Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1404

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INDEX. mjii Boards of;1`Tddé—·COI1tiDu8d. _ _ 1’¤8°· Bonds, United {States-Continued. 4 Pmregulauons g<;verntilpg_ deeialmlgs m deposit of reg1stered,_by réatrpnal bapka besancs a , au orrz , preven e ore commencing usmess, e c., re— practices .. 280 aled ._,. . . ,.,...,..,,, . 239 to prevent unfair manipulatio etc., of estate gfinheritance taxes ma be aid b . ni; P Yr wheat or flour at, authorize ... 1349 bearing interest above gmt per cent; stamp ta; on sales of produce for future _ conditions ,_,.. 1 .,...,..,.,... 505 delivery, at ... 1136 indian trust funds may be invested in 591 war revenue stamp tax on sales of produce, rssue of $5,000,000,000 three and one·half B C etc§ onjié ... 822 per cexglum, efior national defense, aca nga ay . _ etc., a o ° . ... 35 appropriatiori for iinprovement of channel exempt frcixm ailm taxes, except estate or _irom Tampa Bay to . 255, 907, 1.279 - inheritance -_- ._ 35 Boeuf Rwcr, Ark. and La., . no circulation privilege . . . . 35 Bapprgpgiatiin for improvement of. 257, 9(fl, 1281 ‘ ‘ uniT1ed_ Paggma Canal ignay be issued ogue am a. earing rcet terest .. .- 36 appropriation for improvement of . 256 authorized forpc ciliied ex nditures Bohmlaet Qreek, S. C., _ may be bearing 3} per cent ' masse pe preliminary exammauon, etc., of, to be 263 .. . 36 e ... . . orused c nav - Boise Idaho may e issued bearing appropriation for assay office at 782, 1236 s _ per cent interest,. . .‘.,. .. 36 Bows Imgatum Project, Idaho, mus o $63 $$.460 of 3} per cent, to appropriation for maintenance, etc . 148, 674 _ redeem maturing August 1, Jrresuictcgoinron <¤}¤¤¤i¤¤ ·--·~·----··- · - 674 cggigéé- · eil-.;;é&`·` ··--··- 36 ' embvuz amt , issue , aut o 288 a propriation for niaintenance, etc., of 986 amount in lieu of unisued bonds under Bolgvia Act of April 24 1917 ‘ 288 apprcipriation for minister to ... . . . . 519, 1326 Panama Canal'bi;nds..`...-QI . 288 Bol worm of potum, Pink, naval emergencybonds, .. . . 288 appropriatmn for emergency expenses, pre- bonds under Act of March 4 .1917..· · . 288 venting spread of ... 1006 imno authorizegigf g s ctc. aggregate no exc ‘ , , , . punishment for injuring vemels in foreign 221 addigronal l;1onds-.i;.1;&3. g commerce, etc., y. . . . ... m 1eu o umssu berty o . Bond: ‘ Panama Canal bonds ... . . .. . . 503 desiknated, subject to stamp tax . 1133 naval emergency bonds .. . .. 503 exemptiongmtléedgcral, foreign govern- 1133 _ Lorégts under Act ofMa1;ch 3, Hg? 503 ment c ... in r no exceeding our an oneirgiarnnity tg Pnited States ... iourtlglpergent. . Bl ... I ... ding an can association . rincip an paya e in go G0 mutual digzh or companies. 1133 atgigherbrpte than four per cent not couvernme t, tate munici etc. ex- vertr e . . 504 empri from war revenue stamp tar. . 319 issue authorized of fourth Bbw bonds, war revenue stamp tax on mdemmty, increasin§amountto$20, ,000 000. 844 surety, eu: . 321 sale band detiveryodof, by depositary ”‘;;;‘;;,°€££‘Z:€‘:_. ...,,,,._,_ lm me ..."‘u."§%2;‘d §{"ttn;‘i;;.;,;,;;.;;.;,: *"‘° Bonds, ece., Railway, » panics, etc., tocovormonthly differappropriation for securing infomation con- °¤°° °! default! °¤ P°h°\€9 °! NSW coming issues of . . . . 123, 649 gpmsovn; in military service 446 B°"d"’ Fam L°°"’ conditions on .etc. • 446 may bg v¤~¤=a¢<* by Smtav 0* me 4. issued Q,-use is meg;. amy, exempt mdemr°3”“r););°rg9g;;c{]g;g‘ 31 _ figom taxes when owned abroad . 845 rg Yi ~----· P? ---- - ---·--···--·--- 4 32 "‘“"“"€"°‘?$&“.2‘§‘”‘i"*'°°ri'°"°’§“* °“"· B°"d’» Fg'°*$” " 'i;‘; °b“8"‘i°°’ °f F°"°ig“ purcbasceoby Secreta:y°<;fut}11eI?f$ of 553 ove n , . _ . . ¤¤¤·<>¤¤v M v·¤¢h¤·•~d;¤¤·· ¤€ G¤{*g_§=· ?f§§£“i.iTi’?YYY.i’?T’$?. if?. 505 $°°”d”i$JZZ wl °'§%m£s°3 $04 824 12,12 ·v ¤>v¤=¤¤¤ fm ----------·-----—--— ‘- -· 5**5 B d of 1:;; ‘ '‘’ * ’ ’ ’ regulpatgtrg of dealings in, until two yeaus on r e Pmse · __ ~ gm; **1** °¤ -·-· ···············-- lg? B cash};a1;sFem_?;;c;er§r211LP? 3062 ar venue p n - md, ·,,,,,,, 0,.,,,,,,, · Bond-·. Raiirvad (M Securities, R¤i1r¤¤<i)· Wlgr Fii1anc<;Corp0mti<;¢i1nA§:1;(§T BQ'”d·?» $$°€k8» dc-, R'{'€l7'°¤d» provisions authorizing issue, etc., of/. . ·--- 509 nssues of, to be considered by not less than 30,,-,,, Tm-,) Maw five members of Interstate Com- _ appmprgatjon gm. public building ____ __ __ IOG mercc COIDHIISIOH ..,.. . .. . 211 Bmmgr County, Idaho, l Bonds, Z§nited_ §’ta§es (see also United States countycl cvimlgiissliiigiers of, may bridge 500 counties , ar or ‘vcr .- . " appropriation forrefund' two per cent. 119, 642 Bormets, Hoods, etc., P . . . , acceptance of liberty, rn eu of personal, excise tax on women’s and misses , etc., sureues, in Postal Service". . . 753 bought for use ... . . 1124