Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1183

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS Sus. H. C11. 179. 1917. 1163 zysaosysrsszzezz my y *’yy2· by “:zJa1%yy*y·‘y- yyyyy my _ , , or corpora ions, , ; For mvesf ating demonstraf , and promof th f t d- °°“°¤”°°d°*‘**· {ards for the pilgffexieilxit grades, quglgzies, an<§ue;n ns i>iJ?o1?toii,·d1nd gmm"°i°` or inves iga ing e grading sta , , marldng, - pressmg, and tare ol cottoli, $48,000: %rwided, lllqiat of them spimnag thus appropriated $28,620 may be used for testing the waste, tensile '¤'¤•·•¤¤- strengt_ , and bleaching qualities of the diE'erent grades and classes of cottgln in ordteg tp defrimgme their spinning value and for demonstrate resu 0 suc ts; lilib enable the Secretary of Agriculture to make studies of coopera- R"“" °'°$"" tiog apiopg fagmers the United States matters of rural xdits &£x an o o er orms o cooperation m rura communities· to ` among the people of the United States information old: of these studies, in order to provide a basis for a broader utilization of results secured by the research, experimental, and demonstration gg; of tl;-?mx o;3(Agg1§ult11re, agricultural colleges, and To prgzbltzlsthe glgcretaiz oi igijpulture to cooperate Hvith the severa ta in cmp en tstoaequire an ° - useful information connectetlxxith the§§tlribution and markef of , mE` farn;1 (pgsoducts through investigational, demonstrational, or extension met , $43 000; . Ifor investigating the handling, grading, and transportation of r.g'J§°"‘°H"‘·""" gamés éiggn sorghums, or the purpose of fixing deiimte 8 , l To enable the Seci·etai·y of Agriculture to carry into effect the Act ,¤,°;,;'*':,,‘gi§F£_;”:*,c¤“ entitled "An Act to fix standards for Climax baskets for grapes and viruother fruits and vegetables, and to fix standards for baskets and other ·A¤:l:: p. em. containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables, and for other purposes/’ approved Aulgust thirty-first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, including the cmp oyment of such persons and means as the Secretary of lggrigulture may deem necessary, in the city of Wash- 1% n and w ere, $4 000; . or genefal administrative expenses in connection with the lines ,,,2:,.'El°“°""'° °" of investigation, experiment, and demonstration conducted in the Bureau of Markets, $20,105; In all, for general expenses, $843,395. Exroncnunxr or run Uurmn Srrnss corron-rvmnns Aer: 'llo ‘§°‘,,§‘,,,‘?,2"},',°',,{‘,$ enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the provi- MQW mx sions of the United States cotton—futures Act, including all expenses ’°° necessary for the purchase of equipment and su plies; for travel; for the em loyment of persons in the city of Wasiliirigton and elsewhere; and’ for_ all other expenses, mcluding rent outsi e of the téiiictthtg Columbia, that may be necessary in executing the provisions ` A t $98,600. Exwondzimmy or rm: Umyrrzn Sruyrns sunny-sraxnauos Acr: g”qiZg¤il°?>ir`i·Zf¤°il To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into e§ect the pro- *”§;m’P_ m visions of the United States grain-standards Act, mcluding such rent and the employment of such persom means u the Secretary of Agriculture may deem necessary, in the city of Washington and else- , $519,140. ,,,,,0,,,, W Aliixeirmrsryaanox or rua Uurmn Srarns wsnmousn Ac·r:_ To ggpmsea ¤fii&¤¤¤· enable the Secretary of Agriculture to_carry into effect the provisions *'°“_,,,,‘”‘_·p_ M of the United States warehouse Act, mcluding the payment of such rent and the employment of such persons and means as the Secretary of Agiculture may deem necesary, in the city of Washington and eleew ere, $59,620. T talf B ea of Markets, $1,718,575. adams, ébreafcteir, th; performance of the duties required of Depart- ¤•i».•m,•¤•mn¤·°i' ment of Agriculture by tim provisions of this Act relating to the