Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/59

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40 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1913. laborers, and for all aptpsliances and materials used under this head; Pmm also for repairs 000: Goa _ and 'Iohthier imj;rr<;ve}nte;11ts of a perganent R,,,,,,.,·,,‘, h te $57 : , a no p 0 e appropna on or mdhvfm on mw flor any of therbranch homes shall be used for the construc- Fm tion of any new building; _ For farm, namely: Pay of farmer, chief gardener, harness makers, farm hands, ardeners, horseshoers, stablemen, teamsters, daujymen, herders, andgaborers and for all tools, apphances, and materials reuired for farm, garden, and dairy work; or gram, hay, and straw, dressing, seed, carri , wagons, carts, and_other_ conveyances; for all animals aHurc r stock or (mcluding ammals m the park); for materials, tools, and labor for flower garden, lawn, and park, including cemetery; and for construction of roads and walks, ani1nf:§lm£%i;s5%gt done by the home, $24,000; £’,,§,‘}_*;,°;,,','f,?,;_ Nortliwestern Branch, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: For current ex-

 i§cludi}:1g*¥2;;i¢:)(s;(o;.me objects speciied under this head for the

ranc ; °"l’““*“‘°”· For subsistence, including the exe objects specified under this Hmmm head for the Central Branch $137, ; For household including the same objects specified under this head Hmpim for the Central Branch, $67,000; p For hospital includinigre same objects specified under this head mu for the Central Branch, ,000; I ger transportagon of mlelmbers of the home, §1i§100; d this orre inudmg° tesameojects uner ` for the Cgntzjzil Branch, $34,000; Spec ~ F"“" For farm, mcluding the same objects specified under thi head for the Central Branch, $9,000; Tom In In all, $338,200. _ cumsitsxpmm. Eastern Branch, Tongue, Mame: For current expenses, including @1;; same objects spe ed under this head for the Central Branch, I . ,000· su For siibsistence, including the same objects specified under this head Houma for the Central Branch $121,000; ` For household, including the same objects specified under this head Hmm, for the Central Branch, $80,000; ‘ For hospital, includin the same objects specified nmder this head .,.,,,,S,,,,m,,,,,_ for the Central Branch, §41,000; Rem got transportation! of mgmbers of the home, $1,000; ` orreausinc t b`ts iiied d his Fam fozirtheffgntral $44?053;u;0 No Spec un or t had or arm,mc gte t ifid d his the Central Burgh, $17,002me o jec s spec e un er t head for Hmmm, vm In all, $352,000. Cumntexpmse. Southern Branch Hampton, Virginia: For current e nses including the same objects specified under this head form Cexltral Steam,. B¤I_·z¤¤ »$§S?,2°°: . 1 dm orsu isence incu` th b' ts ° H,,,,,,,,,,_,_ heiird fir theh(){.,(;1t!i,_!;1B$c1.§· $1g9%? ° J°° Spfwliied under gms or ouse 0 , m t b' ‘ ‘ Hwpim fcgi: thohgenjz-:11 Brine; $.;g(;;O3Oj“m° ° 1%*** Spécliied under thm head or osp1 , m uding t b' · ,,,,,,,,_,,m_ for the cms Befinct, $44,3t%‘§“’° ° ’°°‘“ “"°°‘“°" ““"°‘ °*“*‘ *‘°“" Hmm ger transportationiiplf mkembers of the home, $1,800- · or repairs mc t b' tg ’ • Fm. fmi? thef C€Du?hc{3I£:1;h,i1$46?03gm; 0 jec specified under this head or arm, m u t ts · the C€ntm1BmDch, $10, és Ogame 0 jec specided under this head for In all, $387,800.