Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1122

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INDEX. 2425 Treasury [>e;gartment—Continued. P¤s¤- Treasury Departwwnt—Continucd. Paseappropmmou for engmeers, watchman, appropriation for ixgvpstigqtions to secure labvrermetc .-----..---- 467, 1009 better sdm1m.strat1vo methods, fog- Gpqergl Sppgly Committee, , ___, 467, 1009 economy, etc, ,,,___,_,,,,..,... 474, 10].5 for dxvmons m ecreta.ry's 0Ece, clcrksé traéasfer of offices, cbc., to old Bureau of ek! -·-----····--··..··-···-- ·.·47,]009 ngrav' andZPrin' build' 474 bookkeeping and warrants . gor rent . . 474, 1015 customs . .. , or su li , t ___________________ _ 47 1015 appointments . 467, 1010 for lalgg sisviix cmachines, atc ,.. 47;: 1016 Surety bonds ...---···· 468, 1010 for automatic gre alarm . 475, 1016 Fubhc moneys 468, 1010 for burglar alarm devices, etc _____,__ _ _ _ 475 oans and currency 468, 1010 for heat, light, and power, old Engraving Revenue Cutter Service ... . . . 468 and Printing Building ,,,,,._..,,__ 475 printing and stauoncry .. ... 468, 1010 for contingent expenses, Auditor for Post mai1_811d files .· . 468, 1010 Oifice Department ___,,,_,,_ , , . , 475, 1016 spccml agents . ... 468, 1010 for internal revenue collectors d qtiog, · · 7 gp for dnsbursing clerk, deputy, clcrlzség 1010 Duiiilgsy ---·------··-- 475y etc , _ 0 _ 0 }1}€ -·--····· for %pervising Architect, executivgg 1010 fol§*;gfl\:;:8u?°¢§1H°d ¤P;1t¤ ···-·--····- @5 ’ tc ______________________ 4 ng mcome x . iorC(;»m(;zo¥1erof the Treasury, assistant, Y 101 ;°¤' ¤;U¤¢*m§£¢<>¤¤>¤ *81 --···-~-- , 1 k, tc ... 469 0 °r°{um»° ·*’P€2° ····--—··---- for jaligiios for Tmasmy D€pume,:;;é9° 1011 for aneous mterna.1 revenue ox- 1018 k . tc · .. . ···· , ···-·-···-·-·-·-·-·--—·- for iugiiirgor War Department, clerkfég, wu gi l’€I'8’ offices tc-- ········~---···-- - ···· ---· v . ‘Z"’.' ‘`°' ’ for fuditor for Navy Department, clerkfég mu f°;sgQV°?;#3°g&l;?%ct;¤9tgY;;2i*§i¥g;¤ 1*:179, 1021 etc . . . . , _ * my indigo; sor Interior Depmmengég ml 8d*:£;;g:§::;=¤¤:;¢--,--E6h-- Hf- - AL- 479 er , ctc . .. , ‘ cofnpensation for piece rates on me- ’ counts by Intonor Department herechanical devices . 469, 101]. dw? --····- ; --····——-·-·--·-···--- 1021 ~d¤¢·*<··· gg ·=·····*·¢* 0* *0**** 3*%;,, Im §3§ ····· 4%*323 authoriz .. . .·. . . . ···· > » for Auditor for State, etc., Departments, ’ f°1’ Public buildings ···--~—···---··· 4» 609» 822 clerks, cm _______ , _______,,..,_,, 470,1011 pvkvviypxgwn Potomac and Rock 829 for Auditor for Post Offico Deparmncut, CWB · '‘‘‘‘‘' ~ '`‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ - ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ assistant and chief cm, c¤€r»;;,0 lm *0* ggmvlgggjgigging md P¤¤¤¤¤ 15 tc ,___.,,.,... . ... · · ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ ¤<>$=p<=¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ for <=¤¤¤>¤<>><¤·=¤ ·>¤ ·¤·- $$5 2?$€£t%’;“i&°"£°&‘€f3“§?ai?§Etg ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ${2 chsnical tabulating devices . 470, 1012 for repairs ’ etc" to Department PW of ¢mPl0Y°°¤ Ou leave Of .8250 1012 _____ ° T _________________ ]5, 616 329 sence . .---· - · ·_ ’ r·»<¤¤ce¤>z=.<>ff·>¤·>·» b·21·>wg¤*d° of chief ‘°’ %t€°€$°£L:?`T.§?R?`Y1?%??.§{°}?. 16 of d1v1sion authorized ... 470, 1012 for mechanical equipment for Depam USB of b“·1““°°€ i°’ °mP1°y°°° °“ m°' ment buildings 16 616 830 chalfical d°“°°’ ········ j ‘‘‘‘·‘·‘ 470* 1012 for Life Saving Service. ._ . 18; 619 for 8819-Uwis etc-, P0¤i¤¤l ¤¤Vm8¤ ¤Y¤t€;¥;0 1012 §0r%0ven1é0Er1gwgScw1c&i.i..S .. 19,620 nccoun . ..---- t r ' for Triiasurcri aigwgt, deputy, mmg;,0’1012 °’ $2 R?L‘m;é 8£'?t2r’éel.§i2e>?Y?T‘?1 gg;. te ers, c or , e .-··----··-- { Engr; a ting uresu 19, 620 8 for dfawils ffo¤1 ¤¤¤iS¤¤t t¥°¤¤\¤’€¤`¤’ , 471 fg; papor¥0;1§t¤mp¤, internal revenue. . . , 20, o ces .. · --··-·-·-·- 621, 834 to be mnsferred to regular mlb ------ 471 for refunding collections ... 20, 621, 834 for force for postal savi¤¥¤ sy¤t€m.. - - 47], 1013 for punishing violations of internal mvcfor Register, assistant, c erks 471.1013 mw nm . . ... c 20, 621, 834 for Comptroller of the Currency, depu· details for enforcing laws relating to ties, clerks, etc ... . -· 472. 1013 Department, authorized trom. . 20, 621, 834 for Commissioner of Internal Revenue, for expenses refunding two per cent deputies, clerks, ctc . . . . 472, 1013 bonds 835 clerks on emergency taxes: ... · 1013 for contingent expenses, Independent for Superintendent, Lxfc SBVIDK SGIVICG, 472 f Treasury. . . . . .: . 1. - . gg), gg; g .1 rk , t . . 1- recoin ,go an mmorcoms. , , for 0;:at gfarii Officc, chiefs of division, fg; mone;§;:uudryinachines. . I .. 622, 835 clerks, etc .. 1014 for expenses, sacunues and nataonal curtechnical, ctc,, services ... _ ... 1 014 rency - ; - -; ·---·--,--·--... 21, 622 for Director Bureau of Engmving and transfer in distinctive paper accounts Printing, assistant, clerkpactc 472, 1014 authorized. . .. Z ._ ... _ 2 1 for Chief, Secret Service Divmon, clerks. for distinctive paper, securmes, mmonal gm ___________, , ____ _ __________ 473, 1014 currency, etc _____,__,____,,,... . . , , 835 for Director of the Mint, clerks, cbc. . . 473, 1014 for custody of di<§iiro%)1shaigd plates. 21, 622, S3? ' 1 h I uses, u c u r {nga. , for ggrgizu clgigegc Pub? . Q73, 1015 fg; gdggressing counterfeiung, ctc. 23, 622, 835 fm. cond eat GX éusgs ll- _ __,,_ _ , 473, 1015 payment for details under Secret Servfor gtatiogiry _ ,, 473, 1015 me Division forbidden 23, 622, 836