Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/740

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 311. 1914. 721 wa ex edited. No order of the commission or judgment of the A¤“¤°=’·* mbmm cou5i·t td, enforce the same shall in any wise relieve or absolve any mt mumd person, partnership, or corporation from any liability under the antitrust acts. Complaints, orders, and other processes of the commission under S°"'°° °'*"°°°“‘· this section may be served by anyone duly authorized by the com- hmm, doumy mission, either (a) by delivering a copy thereof to the person to be ` served, or to a member of the partnershiglto be served, or to the president, secretary, or other executive officer or a director of the M phmdbusiua corporation to be served; or (b) by leaving a copy thereof at the ` principal office or place of business of such person, partnership, or By Hamm mm corporation; or (c) y registering and mailing a copy thereof addressed to such person, partnership, or corporation at his or its principal office Pm, 0, mm or (place of business. The verified return by the person so serving ` sai complaint, order, or other dprocess setting forth the manner o · said service shall be proof of e same, and the return posteoilioe receipt for said comlp aint, order, or other process registered and mailed as aforesaid s all be proof of the service of the same. Addition, Sec. 6. That the commission shall also have power- _ _ ` (a) To gather and compile infomation concerning, and to IDVQSCI- ,,,,§§'f,’,,g"§§}{,‘,§,,’ ‘;‘{§j gate from time to time the organisation, business, conduct, practices, 0* ¤¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· and management of any corporation engaged m commerce, excepting banks an common carriers subject to e Act to regulate commerce, ang its relagplp to other corporations and to individuals, associations, an artne . _ (bl) To requiile, by_ general or special orders, corporations engaged nili¤°°E¤°$l m commerce, excepting banks, and common O8»1'1'1Bl'S subject to the Pm Act to regulate commerce, or any class of them, or andy of them, repectively, to file with the commission m such form as e commission may prescribe annual or special or both annual_an_d special, reports or answers in writing to_specific questions, furnishing to the commission such information as it may require as to the organization, . business, conduct;£1;actices, management, and relation other corporations, partne `ps, and individuals of the respective corporations filing such reports or answers in writing. Such reports and answers shall be made under oath, or otherwise, as_the commission may prescribe, and shall be filed with the commission within such reason able period as the commission may proscribe, unless additional time be anted in any case by} the commission. _ Investimting em. (c) Whenever a fina decree as been entered against any defendant g;¤g¤”:_w *1* www corporation in any suit brought by the United States to prevent and restrain any violation of the antitrust Acts,_to make investigation, upon gs own initigtive, of toe mannolr in w?cl;_the (deoiee been or is ein carrie out, an upon the ap ca 1on_ _ e rne hmmm, Q, mb General it? shall be its duty to make such investigation. _It shed ¤¤gs,¤w. transmit to the Attorney General a report embodying its findings and recommendations as a result of any_ such investigation, and the report shall be made public in the discretion of the commission. Investigations for (d) Upon the direction of the President or either House of *"°°*d°”° °' °°¤$'°”~ to investigate and report the facts relating to any alleged violations of the antitrust Acts y any corporation. _ _ nsmurmeud msi- (e) Upon the opplication of the Attorney General to mvestigate and g0°§;P,*;d¤w“g§,m,g§,f’ °° make recommen ations for the readjustment of the_bus1ness of any corporation alleged to be violating the antitrust Acts m order that the cor oration may thereafter maintain its orgomzation, management, uml) conduct of business in accordance with W- _ T., make pubuc m. (f) To make public from time to time such portions of the informa- rm-mmm emma. tion obtained by it hereunder, except trade secrets and names of customers, as it shall deem expedient in the public mterest; and to make Baum to Ummm annual and special reports to the Congress and to submit therewith 91006°-—voL 38-rr 1——16