Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/497

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476 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Srss. I. Ch. 313. 1916. ‘ to a int a commission for the uisition of lands for the prupose of the navigability of rl:$i%able rivers," $100,000. _ o¤¤•pms-v»,•¤¤., That the aesident of the United tates is hereby authorized to "‘{}},,°‘§,‘f’,,""5,, designate such areas on any lands which have been, or which may ` l hereafter be urchased by the UnitedStates under the provisions of the Act of §arch first, nineteen hundred and eleven (Thirty-sgrth Statutes at Large, page nine hundred and sixty-one), entitled An Act to enable any State to cooperate with any other State or States, or with the United States, for the protection of watersheds of naviable streams, and to a pomt a commission for the acguisition of Funds for the purpose olf conse the navigability 0 navigable streams " and Acts supplementary llrereto and amendatory thereof, as should, in his 0 inion be setaside for the protection of game ani- ,,,,,’°,}"g,;‘,’j°,,;‘,_§,,Q°f,g‘,'f; mais, birds or fish and whoever shall hunt; catch, trap, willfully i¤· disturb or lull any lnnd of game animal, game or nongame bird, or fish, or take the e%s of any such bird on ahly lands so set aside, or in or on the waters ereof, except under su general rules regulatrons as the Secretary of Agriculture may rom time to time rescribe, shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. · - ‘ Pam A. °°*°¤*¤**¤•¤·*°*- That this Part to be known as the United States cotton futures gluing be, and herelby is, enacted to read and be effective hereafter as . 0 ws: u T*“•**•¤'•*•¤· "‘l]rat this Act shall be known by the short title of the ‘United States cotton futures Act! ‘ ‘ " _9;s¤==r¤·=¤¤¤ ¤¢ “Szo. 2. That, for the ofthis Act, the term ‘contract of ' sale' shall be held to in e sales, agreements of sale,_and_agreements to sell. That the word ‘person ’ wherever used m this Act, shall be construed to import the phnxl or singular, as the case de— um mlm mands, and shall include mdiyiduals, associations, partnerships and ,°,°°',_,,,*"'0°,,,,,,,,,,,,,',,c_ corporations. construing and enforcing the provisions of this Act, thp act, omissiomdori) failure of any official, agent, or other person act or or em oye y any association, nersh.;p` , or co ratioringvithin the Eco of his employment olfmotflice, all, inrgsery case, also be deemediahe act, omission, or failure of such association, partnership, or corporation as well as that of the person. _X},`¤ °¤ fgg;j*g°°§,;f ‘fSsc. 3. That upon each contract of sale of any cotton for future wm dzllory. delglerky made thi, on,fo{)· rn any e51changei]bo1{,)rd;>£it;:-dede, or similiar rnsruronor ceo usiness, erers ere e ataxin e nature of in excise tof 2 cents for each pound ol the cotton involved in any suc contrac . , °°¤“’°" "Sec. 4. That each contract of sale of cotton for future delivery °$0¤mc». mentioned in section three of this Act shall be in writing plainly _ stating, or evidenced by written memorandum showing, the terms of such contract, including the quantity of the cotton involved and the nlaimleiéznd adtiirlessesl of th: silleieanld buyger in lsuclh contract, and _ s s e yteparyo carge,oryisaentinhis ""°'€h° °"°°*°°· behalf. Ilgl;he_contr·act ormemorandum specify in bales tile uantitv of the cotton involved, without giving the weiight, each has shall, cmu _ for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to weigh ve hundred pounds. mmgwgmmmfm “Sec. 5. That no tax shall be levied under this Act on any contract of s§.lefr;rhent?olr{ed_m sectrpjrf, three hereof if the contract comply with eac o e o owing con ions: ,,§ § ‘° ****1 "First. Conforrn to the requirements of section four of, and the S i _ mh Y rules and regulations made pursuant to, this Act. ,,,,,§’§._,‘g",,,Q*;,,,,_°§,,,,,;’,,; "Second. Specify the oasis grade for the cotton involved in the ggygugéy wd contract, which shall be one o the grades for which standards are established by the Secretary of Agriculture, except grades prohibited from being dehvered on a contract made under this section by the