Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1235

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INDEX. Articles of War Arm.g—Cont' ed. Pin V Arhland, P . Pap. punishment ior o er feloniipeg etc . 664 condemntzd cannon granted to. . . 843 frauds the Government; offenses Arhky County, A;-1;,, ° °° ¤P€¢ -·-----···-·- · ..·.. 665 b Bgrghqlqncq condtrlict. unbecoming an officer and gen- . · sl: g emau 666 A N tional F U . generalpffenses not degigmwed .. 666 lang/ropgiation fo:r1:2in gz? bf. 457 1146 courts of rngmry, authority for ordering.. . 666 Aahlley River, S. 0., ’ ’ ?)1:plo;1t;r3é oaths . appropriation for improvement oi- . .. 305 cpinioxi on merits £éét}ié£é&Z I I I Z Z I Z Z ZZ 666 P ,.,,,1,, _____________ {fEj’_f’f[ ,0., _record of proceedings; authentication. - . 666 Aahtics, etc., d.1sc1pl1nary_poyvers of commanding officer. 667 natives of districts excluded Tedlew Of mjurlee to person and property. . 667 gdjnjglon ____ _ __________________ _ 876 arrest of deserters by civil authorities- 667 persons, occupations, etc. excepted· ¤e1d¤er¤;ti¤¤e lest P y deeertien, etc., to be status to be maintained; ... I svc _ mede 8006 ····- · ·-----··-······-· 667 bringing in excluded, unlawful ..,..,.,,,, 831 61*6**86 "$"l“”°"*°¤*° ·----·········-- 668 Mit? fer, etc. .. 881 mph of enlistment . . .. 668 AWE; Landg, (mc, readmgm explanation of designated 668 time extended for ents on tracts of rec, eng eww ```` CIC? gg i¤¤m"a..°?.m to be £.1.1" .'}T‘Z’$ as _ °¤ 0 P€¤'¤¤¤¤·- Assassination of Publk Ojeniz , etc., m nests at posts etc . 669 ‘ gd · _ adm-, aubqng wtszifuiiniswr early, ... m dm siogfffiffi f_?$l6fi6 _______ 8-,6 ¤PP°m ¤¤ NP<¤'¢€¤¤¤ m6€¥P¥¢W1'¤-- Aruaunent ¢mdPerm€t Work D. C. wersofamistantjudgeadvocates ... 669 ‘ ‘ { cuccu ’ ____’ ______ 1l;)movalofcivilsuitsfr¤mStafet0Feder¤1 "§,£°..,"‘w.,,.““°}f-?T ... i?T‘E .. &§°°3;}3£ courts. ... 669 · · · ummm; se mm E . by db deficnenlciygppuopnahon for ... 806 • • ! _' *1 ¢h8¥H¤¢¤'d¤m1$9·l; ···· ; ··-- · ···--· 669 issue ofheenses, etc., trauaferredtosuper-

gw *b¤°¤§:c*: {:11::;*um] em- · - 670 jntendeng of licenses from . 1006

¤¤*1i¤¤» and vei¤¤¢ee¤¤ ---·- - ------ 670 Acpmgrgililiii sei .. ew 1005 ¢·¤=¤¤¤¤¤¤<i· whe¤ di**e¢e¤* ¢<>rr·¤ er eem- for magma mms src. .. evi 1005 '¥”md“ b“PP6“ m j°i“ --········· : · · 670 biennial asemmenls of real property- ’ 678 complamm °f wrongs by c°mm““‘iing for extra services, biennial asessmeuts- . 678 §§eer to the general commanding, for gumjchxcg ccpies of wills, etc., to. 684, 1011

  • 66***8 refueed ··‘·······‘*····‘‘* 670 permanent tenure of asesor and alishnt

to take effect March 1, 1917 ... 670 auemom repealed _ _ _ 1006 i¤¤¤·¢di¤*e*y· ·¤i¤*e¤ de=i¤¤¤¢ed -·----· 670 mm ...4 ex acconmie lo prior otfenses, etc., sub'ect to former law. . 670 1 e¤>·»¤ee¤t¤w¤~;e¤ie- ---·---- . --—--· 610 e.§§lL°°§€§ ”€f‘b°§;s;;;sa 11.;,16.1;:: W Arhfczal [m{1bs,f¢tc., or Disabled Soldiers, 298 ledgers 62 amjngarsonu taxes to be ‘*EPP¥°y“““°“ 0* ------ ¤ ········-·-··-·--· deuvercd am. 1 to ce11e¢m . 1006 Animas! Cwbmakd Wim"! co ies of wills etc renting toreal propintern revenue tax on .. 786 P to so undo]. md A’""°'1/· 4*1**14 M°’"'¢· . 246 on wears mcasmorwuls 1(D6 4;%:;:;/pgggirzn §7:"i\;€€¤I\81 efe - -·----··· · Assisuing .4mn-M? gbuvul nh Ouecomo Owe, A =$g;gJv*g;,;g;$0}¤;,_gig=v¤m* -·-· - ·—--—---— 629 “"'°'°".8"1°L'2L`. YZ .°f°T’YT`??'Yi :111 r 1 Y . appropriaéion for Coast Artillery School 621 A':; g:;°;y°;_ l’ 108 H10 iq have mu]; of major genefql ------ · ·--·- 349 Acppmpéation for; ig y --·- 3 13 Artillery, Coast ésee Coast Artillery, Army). 2 · muse! 313 j"?""V;_2}”"“ “‘ Fi°’d A"m°’>’1 *“"“Y)· umm: mm, un · · · · not mnudee adnximion use mum ap mp‘QmP°**,i0;·*;gff{*{$·_l'f*f'}f_’?j*}[‘“€°) _____ ; 2.,2 I .n1;2;l£ lgfwslj ‘ 'I ' '}.;);_ 'P' ’ Z ’2 ° '2` 'M 878 deggiegcw ,Te%.IOPI'i8d0l1 fol'.i . 8% y- P“id¢m’ A:s·wta·nt{o_ ttarncyGena·a, ?;2;?§,.i§i,g; fm, Dining copies of _______ M6 sppropEr:§10n for . .-...------·- 108. 1110 A2 . . . · . ’ ’ _ rules vermng exclusion of .. 876 °°ud°x¥1idm€;irI$i€mi.r.6°:§dn tif iii s41 ¤¤¢g:p1>¤i<¤=¤>¤e *¤> *=¤¤¤i= ¤=¤>¤8*= *0 ‘°*·

f§ircuit court of appeai; at . 385 A . Plgu   ·············‘‘‘‘·‘ ‘ " 877

As , y., . > . * . m riatiou mr public building 263 Ween! *·¤ e¤ ¤¤1>¤¤¤ of <i<>¤¤¤'=1¤ -··—-···- 789 ggiicigncy appropriation for public build- f°Y6*8P» f°¥` United $*6666 bumw" ······ 790 in _____ _ _____________ _ __________ 16 Astrophysical Observatory, Ashland, 0%,,, appropriation for maintenance .-------·~- · 279 appropriation for public bui1ding._ _. . . 263 0* Pnnting wd hmmag f" ············ 331 deficiency appropriation for public build- Atckafalaya Outlet, _ _ _ ing ____. . .., . 16 survey,_ etc., for protection fmm Hillscrmdemncd cannon granted to . .. 843 srppn River nods, etc. ..-. 948