Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/822

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1984 nmmx. McCabe, Mont., Pm- ](cCormaclc, Amlrew W, P¤z¤· town site patent to .. 1466 Mpension increased _,, _ 1522 McCa_ferty, Cornelius, cCo»we·n., Artemisia (waklow), nsion increased 1536 Mpension increased ,,,,,,,.,,_____________ _ 1254 Mlggain, Joseph, oCo»wn, John W, Mpggon ingrzaseg 1412 Mpgnsiog .,_,..,.,,,.,,,_______ _ _____ 1592 c iam-, 0 n ., c oy, lexander, nsiou increased ..--.-.-.--·-... 1288 nsion increased. . . .. . ..,.,, 1428 Mggampbell, Willis P., Mggoy, Eliza Jd'IL6(1I)I:d0l.0), lfensron . ... 1582 Mpensron increased. . ,.,.,.,,._____ 1453 cC'arm, Jordan J cCog, May E. (widow), Mpension increased 1230 Mpenmon increasedw, , ..,,.,,,____ 1555 cCarm, Ruth J (widow), cCoy, William G., jr., pension increased 1283 Mpensrou ..,,,,_,,,,, _ _ , _ 1339 McCann, Sarah E. (waiow), cCracken., James E., nsion increased. 1335 nsion increased . ..,,,_, 1541 Mggants, Leander, Lfggrackm, Mllzam C., lupension increased ... . 1567 Mpeusion increased. .. ... . .,,,, 1341 cCart]ay, Patnkk, 1383 cCreary, Anmb T. (whiow), nsron ... . muon increased. . . . ,,,, 1249 Jggarlhy, William B., Mathew H., ypensxon . . . Z. t .. 1582 irenmonincreased. .- . ..,. 1426 cCartney, Willwm P., cC'rory, David, Mpension increased 1260 increased .,.. 1236 cCarly, Grace P. (widow), Grory, Bobert B. Mpensron - - .. 1372 Bpennon increased ... . 1239 cCauley, Edward J., cCue, Emma (widow), Hpensnon increased, ... 1576 ixamnon . . .. 1256 cCa»uley, Mabel(w1dow), 1448 cCullah, James W, 1563 nsron - . .. nmon. .. . . . Mggaulley, Elmb, gzullom, Burton, remains of, ma{)be removed from District Juyment to- -. -. . ..., 1297 of Colum is ... 1263 cCullo»ugh, Catharine (widow), 1{¢Causla·nd, Norman L., Mpension increased . ... 1421 pension increased ..,. 1546 cCullough, Cecilia (daughler), ]{eCaw, Annie Lfeumon. . . ... . .. .. ... 1332 pensionz ) ... 1 435 cCurdy, George W, 1531 McClain, a son , nsron incr nsien , , ,,,..,..,. 1410 Egunz, Julian B., etc., Mgglane, Thomas B., may ridge Savannah River, McDonalds nsion increased 1533 Shoals, Ga. and S. C .. . ... 387 Mgglannahan, Edward T., McDade, Julia (widow), 23 ngion increased .. . . 1503 nsiou .. . ... 1 5 Hgglary, James K. P., lgganiel, James B. H., union increased ,__,,,,,,,,..,..,,.. 1276 ension increased 1452 Lgglaughry, Alice T. (10121010), M£Daniel,_Waltzr, lfpension . ... 1377 Hpgnsiong 1560 cClellan Na wrklow , ¢ Mk » 1 i¢ ·, nsioni . . .. ) .. 122 6 hornestead patent to ... , 1303 Aggzellmwille, S, (2,, hen nelecuongy New Mexico ... 1303 appropriation for irgprgvement of water- McDar{wH, John ., · _ yay between lesmn and _..,... 395 MPGDSIOII lhcwlled .. Z ... _. ._ 1213 gn cermo, war .,a·unamee imma, "°"‘·"°· ’°*"‘· .3., ..31 ".£";.r .;‘Z.,...1"` ’ W" nm nylon.___,,,,,,___,,,,_,,,_,,,_,_,___, _. Hgglure, Charles L., HcDog?gt¢r, Mpgxsionjéi . EV . 1582 Hgcbnsloillllw -...-- - -·--·· · --------- 1410 c ure, n ., ana , ecwr ., nsion increased . ... 1482 payment to &dlD1!11Bt!`8li0l’ of . . ... 1390 Mggmnb, Min, deticiency appropriation for ... 803 a propriation for public building . . . . 266 McDonald,_ John, alms John JlcHugh¢s, dgiiciency appropriation for public build- Lfgnsiog ... . 1338 ing - .. . .. 18 c ana , a , Hcfbmbs, Annie E. . ..-·--------------- 1583 Hpension increased. -. . 1401 cDonald,_ Robert S., eComba, _J'o.¤eph T., upension increased . . .. 1232 Mpgmiorgzmlgrealpgied. . .. 1281 cDmy1Id,_ Thomal, 1462 e anne , ai , nsron increased . ..- nsion increased - ... 1453 Myilonald, William, xgdmwzz, Dye B., pension increased . . .. 1522 lpgnsior; -i .,_ ) ... 1 551 McDorgald,_ William W., 1405 e anu , io . w , nsron mc Hpension increased . .. . 1361 Hglgonalda Shoals, Ga. and S. C., _ cCord, Lucy E. (unklow), bridge authorized auom Savannah River Hpension increased. .- - 1512 at 387 Cord, Samuel, Ilabougall, James L., pension increased. .. . 1451 pension - . ...· 1585