Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/961

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2164 INDEX. Federal Reserve P*8°· Federal Reserve A.ct—Q0ntinued, Page. depggi%$;n1Le?tnction on, with nonmembegn 691 reduction of capmnl stock by nations.] an . -- , bulk! . 274 use for meeting liabilities; metric- _ agarqval of Reserve Board required 274 hone.: . . 271, 891 mv dxty of any clause, etc., not to affect basis of estxmatingreserves _ 271, 692 _ remander of Act ..,.. 275 national banks in Alaska aud msuhr Fcxégrhii tl? among, etc., reserved 275 ons ma remam nonmem- a new z, BI; nam . Y 2 71, 692 designation? $$2., mapay ,,,..,,,,,___ 256 reserves under yireqcnt low .. . 271, 692 Fedcra Reserve Bank; (aw alan Federal R8- except in the 'ppmes, may be ad- serve Act), mitted as member banks, ctc . 271, 692 interlocking direchorates prohibitions not five per cent redemgtgon fund of national apphmble to ,,,,__,__,___,____ _ ____ 733 banks not to counted as part of Federal Reserve Board, _ lavqful reserve . ... _. 271 appointment of class C directors of reserve exsmmauouyl of member banks sem- 271 ·ba.¤kg by _,_________________ _ _____ 256 ¤¤¤ Y -···--- · -··---·····-----·· 0118 to hairman f b ard d appointnaeut of examiners for _ .. 271 mgessvrgeggzenti ________ ?_ _ _? ____ _ 256 0 Sl::at§mbt§ aud trust compemes 271 gnéaliiimtgaqs, duties; em, ,..,.,,,,__ 256 3[ 0 _ 1 ...-.-·... crca jeno cxomem rs .. 260 authonty of exammers; nlanes, etc 27 2 zggguixuve members; compensation, etc. 260 unesgment for expenses of ... . . 272 nom] pay to compuouer .,,,,,,,,_ 260 ¤p<=cm1, my be dnrvctcd by Reserve connection with member bun rm. lm}? -·-·-·-----··----····- bidden u;e?1ber¤ and Assistant Sec- .**9 ¤ ·---- · ·--—····---····- , ¤ ¤ Treasury 260 hmm of whe}. ..·--·-·.·.·--·.~.-- 272 quslziicadom of xppointive member; ._,. 260 of ¤'¢¤¤1’V¤ b¤¤h·--; --·-----·-·---·· _··- 272 tenure of ciliceg governor and vice govloans, chg., to exmmnen by bsukoiliugls ‘ gum- ,_,,,__,_,_____ _ _______________ 260

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.--..-..·.. : 272 £vemor to be executive oficer 260

punishment for vxolaupmv by officuh. . 272 o to be ggigmd {0; me of _,_________ 261 .m.°°%°;£‘“%,'§°`2=¤.m”’ %."Z.;'3‘“°”msm=e&4a ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Z3 '3"‘;;,‘?'Q;"¥$‘ €}’.§.°’$°"'°“‘ ¤§’.§‘“”‘““**°“ ‘‘·‘ 2**1 _ _ ... es mem rs; iilling vamcmyxng fees etc., by bmk officials canciew umu;] mpqrh ____________ _ 251 _ }11!¤*@d--·,·_ ·--········-·----- Z ··.- 272 sutbofigy and powers; examination, etc,, unaitbggazgd dmclosuxes by exzmmers 272 0 aqserve banks; shgtemeut to be o 1 en . . ... , ,_________ _ _____________ 261 pqnisbment for mgking .. 273 of paper; interest _,______, 262 _ ¤€<??0¤ m_°E?9t m ¤-WY SSW --·····-·· 273 ¤¤¤P€11H10¤ 0 reserve reqmrements; immdwxdual ]J8b1]1tY of muo bank stock- position of tu during _____________ 262 holders amended .. 273 conuol of Federal reserve mgm ________ 262 provmions for transferred stock . 273 over reserve cities ..,..,,.,.,,,,,_ _ 262 l¤¤¤¤ gu iv; Gnqtécnal 273 of btzk odiciols ...,.,,, 262 Cl ee. . 011 necun .,,.,,_,_, , , _ 2 time gglsecurity . suqfsngou of reserve banks . 23 penmgn eunoun . .. n reserv ta d 't.s extension of restrictions by Reserve 273 ge etc; ... if . .3 262 _ Board. ., 2 supervision of rose banks 262 iomgn may be estsbhshed by 273 imno of permits torxgtional banks to act ng o hugh, ,.,,., , ,,,.,,,.,,_, gg trugtegg, etc ..,,,,.,_,.,,,,,,,,, 262 conditions required 273 em loyment f ecemry t application to be iigfed with Reserve Pclerka, etc?. . .1} .. % 262 _ Bou·d_ ·uuthor1 Board .. 273 notsub' tw 'vil rv1ce' la ... 2 mformxmqn concerfnymg, to be fuminhed; mthorigcof tig Pr:ident...T? ... 2238 _ exammntwns. ...· . .·· 214 redisccgugm y reserve bspks subject to. . . 263 _ mdependent accounts to be kept ... 274 supcrvmon, etc., over xnue 0 Federal gnqgugmteuylgwg repegled, , ,,_,,,, , ,_,_, 274 rggrvq nghq, _,,_ , ,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,, 265 panty of United States money 274 duties relatinig to examinations of memsecuring gold pmvxdec} for _. Z . . . 274 ber an reserve banks . 271 muougl currency asoc.u,t1om’ provumng exgmmerd salaries, etc .,. , ,.,, 272 extended to June 30, 19}5 ... 274, 683 reduction of capital b national bank; subreenacuxrent of former mtwml bmgn 683 ject gn ap};-grovugof, etc . 274 pmvmwm; ,,..,, . ,,..,..,.,, , um ming ' f '· tax on notes secured by other thm by P ¤·ust(Xc?t bt; .. 1: 734 United rgagluced . 274, 683 Federal Reserve Currency. sunpenmon o xm: n o name on other appmpriation for ' ctive paper for 835 secuntythm United Statesbomds vmo' tc. i ... 2 ldper¤1ittedt2;i;.;...:-..:. ... @ FeI¢zr0alT5?•lx'r:ei° e;;:0 ,0 65 go reserves mam . rm u slum; mmigi!t@%I1€ of national bank notes 683 apgtpmd secrggnry .. ? .. wie? 840 rm -.-·.··- - -------·--·---.- ¢i¤¤¤¤s` ¤¢Mc¤¤' ew., f Bum extenerben of time for acceptauge by State Tx? Corporation ernployege during banks and trust compamea of bene- fiscal year 1915 .. . . 840 Eta of .. . . . 683 ior contingent expenses . . . . 840