Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1427

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lvl xmmx. Colleges, etc.—Co¤tinued. Pm- Colurnibhg Riv¢r—C0ptiqued. _ P¤8°· deficiency appropriation for OIQDSIICG prel1mma.ryexg.m1muo¤s,e¢c., from W11laequipment for, having m11ita.ry matte RIVSI to Vancouver, Wash". 265 traimug; war cxpeusm . 198 to Portland, Oreg 265 balances of appropriations for ordnance of uppeg ... _ ... _ . 265 sup lies or, 1917, 1918, 1919, cov- C0lumb•a]?zperQzmrgm¢g1eStat•qn, grgyfin __,,,_,,_,_, , , ,& ...,... 1171 approgmugn for hghting eqmpment, ctc. 113 mili ui men Arm etails, etc., 0I' Oatding VBSBGL .-.·--·-··---··---- ‘l13 urt)<;,‘:>qth§· tbantmwitb ngnits of Reserve C0lumb€a,_S._ C'., _ _ _ · Officerd Tmiuiug Corps, during aippropnauon for public buxlding . . . . 107 pyggut wir". . .. ... .. 532 C0 'll/IIbb1L8L0b\b, _ _ _ Colgqnbia, · appropnataon for public bmlding . - - - 107 a pmpriation for minister to ... 519, 1326 or care of Confederate cemetery, Camp (,'a£mdo, and cl ks C I dk .-.- · ·--··.. 131,656 appropristion for surveyor n , er , o v' mcg, ., PP potc . . 7 98, 1251 approprgation for support, ctc., of Indians Colorado Natnbvugl Forest, Cob., tc f 986 d H _ at .. ni gt 587 a pmprk tion or maintenance, e ., 0 e Cl6llCy_$pp1’0p1'12 n or suppo , e ., Colgmdo River, Ariz., _ Inqmns at. .. .: ... 32 appropriation for maintenance of levee on Colmlle Ivgduyn Reservatwn, Wash., _ _ Gila. River at jnmction with . 1284 appmprmuou for Stranger Marsh 1.mga.- Cahn-ado River Indian Resmmtizgn, 568 d H _ tion project.: . ..f . : . 562 a riatiou for mm.1, etc., orxmga mu. e cmncy a propna. on orsurveying an pg)lL0P1I'l’ig2.'CiHg additional lands; plans for _ allotuggg reimbmsaible 840 a. complete system . ... 568 txme extend for paying xnsfgxllments due Colorama, for cegled lands of; limxt . _ ... 44 9 appropriation for developing standards of, advance mherest md spplicstum rcetc., for industrial use .. 807, 991, 1259 quirgd . 450 Colored Women and Children, D. C'., National camccllauou of entry, etc., for nonpsy- Homefor, _ _ _ _ metyt .. . .. 450 a. propriatiou for cue of cluldren m .. 948 C'0l·v1lle Natqmal Forest: Wash., Colgmbsa Hospital for Women, D. C'., appro mon-for maintenance, ctc., of... 986 appmpriation for repairs, heating, etc . 32 Cornanx, eg., Ir;d•]ma, Ohh., fm ctgencmlre ,etc . 7 appmprm.' `on or agency expenses m im- can of inmt_patzien¤...- _ . . 946 tribal funds ... . 577 deficiency appropriztum for mrc of md1- for supplgrt, etc., of, fmm tribal funds... 577 gem: patients ... 8 Ccmamxhe, gx., _ _ _ Columbia Institutionfor the Dea_/Q D. 0., appropriauon for public building . . . - 107 appmpriaigiou for maintemuce .. ggg Commm>e,_ ti f ting orrepsus . ... , a. ro na. on or expenses, regula number of bemziciarias from Stakes, PP Ignterstate, etc 123,649 ctc., increased _ . 680 for expenses enforcing laws regulating for printing otlige oqmpment; . . - . - 153 interstate ... 156, 682 for expenses of mstrqcuon _ ... T . . 937 Commerce and Navigation (au also Shipping deécieucy appropriatmn for mstructmn Act, 1916), expenses . _ . 7 coastwise trade restrictions on vemels of {or women’s dormitory, etc . . 373, 491 ioreign registry may be suspended for maintenance .. . . .. 491 during present wu:. ... 392 Columbia National Forgst, Wash., permits tetxuimd; limitations, etc .. 392 s pmpriation for maxntemuce, etc., oi. . . 986 not applica. le to Alaska 392 Colgmbta Polytedmk Imtdutc for the Blmd, shipping charters, facilities, etc., subject D. Q'., _ to regulations by the President 913 Qppmpriatnon for and to ... 948 statistics in annual report, to be for calen- Co umbnu River, dar car ... 1055 gppmpriation for imK§ovement of Cascades Cmmrmu, Fgreign, and Dalles-Ce .. 260 advances authorized to persons, etc., to for improvement of, eigc., Cehlc Falls to assist in promoting, by exports of mouth of Smke RIVET . . 260 domestic products .. 1313 fc! improvement cf, below Vancouver, provisions to promote export trade . . . 516 _Wa¤h . . ... . 260, 910, 1285 Cmnmeru, Fcrmgn and Damemb, for improvement of mouth of 260, 910, 1285 appropriation for promoting and develop~ iurixgprovemznt of, Wenatchee to Kettle ing ... . . 804, 1256

      26Q, 910, 128.5 Cmmrwru, In¢erst?t:1an·¢§Fo{cign,tc

sgreemen weeu egon an asbmg— investigation 0 eve opmg, e ., navxga-' um for regqlxtion, etc., of fish iu, HOD megan of .. 269 and tributanes, consented to .. . 515 time extend for report from joint com- Federal jurisdiction not affected ... 515 mittee on .. , , , , 377 bridge authorized acrom, at Chaim Falls, Commerce, Joint Committee on, Wash . . Z - . ._ ... 1185 unused balance for, continued 696

 exnmumtmn, etc., to be made Commerce, Tgc., _

of ydens Slougn . . . 265 appropriatmn for public building .,,,,, 107 to secure 35-foot dep below Portland. . 265 Commercial Auudaéa, of shép channel, Pomt Adams to Tongue appro riagiou foraalariesmd expenses. . $4, 1256 uint .. 265 sgdiuonal post allowances 804