Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1354

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1336 SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 124. 1919. M¤¤=h4» i919· CHAP. 124.-AnA Makin ' f h f h M`1i A d- [H‘R‘l5*6zl cmy for the Hscal yeareifilingJuIliea3ii)I?1l(9I2101?';li)cIio?b1ih§rSpl1g&)>(d{¢les(; t 6 1 tary ca [Public, N0. 347.] _ _ Be it emzcted_by the Senate and House of Representa,tivea of the United ,p’§},‘g*§,§,0¤‘Q°ad°my Sta(;tes1;>fAmertcd inh C'0#r};gre.s·.s· a.ssembled,d’I`hat thfe following sums blp, an the same are ere y, appropriate , out 0 any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Military _ Academy for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920: mf,f{}"°“°”*°S‘°b“sh‘ PAY or MILITARY Aoannm: Permanent establishment: For pay Pr¤f·sS<¤rS.¤t¤- of iveven prot}essors,h$2(§,600.$2 40 or pay 0 one c ap am, 0. For pay of the master of the sword, $3,000. §,’;§§§g_ For pay of cadets, $780,000: Provided That the pay of cadets for §ayé¤<=r;;¤¤ theiiiscal year endnlig June 30, 19t20,_shal1E beffixed alt; $780 pcgr annum .` " ’ an one ration per ay or commu ation there or at the rate o 68 cents 2%** 3% P- *°°· ger ration, to be paid from the appropriation for the subsistence of the rmy. E‘“’°¥’“Y‘°°m°°”· M£pr exgralpay of officers of the Army on detached seiwice at the ary ca emy: · _ For pay of one commandaznt of cadets (lieutenant colonel) in addition to pay as captain or major, $1,100. _ _ For pay 025116 pgp;-zssor of ordnance and science of gunnery (lieutenant co on m tion to ay as major, $500. _ For pay_of o$I§)grofe$or ofqaw (lieutenant colonel) in addition to pa as major . _ _ _ For a_y of imo professor of practical military engineering (lieutenant colonel;) m add1tion to payas major, $500. For pdaytof (tiwelve gspiisthirt pxt;pfe;4s¢§r(s0(captains) in addition to pa as an secon eu nan . For pay of three battalion cominaxiders (majors) in addition to pay as captains, $1 ,800._ _ _ O I or pay of one sen1or assistant mstructor of Artillery tactics (mnajor) In a;ld1tion to pay_as first heutenantfcg cszptain, $600. or ay o one semor assistant mstructor o av tacti ( ) in addition to pay as first lieutenant or captain, $650. cs maim- For pay of one senior assistant instructor of Coast Artillery tactics (major m addition to pay as iirst lieutenant or ca tain, $600. For pay of sixteen instructors of Cayalry Artillery (Field and Cogst), anidrlnziantrjl ta§g1;:?)0(captams) IH addition to pay as first an secon Ieu enan s, , . For pay of one adjutant in addition to his regular pay, $600. t For pay ofidope qpailpternggslger and gggémissary of cadets and reasurer In a 1 ion o is r ar pa , . For pay of one line officer on dut in quartermaster’s department at aca emy m addition to his regular pay, $400. For pay of one associate pro essor of mathematics (major) in addition to pay as captain, $600. _ For pay of one associate professor of modern languages (major) in addition to pay as captain, $600. 1 For pag; gggne constructing quartermaster in addition to his reguar ay, . Longevity. Iddr additional lpay of professors and omcers (and officers on increased rank) for egxiith o service, $12,000. ¤¤1i¤t¤¤¤=¤¤- For pay of the 'tary Academy Band,_iield musicians, general

service, Cayalry}; grtillery, ang engineer ditachments, and

e men on etac e service, an extra pay or enlisted men ` ld t : Ac¤<1emyB¤¤d. OHFEBCI; IdfyMilit Academ Band: On assistanlt lyeader $97;.17 Y 8 band Sergeant md Fifteen enlisted miisicians, at $51 each per month, $9,180. F ifteen enlisted musicians, at $44 each per month, $7.920.