Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/954

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2116 INDEX. Roberts, William, ?¤¢•- Rock River, P¤¢¤- pensiou increased . . .. 1265 bridge authorized across, Fort Atkinson. Roberts, Ze_pha·mZah, Wis .. . .. 996 pension increased 1256 time extended for bridging, at Coloua Fer- Robzrtsem, Annie B., ry, Ill .. . .. 4 land patent to . . . 1336 Rockhall, Md., Robertson, Charles D., alias CharlcsD. Harris, acgigo riation for improvement of, harbor. 394 pension increased . ... 1573 R0 `llg Conn., Robertson, Felix R. apgropriztion for public building .. 268 pension increased 1402 de ciency appropriation for public build- Robertson, Mary H. 19 payment to of. 1$3 Rockwell, ohn, Robcrlszm, Philip E., pension increased . .., 1239 pension increased ... . 1231 Rocky Bngs Band of Chippewa Indiana, ew., Roberlaon, Sam1ulA., ont., pension increased . . . . 1546 appropriation for support, etc., of ... 139, 980 Robertson, William M., lands reserved for, etc., in abandoned Fon. ygnsiou increased . ... 1506 Assinmboine Reservation . . 739 R0 mon, Arthur, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colo., pension increased .. . .. 1333 appn·2:·L·•tiou for protection, etc ,,,..., 308 Robinson, Bmjamm F., boun `es changed; lands Added to .. 916 land patent to . .. 1322 Roddy, Calloway, Robinson, Charles, pension increased ..., 1570 pension increased ... . 1436 Roddy, Harry IF., Robinson, Edward, pension ,.. . . . 1594

$¤¤i0n ... . ... . . . 1594 Rader, Ellen G. (widow),

Ro mon, Emily N. (widow), pension ,...,...,,.,..,,,,_,,, 1274 mpsiou increased ... . .. . . 1509 Rodgers, Cyrau-u, , Emily 8. (widow), pemim mcn¤••ad.. . . 1350 peusionincreanad . ... 1507 ¤B•dg¢n,E:r¤, Robinson, Goorga S., ~ pandm iucnnad .. . . . .· .. 1422 pension increased ... . ... 1 1557 Rodgers, Thomas H., Robinson, Jacob G. pomim . . 1585 pension increased . ... 1238 Radley, John H., Robiman, James, pension increased ... . 1399 pension increased .. . . 1287 R0d¤>¢·i·rr, Aaron C., Robingan, Marian (widow), pension increased ... . 1480 pension increased .. . . 1551 Roe, .L>hn R., Robimmn, Smnuel, _ pension increuad .. . . 1435 deficiency appropriatiou for extra services. 822 Rogers, Ark. , Robinson, A arn£(u·£dmv), appro riatjtm fur public building .. 268 pension .. .. . . 1568 Rogers, IZ., Robinson, Sarah L. (widow), pension incmawd .. . . 1525 pension increased . . . . 1436 Rnqvrs, Edwin, Robinson, Snmn (widow), punniun invmuod ... . 1485 pmwion invroztmd. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . IZIO Rogan, Humilkm, Rm}, Annk E. (u·id<rw), pvmdou iucmand , ... 1313 pvuaiou incm&m<{...· HOW R¢>g,·n·n, Jumu, Rack Vrrrk Park, D. C., pension incmtncd . . .. { ... 1310 appropriation for can and impr<w•>- Rogers. Lcvina A. E. (wnkirnrd. ment,. . 623, 1021 pvmiem incmseed ... . . ... 1593 for parkway connecting Potomac Park Rxzfersville. Tam., and . .. 282 eficieury appropriation for public buildadditions authorized to parkway connect- ing ... . Rm ing Potomac Park and . 689 R Riva Indnkm War, Rod: Hill S. C'., Eeficieucv sppmpristicm fnr expenses . 825 terms of court at .. . ... . . . . 721 Rohder, Wiilmm, Rod: Island and Hmrg Qcwdiu, Ill. pension .. . ... 1581 time extended for ndging Bock kim at Roh:. E¢`len(u·ib1c), Colona Ferry by .. . 4 penginn ,_,,..,..,.,. . 1411 Rock Bland Arsenal, IW-. Roland. Elizabeth (m1&>u·>, appropriation for lugh service tank, etc. . . 283 penginn increased ...,... , ..,. 1547 for mad repairs; . . . 283 Raljis, Amelia Pagan dr ( u·nH0u·3. for toilet facilities, barracks building,. . 283 pengjon _,_,,.,,.,.,.. . ... 1576 for auto fire c·¤@e . . 283 Roll, Edmgrd C., for manuiacturing Held artillery ammu· pension inemmed . . .. 15Tl I\iHi0¤3 COHYYKCKE .,... ,. . 283 Rogln Jwhtw y_ for invrkgasing mpagity for iiehtartillery pengim muaséd _______ _ ________________ 1460 ve- `clm; store ouse, etc 283 . I. Ge GO fnr ice making piaut; power plant, etc., 284 R°H"'{* A{b‘m* ° m my rim"` M badges, W , 284 www ¤·¤~···¤* -·—~—— - ~———·-——-—·—·-·—— Im deiicieuvy appriygriarinu for addizinnu RGUMQ. James G., stomge fac` ities . . .,... S10 Ppnsmu ·····-···- · ···· · —·--······ ~ ··—···~ mw Rod Ivlimd. IH., Rolling, Joggi L., appropriation for (“·»u€ode·mu· ¤·¢·me¤~r;.·. . . 287 · pnngigm ,,,..,. . . n , 1577