Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1353

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INDEX; cxxxl National Dqhme Act-Continued. P•s¤· National Dejmu 4;;.cq¤¢i_¤¤dd pag, Medical Department;Modica.l • uali- o Regime [uhm ° ·"g,m¤· , Ecagogs for origins] sppomtrgents; P mlgggcf .. {lf .. ’ .. . 801 re 0 ons 1 . . . 171 appointment and promotion of . mgeve mk of ¢¤P¤¤¤¤ -··--··-···-·- 171 detail of colonel from Infmtry of Army. . {gg detpls for Red ()rqgduty_ ,: ,,__,____ 17] pmmotjong, gw ,,,,,,,____,__ 181 engnfted 1;en; not mcluded m strength 172 ip _ mnrexk tx; be nsgiwiles of Porto Rico. 181

: . _ .,  :.. pom en 0 secon eutemmts .

grades est.ubl.1shed;_ orngmsl en11st· status of nflicers of Porto Rico Provisional 181 ment. and pmmguqpg_ ____________ 172 ____ _ _____ _ 181 transferred from Hospxtsl Corps ... 172 existing laws as to Military Academy, petrfleutuge to Argny strength allowed; med lists, detailed and detached _ dmonal for tame of war .. 172 suvice, etc., continued ... . 181 . gtgglgiigngues. , tag!. ... 172 second lieutfonsnts,_otherthm cadets; Ire}; recemv ro ‘ ' duced; reenlistments . . . 172 ments for two 181 additional pagratingfor privatesglimit. 172 permanent if fitnes determined

 ents! surgeons to be ap- nsbed if not ... . . ’ ... 181

pcm · rank, psy, etc . 173 promotion d provisional period 182 quarters for Cmsallowed ... . . 173 increase to beuxilgge in five uuxual incre- Corps of Eugmeers; constitution of; 0iH- ments .,,,,.,. . ,,.,.. , 182 . gem and men. .,,_,. 173 pmruotmn of officers. Z . 182 regu:;?;tl and company 173 eutgnre mgthonzed case eg 182 .. . V auclesmgndév ¤e¤<m — mounted md cgmpmies . 174 tenants; order of selection . 182 Conshtvbd S part of the hue ... 174 otha vacancies- _,,_,__________ _ ____ lg; Ordnance Department; constitution of, enlisted men after one years service, 133 Officérssndenlisfcdmcn. . . .. . 174 ,,_________ _ _______ 183 selection of sergeants".: .. . .,,, 174 rank, eu: ,.,,,,_____ , _____________ _ _ 183 details of officers to , 174 guthqgiged m {0;-my om. student officers for instruction . . . 174 cers; conditions ... 183 Bignnl Qorps; constitution oi; officers . 174 examimtinnu for qmmotion extended m svrauon sectwn; detmls, etc . . . 174 _ al1 grudes be ow brigadier general. . 183 mereased rxmkz psy! ek: .. 175 l.)m1t for heuwnant colonel gud major. . . 183 ajnators from C1V11g1]t£6 . . 175 retued onfsgcézxve duty m time of war enlisted men; stren ; es recenve a etc . 183 authorized , 176 psy, etc., on detsilgcgsctive duty . 183 percentage of grades . 176 Detached Officers’ List; increase of line unit organizations authorized .. - 176 for . 183 Bureau of I§u1sr Affairs; organization constxtuuou of; detailed provisions concontinu .. 176 cerning ... . .,,.,,___,,_ 183 chaplains; number, mak, pay, enc _. . . 176 grqpcrtional numberingradgs authorized 183 preference for war servmce an sppomt- 176 lling Vucangea) by proinotmgéé. . K . . - 184 ments .. nmen promo 1011B s; are- Veterinary Cor§ created; constitution of 176 I .. 184 made part of edical Department .. 176 BGYVIQG with troops required; present appointment of assistant veterinarians; uwnments continued . 184 rank, pay, etc .. 176 Dumb? Cavalry and _Infgmtry colonels promotions, examinations, etc . . . . 176 mcreqsed to equulue inequalities in appointment of present employees; re- pld lgqe pmmetwm . . . . 184 qmremenu.: . : 177 to bepddxtwnal numbers, etc. 1 ,.., 184 reservevetermanans; sppomtment, sex-v· Pf<>¤¤¤t{¤¤¤ <>¤‘ t¤¤·¤¤fe¤ to vacancms beloy ice, etc ...,...,.,,.. 177 héutenaut colonel crested by thm probationary appointment of assistant- . A6 ··--·-····-··. · ..· 185 veterinarians ... 177 Philippine Scouts; retirement of captains board of examiners . . ... 177 and lieutemmta; pay, etc ,,_,__,_,__ 135 Infantry units; composition of ... 177 enlisted men; term of service to be seven regiments, battalions, companies . . . . 177 _ years. Z ... 185 headquarters, machine gun, and supply aeuve service, three 135 compames .. :._ . 178 with Arm? eserve, four years- 185 Cavalry umts; compomtmn ci. . ._ .. 178 reenllstmellfs; fur oughs to Reserve after regiments, squadrons, compames ... 178 one year, etc ... . ... : .. 186 headquarters, machme gun, and supply 178 three eiompuqegv as enhstment 86 com anies . pe _ gr ongevn pay. .. 1 Field Artilgxg units; composition of .. 179 nonqomnumoned .0HiSZ€‘!'B may reenlist addirio units authorized m t1me of _ m same orgmuzatipn, etc ... 186 war ... - .. 179 mmors to have wntten consent of tegimeutsa b9.ttaHOI18, gun Bild ¤10I'€3i' WNDU, GUC -···· ··: ··... . ... :.- 186 battenes ,.. Z .. 179 postmsqters to be pond for pmcurmg headquarters and smly compames . 179 enhstments...: .. . .: . : . 186 gun or howitzer bs xons .. . . ._ 180 8dd1UOI1Ql educatmnsl tnuning to be Coast Artillery Corps; officers and enhsted furmshed; teachers, e0c-_  : . 186 men constituting .. 180 pay of certmn grades created m tlus Act- 186 rated men; maximum . 180 present psy, etc., not shouted 187