Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/907

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SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. CB:. 76. 1915. 889 rrzovme onouim, siumr rroox, Naw Jmzsmr. g,§gg§§'H°°kP’°'*¤¤ For current expenses of the ordnance proving ground, Sandy E‘l’°'”’°’» °“’· Hook, New Jersey, comprising the maintenance of rail and water transportation, repairs, alterations, accessories, and service of employees incidental to testing and proving ordnance materiel, hire of assistants for the Ordnance Board, purchase of instruments and articles required for testing and experimental work, building and re airing butts and targets, clearing and grading ranges, $56,200, ll`or necessary expenses of officers not occuygygng public quarters m$¤°€“°°"” °"'p1°" at the proving ground, while elm-Iployed on or ance duty thereat, at the rate of $2.50 er diem w e so em loyed, and the compensation of dr-aftsmen wlliile employed in the Xrmy Ordnance Bureau on rmam. ordnance construction, $18,700: Promkled, That hereafter the occu- ,,,·‘;1*°°,QY,§,'{,°:,;°' ¤‘““" pancy by such officers, providing themselves with guarters elsewhere, _ of one room in the bui ding at the proving groun locally known as _ the brick house shall not be construed as occupancy of public uarters ’ within the meaning of this Act and of the law authorizing allowance mma and commutation of quarters: Promkied further, That the accountin norm miitliclg gi officers of the Treasury are directed to reimbmse Lieutenant Coloned H°l’*'¥· ' Jay E. Hoifer, Ordnance Department, United States Army, the simi of $118, and First Lieutenant Alfred H. Hobley, Ordnance Department, United States Army, the sum of $156, refunded b them to the United States on April twenty-second and May twenty-gist, nineteen hundred and IOUITBGD, respectively, on account of moneys received by them as commutation of quarters during dpart of the period June first to October thirty-first, nmeteen himdre and thirteen, from the a propriation from which payment was originally made and to which tllie funds were credited w en refunded. sumnimmi imma. ‘ ““"“"”'*”° ”"°°'- For purchase of submarine mines and necessary appliances to P°'°h“"’°°°‘ operate them for closing the channels leading to our principal seaports, and for continuing torpedo experiments, $190,000. ~ ummma of su For maiptpynancg of submaringminefmatériel within htlge limits of p1ics,etc. p` continenta United States, pure ase o necessary mac ery, too , 0 m and implements for the repair shop of the torpedo depot at Fort ¢¤iip•Y<i¤'1i°Z%¤¤.'N`Y” Totten, New York, extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days in connection with the issue, recei t, and care of submarine·mining materiel at the torpedo depot, and For torpedo-depot administration, $68,000. F ORTIFICATIONS IN INSULAR POSSESSIONS. I""““"’°°°‘”""°’· Tmtection, r, For protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications at the ee. re following localities: Ha .| mum In the Hawaiian Islands, $2,000; Pump me mam; In the Philippine Islands, $3,000; P ` In all, $5,000. For preservation and repair of structures erected for torpedo T°“’°°° s““°""°s‘ defense, and for maintaining channels for access to torpedo wharvcs at the following localities: _, In the Hawaiian Islands, $1,000; H“`Y““‘T“ kL‘“"5‘ In the Philippine Islands, $1,000; Phmppm° m“”ds’ In all, $2,000. For land defenses in the Hawaiian Islands, including the Iprocure- ,,,{;,*‘,,‘,,dIS‘},§,§°,§g$°S· H“' ment and installation of searchlights, and the acquisition of and and rights of way, $150,000. _ _ _ For maintenance and repair of searchlights and electric lwht and E1°°‘“° Plampower equipment for seacoast fortifications and for tools, electrical