Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1267

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~ INDEX. XIV Crimea cmd Jl'·wdemeanors—Continued. Pm- Ori and . punishment for refusingtofurnish statistics pinrfishment for mailing, Pm of cotton-seed, products, etc 437 against the _President 919 tmlawfully hunting, etc., on game pre- false representations to settlers as to lo- Rocrzes set aside under Conservation 476 _ calrtii, etc., :15 public lands 936 _ _ .. : Z .. mailing uor vertisernents to State v1olallt;ngcot;nf1rturesActprovrsions by 481 051 Tsgritory in violation of lava: 1202 _ _ ·--··--···-- ;· , , _ ·-·------ · ·—-·· · -·-·-·- 1 9 vmlating etc., provisions of gram shipping liquors in interstate cmnmerce ’ standards Act ... . . 485 mtv State or Terri wh la asulting official executing grain stand- rnhibit . . . 1069 vi herds act..:._ . 485 mppriementing nlary of Government n.§’mi2‘;‘w"%°i'I§1e';i2°“2§“$§Ea ‘°° ..n.L’?°‘“*’· °° ”°‘“ °°‘“°°“ °“‘°’ “‘““ ne desert lands .. T . ’ 518 violating pinviéinééi aictininirl odenses m Crater Lake Park, 1 522 bia prohibition Act 1123 rr1olat1ngl;1)rl:,tary, etc., r tions, 527 f¢1l@.D§,_C0|1D¢6l’fd&11g etc., cgrtificatee . Ch} . . ····. ······· :··. ·········· . ° d”d”ug°h°m Aim ·-·- 1182 violaztggéimmrgratton restrictions, Canal 529 wrllfgmlly igtiiing, _ _ _ ·--·--·---··----· · ·-------· _ ,, _ wo . .. 1194 injuries to Panama Canal, etc . 529 interfering with torpedo, etc., defense “°'“..».““‘c§"‘°" °‘°‘* °‘ “"“°“““‘ "°"‘ ses etn°¥.$.,‘?2Zgate;r;·g;t;snss··r5 ···· ““ ·-·----·-~ · --··---··-----·~-· , enacounterfeitirzg, of lading in 544 _ ive sesareas . ... 1194 mtersta an reign commerce , etc., falsq etc., in billsoflading, 544 appropriatig;1 for detection and prosecumtetsta , ., commercet ...,. tion ,,_, , ____________________ ___ 311 violating etc., of Act relating protection of the President ... 311 _ to biils of _ .. 544 dsticrmcy appropriation for detection and violating provisions of cluld-labor.Q,ct. - . 675 of, etc. .. - . 43 violating erghtdionr workday provréons. 722 C'rim‘ Code, violating prohibitions of Shipping Act as amended, section 44 ,,,,, , ,______________ 1194 _tqs•ls°o:cve¤selsto%fre¤g¤e¤¤, stc.. 731 _ se"<;$o?198 . N . 1 62 ialsrfying . reports common car- '¢ea¢•on‘ , B , _ nero by waiter.} ... _ . . . ._ . 736 appropriation for aid to ,,,, , ,,,__ tLTfif_°‘§oo, 1027 drvulging information received by mter- Onmmu Identyioation Records, nal revenue officials. .. 773 appropriation for preserving, exchange, publishing income tax returns. . 773 etc .,,,,,,_,,,___,_ _ ______________ 312 alsestatemerntsmestatetaxretums, etc- 780 Orimincls, _ violating rsquuigements, atcx., of mum- 782 appmpréarté:31 for bringing home, from 050 tions IIIBD acturer¤’ ... a ... , .,,,,___,,___ 255, 1 avoidingpaymsnt of stamptaxon wines. 787 alien, excluded admimion, if involving unauthorized _ d1vu.lgi.n§_ information, moral turpitude ...,..,,,,,,,,,__,, 875 etc., obtained by anff Comms- Crisp County, Ga., sion . Z . 798 may bridge Flint River, at Huguenins selling imports below market price to Ferry. 513 greats monopoly therefor in United 798 Qngwbdy Cam; gm, mes · - ’ . importing articles from countries pro- ..£w??$$m° k °t ‘‘‘‘ 333 hibited admission under proclama- RP mprhdou for I 1 · 'P* 334 ¤·»¤·»¤¤»Pr¤¤d¤¤~-.---. ---··---·»- 799 Pnttmmwnw ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ an furnishing prohibited facilities of trade O Ic N l. I Farm AH: ‘''‘‘ to prohibited for? ships, etc . 800 " . ti I r. ·• of 146 departure of detain vemel without U °PP'°gn“ °° °'m““°°”“°°·°t°·» · mv] elegance, agp: ___________________ gm Creek, thU. 19. Army Transport, 634 exceggmiqpermisrve amount of water 9 °““_ °¤”d -·-··--·· · ·--···—-···--·· : rn nagaralhverabove the Falls. 868 Crop Estimates Bureau, Department of Agnimporting aliens for prostitution or im- crgltnre, _ .m.m“°;?n%“”°”Wen;t:ssma ‘‘‘‘‘· ······ 3% “’I;§°§t‘T.°t‘2§»“tm¤‘°'“’““.t¤°‘ ‘·‘‘····‘···· iiiiiii I , . . . . . . ··-· . . . .. , inducing, etc., contract labor importa- monthly crop reports publication . 1157 tion Z .. 879 for admimstrativs expenses . 489, 1157 Kltxally Landing; , ahens.a. . , . . @0 folrlfilzld agents. . 469, 1157 lllg GHB I B! {QD} (3, timaandlsces ... 881 ‘;‘ { Ge¤‘ge‘ 11*1 failure to file ligta of paaasasera. etc ...-- 885 appmpnrgézgeli . T . 3. X¤i?.°$yss, 1141 talseaisgridsnce adecting landing, etc., of 886 Cmp R,Po,,_,_ Mommy, ons .. . . -

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aiding GD , . - d¢¤¤¢¤=**d*a8· ¤*¤~ United 8**** Hd! i¤ Crggspiopriation nn tsennnnnganin, ew., in- _ I{*¤*¤¢° °* C°l°¤‘P*{*_ ···-·-·-····-- W vestignunns. .. . . 453,1142 vwlatms Alaska pr9h}l>¤¤¤¤ Act ------- 903 for breeding, study, ego., and-rand. - 454,1142 master, etc., permitting execs numbes for investigations of rmects affecting of paaengern ... 918 cereal, etc . . ... 465, 1154