Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1186

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1166 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 179. 1917.

 District; and the Secretary of Agriculture shall give notice of such

rules and regulations as hereinbe ore provided in this section for the

 ow to dg notice of the establishment of quarantine: Provided, _That before the

adlmngséwinmm Secretary of Agriculture shall promulgate determination that It IS ‘““’°** necessag to quarantine any State, Territory, 0P•D1Sl2HClZ of the United tates, or Aportron thereof, under the authority given m this saection, he slhall, ltepuilue nogrce gtalmterested give a public ' un er suc es an re ations as e s rescribe, at which caring any interested party may appear and be iieard, either in erson or y attorney} _ ,,,{,§‘,*§°,_,",§‘,§€°""° °*" And not to exceed ten per cenhrm of the foregoing amounts for the miscellaneous expenses o the work of any bureau; division, or office herein provkled or be available interchapieably for expenditures on the_objects included within the gene expenses o such bureau, division, or office, but no more than ten per centum shall be added to any one item of appropriation except m cases of extraoidrn emergenc , and then only upon the written order of the Secretaryof `cullrure. ailyotalfxggpartment of Agriculture, for routine and ordinary work, $24 679 113. ·

  • ¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤· ’· , mscnnmxnous.

yygmgmlim Dnmonsrrzhrrons ON nncmmuou rgzotmorsz To enable the Secamiepmem 0:. retary of Agriculture to encourage and ard in the agricultural develo ment of the Government reclamation projects; to assist, throu5• demonstrations, advice, and lll other ways, settlers on the projects; and for the employment of persorrsand means necessary in the city mmmw of l11 E8.I1 elsewhere, $50,000. wa my _ rnnyr Fran PROTECTION _ or rjonnsrmn wymnsr-mos or

tii5?$riz1g¤°wwr;t;g rnvreannn srammsz For cooperation with any State or group of

,,,,,,,mf" "’ P States m the protection from of the forested watersheds of V0l.38,P.96l. pfvrgpbgéstmmswmndeg the provrsipnsl of section two of the Act of arc t nine n undred an e even, entitled "An Act to enable any State to cooplerate with any other State or States, or with the United States, for the protection of the watersheds of na able streams, and to appoint a commission for the acpuisitipn of laiiii for f£l;g0 of conserving the navrgabnlrty o navigable r1vers," mgQ,¤,&,••·ga¤j md M- Erirnamnrwrs AND DEMONSTRATIONB IN LIVE-—S’1‘I?CK PRODUCTION IN cmpmme exper- me cam;-suoan mn corrorw nrsrnrors or mn Nrrnn Sure : To },",§‘,§f§,{§{, ,§ff'° "‘°°" enable the Secretary of Agriculture, in cooperation with the aulshoritres of the States concerned, ·01‘ with individuals, to make such investigations and demonstrations as may be necessary in con- M [ ssgzfznrsktts.;%;:;k12¤::2;.t,‘:s:*s:’:r;Pmi;*%cn *;;.**18 e'°"° ‘ a , cu eereci mgm m" of barns and other necessary buildings, and the eriiployment (iii _ _ persons and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $60,000. gavin; ¤¤¤ im Exrirnmrwrs nz namrme AND L1vs—s·rocK rnonucrroiv nv snmds;p¤§m¤:£:_¤np];ria sam imo mnronnn nrsmrcrs or rim wrzsrnrm UNrrnn Srarns: g,$‘§",,,,{’,;,,,_ To enable_ the Secretary of Agriculture to conduct investigations

 QKpe1'm&ents ltn prg lime connected with ltlhe establishment of

{ m _ Nrying an mea pro uc ronenterprrses on the semiarid d irri- ,,,§,,°§‘Q_ °' "““"‘ Eobcd lands of the western United States, including the urzlliase of ve-stock, the erection of barns and other necessary bugdings, and the employment of necessary persons and means in the city of mm Nm to W'}_$5;‘h1;1gt0tl1tgDd elsewhere, $40,000; , 0,,,,,, §§;° · a no exceed $75,000 f th lump-sum ' ' gz? sum made for the _Depa.rtment of _(Agri¢;r1tur·e ghallngcprsgsiljgigsfgs purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-pro lled _ and horseydrawn passenger-carrygglgl vehicles and motor goats necessary in the conduct of the work of the Department of