Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1108

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1088 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 163. 1917. Pg1¤;,gx¤é¤,gggu_¤¤¤ _BmmaU or Emmavrxe ann Pamrmo: Director, $6,000; assistant · director, $3,500; chief of division of assignments and reviews, $3,000; chief clerk, $2,500; disbursing agent, $2,400; cost accountant, $2,000; medical and sanitary officer, $2,250; stenographer, $1,800; store- (k)eg>eg·,;11i6g0 glgsgstggtbggorglreeper, $1,0?0i cleréchgn charge of yiure e , · er ix 0 c ass go, nine $4 class Bneipigllt at $1,000 each, twelvieatl 1;80l)) ecaglgii teen at 0 eac thee at $780 each, n' tt d ts, t $600 each; l1elpers—one at $900, two at $720 eiz.Icl,1,atvEd1 &D$60?) each; three messengers; seven assistant messengers; captain of watch, $1,400; two lieutenants of watch, at $900 each; sixty watchmen, at 3720 zaxotwo forgwsciiggn ofhcharwortnen, at $540 each; tw1enty-five ay c men, a eac · seven · ' Limit charwomen, at $300 each; foreman of)la;sl$dr1?d1rs?1$)9r010I;§`o1; l!$lY§1ligl{]S% ,,,v,,,,_°“*’°"”*'°' eighty-dive laborers, at $540 each; in all, $241,310; and no other fund a;§>ropriated by this or any other_Act shall be used for services, in the ureau of Engraving and Prmtmg, of the character s ecified m this paragraph, except m cases of emergency arising after tlhe passage 3; 'idrct, and thetili only on the gvrittenfapproval of the Secretary e easury an m eve s ‘ statement of the eégsatms JZ t'§§0u‘i.'{“‘ii?a$§°§§S.l’i°{t“$},‘§$Z§£‘i gmt Sum DM to Congress at the gmuing of each regular session. an _ Smcasr Saavrca D1v1s1oN: Chief, $4,500; assistant chief who shall discharge the duties of chief clerk, $3,500; clerks-—one of ,class four one of class three, two of class two, one of class one one $1 000; asmstant messenger- in all $17 120. ’ ’ e§§}§',‘{,_°'D"'°‘°‘ °' Omen or Dmndron or mt Mmr D' to $5 000 ° z irec r · $3,000; computer, and adjuster of accounts $2,2l)0· assayeixiggglgdi clerks-two of class four, one of class three, one of class one; private secretary,  ; assistant in laboratogy, $1 ,200; messenger; assistant mw- m§i“§°;3ig§t 0§db%'°" *§2°‘· mi? ’ ”§’?8°a ms n an coi ‘ ‘ Cmmmtmmm. between mints md may Umm, gé5,g’050glS ere mail or othe e, For contingent expenses of the Bureau of the Mint, to be expended under the direction of the director: For assay laboratory chemicals, gueliismatemals, balances, weights, and other necessaries, including E hm ctc dg§mjS,P%¥1l6t·$, P€!'i0d10&·lS, BPBOIIDBDS of 00ms, ores, and lI10l· ’ or examinations of ts ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ · - pose tf supei·i¤te¤di¤$is'?.».1iiPiiliIl»?ia §2ai‘§$’3,€S“‘£,i3f¥Zr‘Z¥Ji§i magcms mms M Sigraigliatggictggg {fog the c0lle;:_tion0iof statistics relative to the · n cons · · hpubuc Ham Se"` Ulgzzicgtageg, $4,8001} limp 1011 the precious metals m the · 0 Unoaon 1¤:N1maL Pm; . General, $6,000; chief clerk, $2,%Fo· priIr}a$tIeI§eAcIi·1el;IaSEBtvoI gufgggg General, $1,800; assistant editor, $1 800· clerks—fIoyur of tl u gout five of class three, eight of class two (one of whom shall be ti? aslator), xc of one, five at $1,000 each, three at $900 each· maersgengeri ee assis ant messe ‘ tel h . ’ ’ gg., t · atgo,540 gach; in au, ep ORB °PGmt0P, $720, two labgrgrg, weerr. NTINGENT nxmmsms: my nsi§msZ{$§"¤,,°°°"”“°,m,,s, ment and 1liS several biireangraiid yfgig f§g0tgg0Tg;8§w7 Igagggg °*°— thereto sums amotmting to $104 000 shall beidedh ted IP a til F appropriations made for the fiscal lear nineteen hund C d dlomhtf ii as ollows: Contingent expenses {nds ndentTr rc an mg· cg 7 tingent expenses mint at Philld I · easmm $6’O0O’ conmint at sa seam. s20o· cZ¤‘2i}.’ “z"’°°’ °°“"“g°“° °%’§“S°S’ _ . » , gen expenses, mint at nver

3310 ¤ ;¥ u; , assag office al; New York, $500; material;

$5,000; suppressing couuterfeitin can do th Ymg and I?]-mtmgy Health Service $2 50O_ g 811 0_ er crimes, $300, Public v · , Qllarantlne Service, $600; preventing thi!