icate o 16 Smyritaf Tenn., Plresbylcrgzn Church, méphate of, or salt cake, or niter cake 162 payment of Court of Claims iindmgs to . 987 Soda ater, Smyrna, Turkey, _ _ duty on ... . . 137 appropriation for rent of prison for Amen- Sodium, can convicts. .. - . . . 452, 1125 Sotallutg 011, 8.11;;/ alloys . 128 S be R' er, ` , ctc., Tgle oivbridge across, between Lewiston, appropriation for investigations, etc.: . 1092 Idgialio and Clarkston, Wash., author- 34 testanng lfactenal cultures for mocu- 1092 iz . . . 2 mg egumes ... . . Snake River, Alaska, publishing tests; names of dealers in preliminary examination, etc., to be made _ mnpure, etc ... ; ... 1092 of mouth of 1062 Souls Bureau, Department of Agnculture, Snap Fasuners or Clasps, appropriation for salaries .. 432, 1103 duty on, iron or stee 128 or general expenses. .: . . Z . . 432, 1103 Snohomish River, Wash., for potash, ctc., mvestrgauons.: . _ 432, 1103 S approlpriatxgn for imlprovemygnthof 38 for xgappmg, etc., results of mvestrggz 1103 noqua mic at·¤W orest, as ., , ons ... , appm;:!ri;tio}1) for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1098 for etc., agricultural lands 1;:2 1103 S , . C., _¤q ¤reets_ . 4 , 1;p1pr·•;>ria(iion kgor removing from streegség 904 ;0r adrnzimstrauve expenses . 432, 1133 'd l , tters etc , or ren .. Snuf, an.; grvxj Flgnuir, ’ deficiency appropriation for general exdrgry on ,,,,_,,,__,. . . 132 S hr penses. ... 580 S Georg 0 "9 qieymeut oilgoougt of Claims Endings to 974 S uy on pave; far ...- - .---...-..---. 145 u _ __,, ,, __,,,, , ,. . 0 ut ., Snyder, §¢i[v:;>sor; _ _ payinent_ of Court of Claims Endings to payment of Court of Clmms Endings to _ hw of.-, .---··-----.---~. 977 adminisuguix of ._,.,.. 995 Soldwrs’ End Sazlors’ Home, D. O., Grand S Powders, ]"¤{?/, oggtv on not special] rovided for 119 appropriation for expenses . 547, 921 5 “ ’ Y P Spanish War and Mexican War veter oa , · dggy mr, castilg _,.. .ii ... S _ E15 Bdgitlgdn . . .. . . 547, 921 tal castor 0 ... 0 MM, · ·, ggldicili-isi? etc . . . . 119 pay, etc., of soldier during suspension of other, 1:3 spleixcially provided for, . . sentience of dishonorable discharge, 1065 rfum to' t . ... no oaccrue o.. . . ... ptcfoth  ? 118 Solicitor, Department of Agriculture, unperfumed . .f .. 119 appropriation for, law clerks, etc ... 415, 1086 fre list, grease and o' s or 58 orrent . ... 437 Sogitiea? Religious, Scientific, etc., _ Solicitor for the Department of State, on free list, books, etc., for; lmut . 155 appropriation for ... . ... . . . 497, 1038 glarilosophicsl apparatus, etc., for ... 161 S l_ ora;_s1stta;wnt; .. 466, 1008 S d `I. o tentor or ntenor parlment Oduty on, . .. 117 appropriation for. ., . . 497, 1038 Soda, title of an Amxstant Attorney General duty on, bsnzoate of. .. .. 119 f Cllllggid to . . . 497 b bonate f, supercar nate 0 , or or o appeals 488 1030 lcmmlerams.? 119 for assistant attorneys, etc., otHce of. 488: 1030 bichromate and chromate of . - - Soltmtor for Izoat Office Departnwnt, borate f, bonx . . .· appro na on or .. 497 1038 cau5tic?,. .. 119 ; tzilgle of Assistant Attorne changed to., ’ 497 chloragge of ,,,.,... { ... I Sorfggr agorneys, clerks, etc., gvision of, 474, 1036 Cryst;} bg t o , , .. wz or enera , kydratecgg, _ .. I S apgggoprxtion 50;),1,% .. . ..., 497, 1038 vp; 11 it ... o or, _ any e ment. mcnohygratg gi ... 119 I S :;ppropr.;_a?on for,. Irélerks, etc. , 484, 1025 'uitc f ,_,_,,,, . . 119 0 wilor 0 ntema enema: gosphgte of QE 1 lg · S¤;ppmpr}¤,1;1;;>1});or . .6, .. 497, 1038 , rsoda rst ... ouratoro partmento mnmerce, sesqiiicarboriigs of _. . 119 S a;pproprJi_at$1;;>r;) for . .. 498, 1039 sul te f, crystallin or u r o wttor o epartment 0 , Pallts. 3 ,..,, :7 . 119 appropriation for, law_clerk, etc . 2, 498, 1039 sulphid and sulphite .. . ... 119 de c1ency appr¢g>nation for books for law tartrate of, and potassa . 114 library, 0 ce of ... 218 , yellow prussiate of. .. . 119 for clerk .. 322