Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/455

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1648 '1`REATY—CHILE——PEACE. J rmx 24, 1914. said report; and if even during siones del mencionado informe; this new term both Governments y si durante este nuevo plazo los . should be unable to reach a dos Gobiemos no pudieren todafriendly arrangement, the dispute via llegar a una solucion amistosa, will then be submitted to the se sometera la cuestion a la Corte Permanent Court of Arbitration Permanente de Arbitraje de La _ established at The Hague. Ha a. su¥.?,‘§,'$Z,‘$_°“ °°° °° b° Notwithstanding, any question bio sera, sin embargo, sometida that may affect the independence, a arbitraje ninguna cuestion que the honor or the vital interests of ueda afectar a la soberania, either or both of the countries, honor 6 intereses vitales de cualor the provisions of their respec- quiera de los dos paises, a las distive Constitutions, or the interests posiciones de sus respectivas car- . of a. third nation, will not be sub- tas fundainentales 6 a los intermitted to such or any other a.rbi— eses de una tercera pogpncia. . . tration. Un convenio es eci révio ¤•%°¤°1i¤l1*i¤}:`i:Qgii°°t° A special previously agreed precisara, llegado gl case? B1 maconvention will detail, if arhitra- teria. de la controversia, la extention is resorted to, the matter of sion de los poderes de los arbitros the controversy, the extent of the los plazos a que deban sujetarse Arbiters’ powers, and the length YL o anizacion y rocedimientos of time to Wluch the Court of del %bunal de Arliitraje, incluso Arbitration must subject its or- la presentacion de memoriales, ganization and procedure, includ- pruebas y alegatos 1ng the presentation of memorials, proofs, and pleas. Airricnn V. Anricuno V.

 ¤r¤mae> The present, treaty Wm be mti, E1 presents tratado sera ratifiaed by both Governments after ca-do por ambos Gobrernes, pré-

obtaining its approval by the vios los tramites constitucionales Constitional Powers of both d_e uno y otro pais, g las ratificacountries, and the ratifications ciones seran cangea as en Washshall be exchanged in Washing- uigton tan pronto como sea ton as soon as possible. posible. _ _ _ The special convention re- El convemo especial prescrito scribed b the final paragra liiof por el parrafo Hnal del articulo Article IV remains also sulhject V, quedara tambien sujeto a los to the constitutional requisites requisites constitucionales de am- Dmmn of both countries. bos paises. _ ' The present treaty shall take La. duracién del presente traeffect immediately after the ex- tado sera de cinco anos, contados change of the ratifications; and desde la fecha del cange de las shall continue in force for a period ratiiicaciones; y se entendera que of five years, and it shall thereaf- continua subsistente por perio os ter remain in force, during suc- sucesivos de igual duracién, mién- cessive periods of five ears, until tras alguna e las Altas Partes one of the High Contracting Contratantes no haya comunicado Parties have given notice to the a la otra. su resolucién de ponerle other of an intention to termi- término. Signatures. nate lt'. . In witness thereof the respec- En fé de lo cual, los respectivos tive Plenipotentiaries have signed Plenipotenciarios han firmado el the (present treaty and have af- presents trataclo y selladolo con , fixe thereunto their seals. sus sellos. Done in Washington, on the Hecho en Washington, el dia 24 24th day of July, in the year de julio del afro de mil novecientos nineteen hundred and fourteen. catorce. Winrnm Jnxxmes BRYAN [sean.] [salsa.] En? Snrénnz Mmfoa