Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/838

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2000 INDEX. Mississippi River Oommismlon, PNN- Mitchell, Baiky, PBR- appropriat:i0n_ for expenses of .. 401 pension increased .,,.,.,..,,,,,,,,,,_ 1484 jurisidicuon extended up Ohio River Mitchell Caunty, Ga., to mouth oftggche River; locks and 2 Baker Colxénty or, may bridge Flint River dams cxcep . 40 t owton . 52 survey, cbc., of Atchafslaya. River, La. 402 1fi¢chell,8.k¢J'mzrgem J (widow), jurisdiction extended over Arkansas usiou increased, .,,_.,,,,__ · .,,,_,,_,,,_ 1563 River up to Jefferson County, Ark.; Mzptzhell, Henry G., allotment for levees, etc 402 nsion increased .., . . ... 1487 allltigment for levees up to Bock Island, 2 JMU, Janus, 0 ...-. 40 ' creased 141 for specified improvements .. 402 (:nJl¢;eph, plans of, for Hood control of the Missimippi, miun ,.,,,,,.,,,,,__,,,,,,,,,,_ 1382 and from Bead of Passes Mgtilull, Mary 1 (widow), woutglc hm, to be camed on contin- 948 Mpensgm .. 1282 ` u y . ztche , Richa d, annual limit of o _ nditums 948 Mpemion incrgased 1480 cont{o1 of expextumen; allotment for 948 uche{l, William, d 1457 cvces. cre connecting ymter courses included .. 949 MP1;enlg1¢3;1dt1;1Fa;1.‘?•?mnd, salary of civxlmu members increased .. 951 agian increased ..,. 1348 Mississippi River, ctc., Floods, 1916, Mz}: Wdlalam H, loan ohutents, ctc., for relief of sufferers 11 Hman 1525 m ,. , o.

 River,   at Hzadwatma :>£ a.   for public building rent  266

abou onmeut. of dmches between G dggdency appropriation ion- pu iic buildlgnzke and Bound gsks, and betwagu I juli 18 xm Inks an Long or obik M_ _ _ at Gull Luka. ... I 403 sppéypriaéiou for quarantine station re- 270 asswegppm, ound, ., pau¤` etc. . . ..., , . app1·0pria.tiont§l¢;il1;1%·l¢iv¤;g1eut og channel 397 H big- imyggekmenb of huboiialgd bar .. 897 counec 0 c a. sm 0 { a win ountieu, ., for maintenance of clmnnc¥ 397 ma brid S anish River; location .. 520 Missoula, Mont., Mobix Arti§liryFAnny, appropriation for public building, rent 266 apgropriation for altering, etc ... 346, 911 defnciepcy appropriaizion for public build- 18 Mdlzldgmyjgpmprimzion for altering, etc. . 811 m 0 e , a., Missoula Jgatwkvruzl Forest, Mont., appropggntion for improvement oi'. channel appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 457, 1147 connecting Mxsissippi Sound and: . 397

   in . , ..,.,_... 922 time e?siEx;<ged6:gr bridges, ctc-, Dauphm 246

zssoun wer, , . . ... appropri?tion for imgrovement gf, to we MobiklR£ver, {ya}; etc th d 538 6- cot ity to e ost antem ts, ., au orize on mouth. ... ’ 403 Mgbilization of Industries Essenlial for for improvement of, Kansas City to Sioux Mililary Preparedness, Board cm, _ C1ty .. 403 appointment of, authorized; clerical amstfor ixggmvement of, Sioux City to Fort 03 M b I snceéetc., for] .. . . 214 num . .. 4 . o i ization wions, rmy, for if)n&rovemc¤t of, at Vermilion, S. acceptance of lands donated for, authorized 623 b _.; bank revounent; local contri· 40% Mobley, Charles J., 1371 utums . union . . ... for ixroglovemengaf, at Sint Joseph, Mo.; Mgscrn ]{7_i'uiId£ngNa}d Loan Association, contri tion. 404 cwatr . . bridge Iagzkthorized scrum, Chamberlain, S. 58 Mrefxmgr of exsiéjg corpééagion tax ... 1494

. .. atwm crest, a .,

· Sheridmand Richland Counties, Mont- . 14, approlyriation for maintenance, etc., of. 459, 1147 _ _ 121, 510 Modoc oént Irrigation System, Oreg.. _ Wxlhstou, N. Dak .. 445 appropriation for maintenance, etc 1o0 Yankton County, Nebr ... 49 Jloegiu, Louis F., 1579 pwhmluary cX8·miDation, ctc., 0 , to be .011 ... - .. . . . made from Florence, Nebr., to Docs- Mg:12i1Pa_ford Company. _ _ tux, Nebr .. . . . 410 up mpmtion for reimbursing .. 304 ume eitended for bridging, Kansas City, 51 Mojgtt, Ellen (daughter), 1241 0 ... . .,,,, , _ 1 , ,,,,, , ,.,.. . . Missouri River Bridge Company, Mg};-Itsigzin D., may Missouri River, Williston, N. Mpeusionniucmased .. . .. 1222 ... 445 M' , , to a. Missouri River Tra*n:p0rtat1bn Com y, gppgpmugof for compensation in lieu of- - 278 may bridge Missouri River, Ricmd and Mov, George, M SI];1e M0ng,? ,,,____,, _ 510 Mpengiqn _..,,.. i ,,.., . .,,,,,,__,, 1595 isxouri 71 'ean ron om , kl eR' ,C., time extended fc(15_brid]§ix1g ver :?;;;l¤"I;;iad;1;e2or {Improvement of . 404 at 1ty, 0., y 511 M , Mitchell, 4ndrc·w, grtgggion for free entry of, after May 1, pensxou increased 1317 1916, repealed. 56