Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/33

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14 SlXTY—THIRD CONGRESSL Bus. I. C11. 3. 1913. smumuaw. Santa Ban-bara,_California, post oiilce: For completion of building under present limit, $10,000. , _ f bun . ¤·=¤¤·¤¤¤s.N-Y- Schenectadyf1gew$¥)05•(§6 pest cmee; For completion 0 dmg d t `t 2 . _ Q . . 8•=¤·=r»¤¥· uDS::r£ kansad, poet office: For continuation of bmlding under: t `t $34,000. _ , . . S¤y=¤¤¤r.1¤¤- pmS?;nour, indiana, post office: Forcontmuatxon of bnnlding under present limit, $10,000. _ _ . . · smmwm•,r¤m. — She1byviHe,l§messeeé0%)>osts0iHce: For continuation of building snumme, W. Vs- uugizzgsvmc, Wesg,4V’;i·gini¤,4(§;eet office: For commencement of building under present l1m1t,·$ ,000. , _ _ _ Smym. ¤•i· Smyrri11s;u Delaware, post officez For continuation of building under t 't, $5,000. _ _ _ ‘ ¤¤m·r¤·¢.Ky· PmSs¢:1i11ershI¢;]t;,tl§e;})m0<E;l5)y, post office: For completion of bmlding under t I 7 ° . • • • Hmnnchicaetill. Prgseexilth Chicago, lllinois, post office: For completion of bmldmg under present limit, $75,000. » _ _ _ Sr•¤>¤,W1¤- Spart?i,n:1V post o&e: For continuation of building under t 't, 0, . _ ‘ ¤p¤¤g¤¤1d,lt0. Prglseiixingield, Missouri, post office courthouse: For comfpletxon of the enlargement, extension, remodeling, or improvement 0 bmldq ' under present limit, $30,000. _ _ * nm. m%`or rent of temgrary quarters at Springfield, Missouri, for the accommodation of vemment officials $13,500. _ _ · Srr¤¤¢¤¤l<1.T¤¤· Springfield, Tennessee, post office: 1for continuation of building under t limit, $25,000. . _ _ S¢¤¤1¢¤¤.P¤· steeiir0°xi°°Pe¤¤sy1v¤m¤, post office: For completion of building der resi; tlimit $10000 un n , , . Bt¤¤l¤¤¤*m¤. 0¤i¤· Steubenville, Ohio, post oicez For continuation of building under present limit, $10,000. _ _ _ 8y·=¤¤¤r¤.¤¤- Sycamore, Illinois, post omcez For continuation of building under present limit, $10,000. Tallndesi,-U3- Talladega, Alabama, post office: For completion of building under present limit $15,000. ’r¤b<>r¤,N- 0- Tarboro liorth Carolina, t office: For continuation of buil ` » Pos under present limit, $15,000. rum mvusnnch- Shree Rivir§ml§ic2i%a‘i)160 post office: For continuation of building un er resen , , . ·rm¤¤,o·. Ti.ft¢ii11,mi;}eo;gi)ab0;5ost omcez For completion of building under esent 't 2 . · ·r°pe¤,m¤a,m¤t. prTopeka, Kansai, rent of buildings: For rent of temporary quarters for the accommodation of Govemment officials and moving expenses incident thereto, to continue available until expended, $10,000. rmvm ¤zy,1¤¢h- Traverse City, Michigan, postoflice and customhouse: For completion of the enlargement, extension, remodeling, or improvement of building under present limit, $10,000. rum, 0k1¤· Tulsa, Oklahoma, post office and courthouse: For completion of building under present limit, $85,000. Umm c¤y,*r¤¤m gnion Cityg,Hm;;pne;see, post office: For completion of building un r presen , $ ,000. U¤¤<>¤.S-<=- Uiiion, South Carolina, post office: For completion of building under presentlimit, $15,000. vr¤¤¤·.1¤- Urb»;1E;1il]h;12o;s6O;5ost office: For continuation of building under presen ,_ _ . _ V¤¤ks¤¤rz,m¤¤· f:7lieksHbl11rg,,lidiSi;1ss1pp1, post officei and courthouse: For completion o argemen ,extension, rem , ° t f building` undeiiipresent limit, $40,000. 0 eling or lmpmvcmen 0 W¤·¤1>¤¤¤=» N- Mk- Wnhpeton, l\_orth Dakota, post ofncez For continuation of building under present limit, $25,000.