Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1417

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xlvi mnnx. Chaplain, _ Page Charhzlte, _M¢h., _ _ _ Paseappropriation for House of Represents- appropriation for public building .. 107 tives ________,,,,,_,,.. . 762,1217 Charlotte, N. C., _ _ for-_Senate , ..., 758, 1214 appropriation for public building,. ____,_ I , _ _ 107 Chafzamg, Army}; d d deficiency appjropnsuon for public build- 347 dit' 1*13,1 t ori e uring present emer- 1.11 , ren .. . ...·.·-· ·- -·--··-·-- a Kgenczrufromzsects not recognized in Clurrloue, K, _ present apportio1}nt§nE . . .. appropriation for unprovement of harboréég est ted t0citizens0 e ni tates - , aplpoirliisinents authorized; ratio to Army Charlottesville, Va., strength increased . . 561 terms of court at ... ...-··- 605 rank, pay, andallowagices .. @61 clerk’s of5ce_. . ._ .-. . .·.·--. 606

t to Ime regiments  _. . . 061 Charters, etc., Shrppmg,

q cations; age limitation for appomt- meaning of term_s used .. I . 913 f ment . . I . . . 561 powers vested m the President through 913 r nc in appointments, previous agencies Z - .. _ ... Pm B eseriice, etc., eliminated ... 72 to cease on terminauon of war with Ger- 913 Ch I , N 7: , man ... · ··-.. tl:;}nr(j§on:ary aaqiditional, allowed for war limited, extension permitted .. 913 Cha use;-vice. E, ...~- 85 withot\1;1};{;>3Qudice to priol; pozvgsgstc- . . 913 , enry . designs erimu vesse no - dgiigiencz appropriation for ... 476 tered without his approval . 913 Clmrgée d’ jfazres ad interim, operating, etc., without approval, rmappropriation for salaries .. 520, 1326 lawful . . . - 914 C’ha¤mbl;,;tc., pwpwaigls, 1076 unarghorized ehangesafter approval, un- 914 (BXCID OHIIDCOKIB ·- ·--·· ·····-· -··· ...- .. . ... . ...·..--. Cl¤77"i¢<¤§¢ Gifts, me _ _ _ freight rates, etc., of American vessels to be deducted from taxable income of ind1- dewymined by the President ,,. 914 _ viduals- . T . 330, 1068 to bg med with Shipping Board; z ... 914 Charitable Instztutwrw, charges, eww nogmmmyducg mth, im. admimions for benefit of, exempt from war ];w{u1__=_,_, , . . ,.,,. . .--· .,.. ;;.. . 914 mmmegyegg-Q ·--·---··-·---····· 1%* priority 9* ¤s,Lgs·’¤*s¤¤¤¤· ¤*¢-· my be 91, Charities aygd_Cor·rect·im•s, D. C., _ _. 5 exwuqrol rr ofrpoviirions to foreign vemels appropriation for Bomd of Chsrgtxes- .: -. 944 chartered by citizens ... _ 914 or rieigrmatones and COIIQCUODSI ·1¤B(·r 944 mleg, gféc., forgrlrstecegron from submarmes, 914 10118 ... · ··-· · ·~··-·~-·· - e c., 8.11 1'1z §or mhiedgcal -------·····-· allowahrgce in tgsetermining freight and 914 or c OBJ'!-Di HIS DB ---·-·· - -··-· rber ra. . . got temporopgly l§(1;1§8-- .1; .-·--- · -··--·--- exclfision oi veiells from danger zones . . 913 or inumcl ging 00% -·-·-······ violations 0 , un .. 1· io! i¤gi€el¥$ti1?¤&¤€ ·--··--·~······-····· confideritgal orders mai/able issued; effec; 914 MIG 69 _¢P0<>1' ···----·-·~-·-··—·--· charterso oreignvesse ycitizenssu fo1’ hxulggcftlug PGIIPGIB ..-·- - · -··-···-· 949 ject to apgmvgl, gte ,,,,,,._,,,,,., 914 C wo; ouso wi roformstvrv —--·—---·· 949 Baking unauthor-ized, orc., ungwgl 914 on. owa _ u tc_ agm , - epproriristioir for public b¤i1<ii¤z ···~·-·· 107 E . .Z .. ... 915 CT; ‘,i,°;§z;i£$."2?,; obuo bm., 107 m*·,m·g,2¤,*;:;P;;"**i MMOM ,,5 -······· or e e service Ch:ri£:¤2`i)i;ir66¤”i¤rI£1:16bH¢b¤¤1d¤s' ‘ or °";‘5’€iil£w‘L%”§'E.‘}f;?i*o°§,“£o”°.ooo”°"$,?‘ S}? Chwizstm, Ill-. , _ _ _ payment for loss or damage .. 915 Chagyropriagoz for public bullding . - · · 101 . spit iidamoum; ugzatgigfnctory ,_,,,_,,,, 915 appropriationilor improvement of harbor pmmy 0 d 1,;,; Md basen- PP Poo mu.! oo ooo mg V ··· rrr ·* me- ,, C ...····-•- ·---· ·· y efc_______________________________ 5 for quarantine station. .. 636 barges _ to be Omed ______ 91 for naval min], public works 723 m¥,€;},_§th0dzé,£t$,5l8wfu]??f _________ ·_ _ _ mg for navy . c<>¤¤¢¤¤c¤¤¤ of dry dock. _ requisition, control, ooo., or dry docks and for B ··--• iv- -·-- I; 72° rgcher shipping facxiitiesi authorizfd. 315 . were <>¤¤¤¤, equgpvpon an t¢8H¤1B8_ s. . 16 iorizi¤Iiig$;1:¤le‘¤iiu<ii:rn;1tervs$:t6•17in§eh 9* *“”’,‘:;:‘¢,'if?fi?I‘§Y.%‘.?i'i?E‘¥‘f.“““"‘°‘“° . J 916 Bev f¤>¤¤- - - , ---—----·-- · --···--- 1278 immedmte possession to be moo ... sie balance oi appropriation for navyyard, cov- Surg, Bmw mpcrty, excluded _________ 916 ered m ··--···-··-···-·-··-- · ·-·-- 1174 jurisdiction of district courts and Coun of preliminary ·>¤¤¤i¤¤6<>¤. ow, io be we 9 cxoams in one , 916 .,,,::,h::.b;1,*&g,£z°s€.;$99e; ····· os ve=e¤~, ,;e,,m»,r rs Charlcroirrz ahh., _ _ ${1;;; __________________ ___________ 916 appropnauon for improvement of harbor. . 2o8, recelpw hom, to gousmute ,,_ scpmm 909, 1283 _ fund; use specified: ... 916 Charlotte {Tarbor, Fly., , { mland navigation not subyect hereto .. 916 appropriation for improvement of.. 255,906, 1279 punishment for unlawful sets, violations, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be , etc ... , ... , ..,.,,,,,, , 916 made .. . .. *264 Q in Canal Zone ,,________ _ _____________ _ 916