Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/702

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SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 433. 1916. 681 $1,000; assistant in charge of school work, $1,000; librarian’s secretary, $1,000; Takoma Park branch librarian, $1,000; reference librarian $1,000 ;_ ass1stants—one $1,000, one in charge of periodicals $1,000, one $900, six at $840 each, six (including} one for the Takoma. Park branch) at $720 each, three at $600 eac ,_ three (including one for Takoma Park branch) at $540 each; copyist, $540; classifier, $900· cataloguers-—-one $840, one $720, two at $600 each; stenographer and typewriter, $720; attendants·—one $720, six at $600 each, five at $540 each; collator, $540; three messengers, at $600 each; ten ages, at $420 each; three ]anitors, at $480 each, one of whom shsill act as night watchman; janitor of Takoma Park branch, $360; engineer, $1,200; fireman, $720; workman, $600; library guard, $720; two cloak-

<gc;1p)6a)ttendants, at $360 each; six charwomen, at $240 each; in all,

1 ° - . For substitutes and other special and temporary service, at the S“"¤¤*¤'¤S· discretion of the librarian, $1,000. For extra services on Simdays, holidays, and Saturday half i,,;“°d°y’ °t°" °P°“' holidays, $2,000. _ " MISCELLANEOUS, mcnunnvo Txxoma Pam; naazscnz For books, M“°°“°“°°“S‘ periodicals, and newxapers, including payment in advance for subscriptions to perio cals, newspapers, subscription books, and society publications, $8,500; ‘ For bmding, by contract or otherwise, including necessary personal services, $4,500; For maintenance, repairs, fuel, lighting, fitting up buildings, lunch—room equipment; purchase, exchange, and mamtenance of bicycles and motor delivery vehicles; and other contingent expenses, $9,000; In all, $22,000. CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. For printing, checks, books, law books, books of reference, period- °°“‘*“g°“‘°"P°"s°* icals, stationery; detection of frauds on the revenue; surveying instruments and implements; drawing materials; binding, rebin — ing, repairing, and {preservation of records; maintaining and keeping in good order the aboratory and apparatus in the office of the ins ector of asphalt and cement; damages; livery, purchase, and care oi horses and carriages or buggies and icycles not otherwise provided for; horseshoeing; ice; repairs to pound and vehicles; use of bicycles by inspectors in the engineer department not to exceed $800; and other general necessary expenses of District offices, including the sinking-fund office, Board of Charities, including an allowance to the purchasin(g officer and to the secretary of the Board of Charities of not excee ing $300 each per annum or mamtenance of vehicle for use in the discharge of the1r official duties, excise board, personaltax ‘board, harbor master, health department, surveyor’s office, superintendent of weights, measures, and markets office, and department of insurance, and purchase of new gpparatus and laboratory equipment in office of insagector of asph t and cement, $36,900; and the commissioners sh so apportion this sum as to prevent a deficiency therein. Hutuvemcm For maintenance, care, and repair of automobiles, motor cycles, namausueeim. and motor trucks, acquired for the District of Columbia, that are not otherwise herein provided for, including such personal services in connection therewith not otherwise herein authorized, as the commissoners shall in writing specially order; and for the purchase of three new and exchange o seven motor vehicles herein specified, _ namely: . . · Automobiles. Automobiles for the offices of the crvilian commissioners, mclud~ ‘ ing the assessor’s office and office of Board of Children’s Guardians,