Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/629

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BOB, SIXTY·FOUR'1`H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 417. - 1916. ‘ xteflidant at $300. In all, pay of professors and others, Naval $238,860. _ m§_$§’§"*¤°m,' cl‘;n(i:11i7·i·msN·r or ORDNANCE AND GUNNERY: One leading ordnanceman, $960; one ordnanceman at $750; one at $660; one at_$.n40; two ordnance helpers, at $480 each; and one writer, $600; in all, $4 470. ,,§;}”;",,m°g,,°,,”,,§,{°,,l§,$; ll)EPABTMEN'1`S or ELECTRICAL ENGINEQIKING ANI) _PHYSICSZ One payee,. electrical machinist, at $1,180; one electrical machimst, at $1,180; two mechanhs, at $1,180 each; m all, $4,720. _

 °‘ ’°°‘ DEPARTMENT or SEA;i4A1?HIPi1 Oneageglg Ea§O$840; one cockswam,

$480* seamen, at 2 eac ; m , . ,,,n Q; DéPABTl[ENT 01* nnmrm ENGINEERINO AND NAVAL CONSTRUOTIONZ mvul ¤¤¤~¤-¤¤¤¤¤· Ona; master machinislt331,900;kand one giisistant, £1,300; one Eattegi m er $1,300; one 'erm er one ac 't , t mac ' one gnblder aglda one coppersmitli, at $1,180 eagh; are instrucitor mec anical wing, $2,000· mac ' ts an o er cmp oyees $7,731.92; in all, $22,491.92. ’ _ _ , mcggmmry ·i¤¤•r¤- Oouzmssnzr DElPAR'l'MENTZ One chief cook, $1,200; six cooks, at ` $600 each, and ten assistants, at $360 each; one steward, $1,200, and one assistant, $1,080; one head waiter, $840, and two assistants, at $480 each; four pantry men, at $420 each; one chief baker, at $1,200; five bakers, $600 each; two assistants, at $540 each,_ and three assistants, $480; four baker helpers, at $300 each; fifty waiters, · at $20 per month each, and fifty waiters, at $16 per month each, $21,600; one messenger to the superintendent, $600; twenty-nine attendggtls, at $400 excl? §g6600;hth.1Lee cogeemen, at eacli; three pantrymen a eac · emen, at eac · tzvo utility $1153, ath$300 ea?i;k<;m,th1;§?)m, it $3(3i two seam: sresses,a eac· cer ,a eac•m $61400. In all, civil establishment, $$34,521.92. , ’ ’ °¤¤¢¤¢¤¤¤ ¤1>¤¤¤¤s· CURRENT AND MISCELLANEOUS nxrnnsns, NAVAL ACADEMY! Text ang peferenceolaopsks for use cg instructors; stationery, blank books an orms, m e ma an a paratus and m terials for instruction injihyslitlal training and izthletics; expensesaof lectures and entertainments not exceeding $1,000, including ay and expenses of lecturer; chemicals, philosophical apparatus and) instruments, stores, machinery, tools, fittings, apparatus, and materials for instruction purposes, $29,585. ¤·¤¤¤ry· Purchase, binding, and repair of books for the library (to be pureh$»e;i2ii5i0t6he open market on the written order of the superintenden- , , . B¤•¤i¤fV¤¤¤ From and after the passage of this Act there shall be a t d chggixessaieu ob eveléy ycarélin (tibia follogling mauaper, atBe;a:·ld og Visgtoaiis, toIir(#$€1i;§g aca emy, e aeo eannu visi o e oar oresai tobe A 1¤¤¤¤¤¤· iixed by the Secret of the Na : Se hall b ' a¤\i§;1i7’ p' gm" biy the President egg four Senavtgrs a1irclulilVi‘¢irl[§)la11si’1l,)>ers ofctllibwlilguugg o Representatives shall be designated as visitors by the Vice President or President pro_tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Rerpgesentatives, respectively, in the month of January of IDID1 on av t §“.;i’.*.§ti°.;‘.f;i .i...·°.m°E$‘?`& ‘Zi.‘h° $€.2‘““l?° ‘2i‘l`i?`?” ‘l”“§“ °f “"’ of Representatives shall be ex officio members of saiidulidiu-d. 9 Home bx; ¢¤¢¤¤· ¤¤¢~· ¤¥- Each member of said board shall receive while engaged u n duties ` as a member of the board not to exceed $5 a day and actualiexpenses of travel by the shortest mail routes. E’¤°¤=*°S· $316316 expenses of the Boargd of Visitors to the Naval Academy, S“P'*¤°°¤d¤¤*· l?0r contingencies for the superintendent of the academy to be explended in his discretion, $2,500. i all, current and miscellaneous expenses, $37,585.